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shua! shua! shua!

The 3 Saint Gods, like 3 hills, directly block Ouyang Nantian and Sheng Lao.

As the god puppets of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, they have the responsibility of protection, but they are only aimed at Saint Heavenly Pavilion and above, and members of Saint Heavenly Pavilion of ordinary are not in their sight.

Therefore, when Ouyang Nantian used the sword to kill Heavenly Candidate Saint Emperor and Spirit Master, the three Saint Gods would not even blink.

But now, the blade of the magic knife is pointing at Saint Lao, and the situation is completely different.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 Lord God, on the long blade in his hand, the purple light exploded like three purple Star Rivers, pulling out three long Star River tracks in the sky, moved towards Ouyang Nantian.

“hmph! ”

Seeing these 3 Saint God generals, Ouyang Nantian’s gaze was instantly cold, and he seemed to have thought of something. The magic blade in his hand turned around and slashed out.

This blade, from bottom to top, resembles an explosive roar of the earth, to split the sky directly.

The first purple Star River hit, not even a small splash of water splashed, the entire purple Star River rushed to pieces, including the purple long blade in the hands of the first Holy Heaven Battle General, bursting in an instant, like countless purple stars And sway across the sky.

Magic Blade Blade Qi, not at all ended, like a wave of water, fuse with the void, just a flash, spanning 10000 steps, fiercely split on the golden armor body of the first Saint God.

Ka cha !

With a crunch, as if chopping a boulder, or a piece of metal, St. God’s body split a huge slit, extending from the neck to the calf.

It seems that a stone sculpture was hit by gravity and began to crack.

When that Saint God would, with his face full of doubts, looked down towards his body, the original crack was blown up again, bursting into countless small cracks, like a spider web, spread all over the body.


In the next breath, the Holy God would collapse the whole body into a pile of stones in a bang, and roll down to the ground in all directions in 4 directions.

This is one Saint God will spend 10000 years in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, using the corpse of the Antiquity Divine Race warrior. It is one of the strongest puppets in the world today.

The strength of each respect has reached the 3rd Layer of Holy Emperor Realm, and their Divine Race spirit array within the body can allow them to continuously improve their cultivation base and realm.

Like the Martial Artist in ordinary, through the battle and resources, has been broken to the Holy Emperor Peak.

This kind of Saint God will be amazingly valuable. In Ten Directions Star Domain, even if all the wealth of a 3rd-class Sect is added, it is not enough for one leg.

Now, just like this, the arm was slagged, and all Holy Qi Spirit Qi, from the pile of broken corpses, spilled out, as if smoking a special kind of smoke.

“Yi!? Spirit Qi Spirit Qi !?”

Ouyang Nantian’s knife-shaking hand trembles, fiercely waved, and Blade Qi passed by, all the scattered purple smoke rolled over and opened his mouth to suck.

A large number of Purple Holy Spirit Spirit Qi, all swallowed by Ouyang Nantian, swayed downstream of Divine Soul within the body in his half illusory shadow, and soon disappeared by fusion.

The next moment, Ouyang Nantian’s Divine Soul body, actually became a solid point, obviously improved.

“Ha ha ha… .didn’t expect, and unexpected harvest!”

There was a little more surprise on Ouyang Nantian’s face, and he turned around immediately, looking towards the remaining 2 Saint God generals, with the fine flash of both eyes flashing.

“Chop! Chop!”

One word at a time, one step at a time, the remaining 2 gods will not have any resistance at all, and they will be crushed by 2 blade glow and split into a piece of rubble.

2 shares of Holy Qi Spirit Qi were swallowed by Ouyang Nantian, and the Divine Soul body solidified, bringing a sense of rebirth, which made Ouyang Nantian comfortable eyes slightly narrowed.

Not far away, Saint Lao’s eyes were completely straight, and he looked at him with a twitching face, a piece of corpse and god will break.

How long has it been since the battle started less than ten breaths, 2 dead and 3 broken!

Such a battle, without any suspense, simply is a slaughter!

“Asshole! Damn it! That Chu Yan, how could the Southern God Emperor follow, this is simply a trap!”

Saint Lao’s heart was shaking, his liver was shaking, looking not far away, Ouyang Nantian merged with Holy Qi Spirit Qi, tempering Divine Soul body, his whole scalp was numb, and his eyes were all bloodshot.

“Holy Seal, now!”

In the forehead position, a group of golden light cracked, just like Saint Fore’s forehead position, with 3rd eyes, suddenly opened, shooting 10000 golden lights.

These golden lights, put together, at the top 10 steps of the old man, condensed into a golden portal, trembling constantly.

This golden portal, only one person tall, looks like the door of an ordinary house, about the same size.

However, seeing this golden portal appear, Ouyang Nantian’s face suddenly changed.

“Want to go!?”

This golden portal is a hole card that all Saints and seniors of Saint Heavenly Pavilion have.

In other words, it is Saint Heavenly Pavilion as God World spokesperson who gets the most benefit.

On the Holy Mountain of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the golden giant tablet is a gift from God World. Every high-rise Saint Heavenly Pavilion who left a name in front of the holy monument will be on the forehead to awaken such a Spirit Seal.

This Spirit Seal opens the golden portal and directly connects to the Holy Mountain gold monument. In one step, it is 100000000 10,000 li. Different continent and plane can also be directly teleported.

Moreover, they can also be sheltered by divine power.


Ouyang Nantian won’t let any one of Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s because he knows that in the last great decisive battle against Divine Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Saint Heavenly Pavilion was destroyed, but their high-level leaders escaped most of them. .

It’s all because of this golden portal!

Therefore, Ouyang Nantian must take action as soon as possible, and must not let ghost bone Saint Lao escape.

The blade glow is too empty, just like a lightning, with a blade that destroys everything, and slashes to the golden portal.

However, at the moment when blade glow is about to cut the golden portal, a dazzling white light comes out of the golden portal.

These white lights, like a stream of water, like a white cloud, drifting past, in front of several people, condensed into a silhouette.

This is a white skirt woman, covered with a touch of white light, aura flooded, letting the slaughter aura on the scene disappear instantly and completely.

It seems that God’s pure world, all violent and negative forces, with the appearance of women in white clothes, all turned into nothingness.

Including Ouyang Nantian’s stunning sword, it also dissipated in the white light and returned to peace.

“So familiar!”

white clothes A woman’s face, with rays of light, even if she stared straight at her eyes, she couldn’t see her face at all.

A whisper, like Sound of Heavenly Music, sounded in Chu Yan’s ears, making his original battle intent like a tide of heart, the blood boiling in his body, and instantly lost his strength.

This person, this feeling, gave him an instinct not to dare to desecrate.

“Nantian, long time no see!” The woman chuckled lightly.

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