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The Spirit Mark division of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, although also the Spirit Mark division, has a different as heaven and earth from the Spirit Mark division of ordinary.

Unlike Situ Yang, an indigenous Spirit Mark teacher, Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s Spirit Mark teacher was never recruited from outside, but cultivated by themselves.

All Spirit Mark techniques, all inheritance of God World!

Not bad!

It was 100 10,000 years ago, after God and Demon Great War, the Spirit Mark technique of God World disappeared.

Just as the inverse Divine Dao has descendants of the demons, there is a special existence in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, they are descendants of God World.

These people, in the God and Demon Great War, did not stand on the first line of the war, but on the second line, or even the 2rd line, so, in the end, they escaped the disaster and left a trace of bloodline.

Although neither of them is a Spirit Mark division of the combat department, how to say it is also a Spirit Mark division inherited from God World, should not be taken lightly.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, Yellow Springs Road your battle strength, I have already learned, you think, I will make the same mistake again !?”

In the laughter of Heavenly Candidate Emperor, with a trace of sadism and pride, he had n’t waited for his words to fall to the ground. In the hands of the Spirit Mark teacher, Jade Talisman rose into the sky and turned into a dazzling golden light, like the sun light 10000 said, people dare not look directly.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light began to condense, evolving into an extremely large golden bridge, connecting the void.

The golden bridge is wide and at least has hundred zhang. Although the bridge body is still extremely vague, the shape is basically formed.

Above the bridge, various ancient Spirit Marks and spells flashed up and down, and all around Heaven and Earth Spirit Power came together frantically.

An imposing manner that was extremely oppressive and dignified, moved towards Chu Yan enveloped him, so that his mind was tight.

This bridge, it seems, is extremely Green Ancient Hengyuan, across the void, like a head connected to Mortal World, and the other end connected to 10000 ancient permanent.

“This is … positioning the Space-Time channel !?”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil swept across, and suddenly felt a familiar and strange feeling. This golden cross bridge, similar to the positioning transient used by Situ Yang, is very similar.

However, Chu Yan remembered that Situ Yang ’s positional movement could only be within 10 li, and the one in front of him was obviously not.


Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, which was constantly gathering on the Golden Bridge, seemed to reach a limit and exploded.

As this piece of Heaven and Earth Spirit Power broke out, 10000 rays of light appeared on the entire Golden Bridge, and the channels on the bridge continued to shine.

Almost at the same time, a tall silhouette suddenly appeared above the 10000-year-old bridge end.

thump! thump! thump!

A footstep sounded, stepping on the golden bridge, but resounded through Heaven and Earth. The huge golden bridge was trembling, and the glow of all around was surging.

The tall silhouette appeared on the Golden Bridge, but it was a person, holding a long blade, full body armor, and a stiff, powerful existence.

Spirit Mark and Charm are flashing all over the body, which looks like a yin puppet, but the aura on his body is completely different.

The mysterious aura surging out of the body alone can sense that the cultivation base of this golden armor warrior is definitely not lower than the 3rd Layer of Holy Emperor Realm!

“This is … St. God will!”

Ouyang Nantian’s pupils shrank slightly, and as he spoke, Chu Yan’s face was swept with surprise.

Others do n’t know, but Ouyang Nantian, the Emperor of Southern God, has participated in Antiquity God and Demon Great War and is familiar with the “Holy Heaven Golden General”.

This was the main battle strength of God World at that time. The soldiers who guarded the gates of God World were of amazing strength. Later, God World was lost and many corpse of the gods were lost.

In the end, all of them were refined into Saint Godly by Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

In the following 100,000 years, Saint Heavenly Pavilion dispatched Saint God more than once to destroy the enemies of Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

Faced with these powerful and terrifying existences, no powerhouse can match it, and it is hard to escape.

“St. God will !?”

Chu Yan, who was standing next to Ouyang Nantian, looked at this one tall silhouette, continually moving across the Golden Bridge, with a stunned expression on his face.

didn’t expect, Saint Heavenly Pavilion has this kind of hole card, never seen it before, and never heard of it.

“Boy, you sinner, you seem to have escalated again. Saint Heavenly Pavilion even sent a” St. God “to deal with you, great face ah!”

Ouyang Nantian turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan with a laugh on his face.

At this time, he followed Chu Yan’s history, mainly to protect Chu Yan’s security, the target object, of course, is Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

In particular, after confirming that Chu Yan has subdued Heavenly Sword, Chu Yan’s importance in the reverse Divine Dao has been endlessly promoted, and there must be no slippage.

What just made Ouyang Nantian didn’t expect is that at this point, it seems that even Saint Heavenly Pavilion has discovered that the method of ruling Chu Yan has been promoted to the dispatch of “St. God”!

You know, at least you must be a master of the Dao Palace, or a sinner above the 5th Layer of Saint Emperor Realm, before Saint Heavenly Pavilion will dispatch Saint God.

The severed blade sheath in the left hand began to tremble slightly, and the imposing manner of Ouyang Nantian’s body continued to improve.

In the face of St. God, Ouyang Nantian has never shot the severely blade, and finally seems to be out of the sheath.

Before, when encountering 2 waves of enemies who wanted to rob Chu Yan, Ouyang Nantian was chopped with a hand knife, and this time, it seems that he will use the heavenly blade!

However, without waiting for his blade to come out of the sheath, a thunder exploded above the golden bridge in the distance.

thump! thump! thump!

As if in the sky, a path of dull thunder sounded, the golden bridge trembled again, and the glow of the sky raged.

However, this time it appeared, it was no longer a silhouette, but two, two long blade golden armor exactly the same as the previous “St. God will” appeared on the Golden Bridge.

Before walking, the pace was exactly the same, and even the tremor of the golden armor on the body kept the same frequency.

The solemn killing aura on them, with a strong bloody smell, is obviously an aura only possessed by the soldiers who have experienced countless slaveters and come out of the blood sea corpse mountain.

Martial Artist is very strong, but after becoming a warrior, Martial Artist is … terrifying!

And now, this kind of Martial Artist standing in front of Chu Yan, Saint God will have 3 respects!

“Boy, did you plan the ancestral tomb of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, or did they blow up their Holy Mountain …?”

Ouyang Nantian glanced over the 3 god gods in front of his eyes, his eyes slightly twitched twice, turned his head towards towards the Yan Yan, a look of constipation.

Dealing with a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse and dispatching Saint God Emperor is extremely exaggerated.

But now, Saint Heavenly Pavilion has sent a total of three Saint God generals to chase Chu Yan, the meaning of this matter has completely changed.


Chu Yan’s face was dull and his doubts deeper than Ouyang Nantian.

From beginning to end, it seems that he killed a non-discipline of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and shattered an Avatar of a forest animal husbandry. It seemed that there was no life and death feud between him and Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Even at Yellow Springs Road, in front of countless people, he fought against the 2 Great Saint Emperor of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, but he also fled and Saint Heavenly Pavilion won.

“Is it because they killed Yin Tianquan !? They found out !?”

Chu Yan flashed a look of shock in his eyes, killing Yin Tianquan himself, but in the Danger Land of the Yellow Springs, there was no clue and aura left. Saint Heavenly Pavilion impossible found it right.

“Ready to fight!”

In Ouyang Nan’s Heavenly Eye, two bright glows emerged and opened the mouth and said softly.

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