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On the Golden Bridge, three St. God generals came out at one time, plus Heaven Remnant Saint and the Saint Heavenly Pavilion Spirit Mark division, a total of five Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse.

This lineup can be called absolute luxury.

In the past 100,000 years, the ruling team dispatched against the Saint Heavenly Pavilion enemies is the most powerful one.

Of course, Ouyang Nantian knows that Chu Yan is the “God Sinner” in Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

However, the culprit is a list released by Saint Heavenly Pavilion, not just a certain person.

On this list, there are no fewer than 10000 individuals and forces on it.

Anything that threatens Saint Heavenly Pavilion, or may threaten Saint Heavenly Pavilion, will be included.

In this regard, Saint Heavenly Pavilion has been adhering to the principle of killing by mistake rather than letting go.

Therefore, for 100,000 years, the number of individuals and forces that died under the ruling of Saint Heavenly Pavilion is extremely large. Among them, the bones of unjust death can be piled into a mountain.

This, of course, Ouyang Nantian, who is the inverse Divine Dao, is of course clear.

Moreover, he is also a “sinner”, but Saint Heavenly Pavilion has no strength to chase him.

Now, all the emperors in front of him came to Chu Yan! ?

“so far so good….”

Ouyang Nantian looked from the 3 great gods, 2 Great Saint emperors, one after another swept away, held back for a long time, and finally opened the mouth and said.

“Fortunately, this time, the recovery is good, 3 Holy Heavenly teenagers, barely able to deal with it!”

The mouth said, but Ouyang Nantian’s face, a touch of excitement, appeared, and his mouth was a little crooked.

Like Chu Yan, Ouyang Nantian is certainly excited about being able to fight a game.

After all, the little hair thieves who were in trouble with Chu Yan in the front, and Monster Emperor of Ox-Head Mountain, made him unable to lift him.

“Boy, you stabbed him, you want to kill you batch after batch …”

Ouyang Nantian chuckled and looked at Chu Yan, all in his speech was meant to be ridiculed.

“I don’t seem to be doing anything, this Saint Heavenly Pavilion is really worth it …”

Chu Yan was embarrassed all over his face. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Before a word was finished, a Xia Guang burst above the Golden Bridge.

“What !? And …”

A mighty divine emperor’s prestige, rushing all directions, majestic, like a tide, almost just appeared, and suppressed all three auras.

A silhouette with a strong killing intent released all over his body, walked down from the Golden Bridge, his eyes stared at Chu Yan with a sneer.

“Pay respects to holy old!”

“Pay respects to holy old!”

Emperor Tiancan and Spirit Mark teacher saw the big guy appear and bowed to pay respects to.

“Holy … Holy old !?” Chu Yan froze.

“Ghost … Ghost Bone Saint Emperor !?” Ouyang Nantian started.

Just one sentence has not spoken yet. On the Saint Heavenly Pavilion side, there is another powerhouse gangster who is still the holy old man of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

What is Saint Lao, it is the real core management of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

However, to put it bluntly, it is similar to Elder of other Sect forces. Saint Heavenly Pavilion is collectively known as Saint Lao to show its status.

However, the holy old man of Saint Heavenly Pavilion rarely shot. He had never even heard of it. The holy old man personally led the team and participated in the hunt for the godsman.

Even if it was Ouyang Nantian, it was the first time I heard about it.

Moreover, this holy old man is also an acquaintance that Ouyang Nantian knew.

I originally thought that Saint Heavenly Pavilion sent a lineup of 5 Saint emperors, which is already super luxurious, but didn’t expect, and even sent a Saint Old!

This Chu Yan, this offends Saint Heavenly Pavilion to death! ?

At this moment, standing in front of Chu Yan and Ouyang Nantian, there are 3 Saint God generals, 2 Saint emperors, and one Saint old man.

Adding up, there are a full of 6 powerhouses above the Holy Emperor Realm. This lineup, not to mention the killing of a god sinner, is to launch a Sect battle, which is more than enough.

The excitement on Ouyang Nantian’s face became more and more intense. The imposing manner of his body kept rising, and his illusory shadow-like body slowly appeared in the sky.

Stepping out, Ouyang Nantian stood directly in front of Chu Yan, blocking it behind him, imposing manner all over his body, constantly rising.

The aura on his body is like a rushing to God light, shining on the sky and the earth, 10000 things between Heaven and Earth, under this aura’s surge, it instantly stagnate.

When hidden in the void, even the Holy Emperor and Holy Old Man across from him did not find it.

When he showed up, he instantly became the ruler of Heaven and Earth on this side, and the entire Heavenly Dream Forest was trembling.

Emperor God, the true body is coming!

“Wh … what !? You … you are the Southern God Emperor !?”

There are 3 ghost bone Saint Lao and Heavenly Candidate Emperor, their faces change at the same time, even if they stand next to them, like the three princesses of God, they all look Qiqi towards Ouyang Nantian, their eyes flashing.

“How is this possible !? Emperor God God is still … alive !?”

On the face of Ghost Bone Saint Old, there was the proud and aloof and remote just now, a pair of eyeballs full of fright, staring at Ouyang Nantian as if he had seen a ghost.

How could he didn’t expect, when Antiquity God and Demon Great War, Emperor Nan God, who had already been lost, was still alive! ?

Moreover, he … he even followed this Chu Yan! ?

Seeing how he blocked Chu Yan behind, it was obviously protecting Chu Yan.

“Hehe, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, yes! Not bad! I haven’t seen your blood in a long time. I can get a few knives today!”

Ouyang Nantian’s face was not only excited, but also a trace of madness. It seemed to find a trace of Antiquity God and Demon Great War. The whole face was glorious.

After all, Ten Directions Star Domain has been silent for so many years, and battles with such specifications rarely happen.

Even, Ouyang Nantian thought, because of the upcoming battle, it will directly cause a decisive battle against Divine Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, which will break out in advance.

With a big wave, Blade Qi soared into the sky like a volcanic eruption, soaring the sky and covering the earth, countless blade light, rushing to the sky, densely packed, and completely enveloping the whole piece of Heaven and Earth.

This is a piece, with a knife forest of dead aura, slowly descending from the air.


Holy old man looked up and looked towards the sky, where there was still a trace of blue sky and white clouds. In his eyes, it was all the sky composed of blade light and Blade Qi.

In an instant, the entire face was green, the pupils were trembling, and Divine Soul was shaking.

Blade Qi locks the sky!

Such a terrifying power can only be exerted by the Divine Powerhouse!

“Can’t retreat! Everyone, take action together, fight with him!”

Ghost Bone Sheng Lao was scared, but kept a trace and soberness and calm. Under a scream, the whole body of Sheng Wei broke out directly.

He knew very well that in this case, escaping is faster than fighting and dies faster!

“Fighting world!”

The first shot was to stand there, like a stone statue of 3 Zunnan God generals. In the face of a sudden crisis, the soldier’s reaction speed is obviously much faster than that of Martial Artist.

3 rounds of purple light masses, rising into the sky, colliding in the air, evenly forming the finished fonts, releasing dazzling rays of light.


The Emperor Tiancan and the Spirit Mark teacher, with their faces covered with grief, swollen blue muscles, simultaneously attacked the holy technique, and fiercely exploded.

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