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white clothes look like snow, look like old!

The person is still that person, the place is still that place, but the love is no longer there, the end of the world!

Ouyang Nantian didn’t say a word, but just looked at each other quietly, a pair of eyes, without a trace of fluctuation, like a stone carving.

Even if the old man of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a silhouette like a lightning, rushed into the golden portal and disappeared, Ouyang Nantian was completely indifferent.

Lips tremble slightly, want to open, say something, but …

It’s too heavy, so deep that even if it is a cultivation base, the Southern God Emperor of Martial Dao Demi-God can’t do it.

Finally, still silent!

1,000,000 year!

For 1,000,000 years, Yin-Yang was separated, and the 2 people in life and death had reunited in the old place!

He, the same one, with a broken knife and a white robe!

And she is no longer the original one. She lives in Divine Realm and is named Emperor Xuantian!

One life, one death, one Heaven, one Earth …


Chu Yan stood there with his eyes on the faces of the two people, glancing back and forth. Due to this strange and extreme atmosphere, the suppressed Divine Soul was a little stagnant, just opened his mouth, ready to say …

“It turns out to be you …”

The eyes of the woman in white clothes suddenly turned around because of the sound of Chu Yan. Fiercely seemed to have a killing intent in his eyes.

“Yes, it is him!”

Almost at the same time as the woman in white clothes, Ouyang Nantian woke up, stepped out, and stood in front of Chu Yan again, blocking him behind, with a pair of eyes looking directly at the opposite woman, still no trace of waves.

The sight is blocked, the woman in white clothes looks up, looked towards Ouyang Nantian, the pupil light keeps changing, various emotions appear, biting the red lips, finally looking cold, opened the mouth and said

“He is … a sinner!”

This low voice, with doubts and persuasion, seemed to be with a trace of hope.

“So what !? Am I … not too!”

The answering voice, but without a touch of emotion, is as cold as iron, sinking to the ground, without any sinking and floating.

Only a few sentences from the beginning of the conversation to the end of the conversation make the atmosphere between the two become strange again.

The silence that replaced it made the void around all become heavy and depressed.

Standing not far away, Chu Yan, who first broke the silence, no longer dared to speak at this time, also standing quietly, watching these 2 people.

In other words, looking at a passage spanning millions of years, when facing each other, it is silent.

white clothes Women’s eyes are like ice, Ouyang Nantian’s eyes are like water.

Ice cannot freeze water, nor can water melt ice. No one can break this deadlock. Only silence and time have never changed.

Can time really change everything! ?

Chu Yan looked at the two people and gently took the head. At least, Chu Yan knew that time had no effect on the two people in front of him.

In the ancient tomb of Stygian, above the murals, white clothes and white robe Shuangjia, now standing in front of them, but things have remained the same, but people have changed, they are no longer the original.

“Today, let you go!”

White clothes The woman was stared at Ouyang Nantian’s eyes with a bit of heartlessness and breathlessness, her breathing was slightly rapid, her eyes swept, and she took a look at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Really ?! Many thanks!”

The corner of Ouyang Nantian’s mouth was light and smiled, and the water-like pupil light slowly disappeared. Instead, it was a killing intent.

“I want to take these corpse!”

In a word, the slender hand lightly spreads out a piece of sacred white light, which shrouds two Saint corpse on the ground.

Saint emperor corpse, although unable to be refined into Saint God general, is also a good material for making puppets.

In Ten Directions Star Domain, even in Divine Realm, the corpse of the powerhouse of Saint Emperor Realm is extremely precious, and Empress Xuantian does not want to go back empty-handed.

However, without waiting for her white light, she collected 2 Saint Emperor corpse, the other’s white robe was male, and waved at the same time.

call out..!

a dazzling blade glow appeared in the sky, as a ray of strong wind swept through, and directly twisted 2 corpse into 紑 粉.

“Did I agree !?”

Ouyang Nantian stood with a knife, his face was like ice, and his tone was like ice.

“Do you need such a heartlessness?”

white clothes woman withdrew jade hand, graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, looked towards Ouyang Nantian, as if to question, but also to sigh.


There was no trace of hesitation or stagnation, Ouyang Nantian’s answer, resolute and decisive, sounded loudly.

This sound rang in the ear of the woman in white clothes, making the killing intent in her eyes a heavier one, and turned her head gently towards towards Chu Yan. That ice-like glance made Chu Yan’s eyes twitch suddenly. .

What the hell! ?

you two people, don’t involve me, okay! ?

From beginning to end, Chu Yan didn’t say anything, even if it didn’t even move, but every time the white clothes woman in Ouyang Nan’s weather couldn’t work, she looked towards Chu Yan with resentment.

Of course, Chu Yan would n’t say anything, but also impossible to say something.

As a result, the scene of the three people fell into silence and repression again, and it seemed that even the void had stopped running.

“Nantian, we will meet again!”

After not knowing how long, the silhouette of the woman in white clothes began to become blurred, as if the sun was rising, and the dense morning fog became more and more blurred and light under the sunlight.

“I know!”

Ouyang Nantian is still the same, very short answer, but hard as iron.

Next, in less than ten breaths, the silhouette of the woman in white clothes, slowly dissipated under the watchful eyes of Ouyang Nantian and Chu Yan, and eventually turned into a ray of light smoke, disappear without a trace.

“she left!”

After passing through breathed time, Chu Yan saw Ouyang Nantian still standing there, watching where a white shadow disappeared, and opened the mouth and said.

“I know, the golden portal can directly serve Holy Mountain, let the holy old man retrieve a life!” Ouyang Nantian replied.

“No, I mean, just let her go !?”

Chu Yan startedled, hurriedly asked again.

“Then there is no way, Saint Heavenly Pavilion or above, leaving a name in the holy stele, after getting the seal, when it is dangerous, the summon golden portal may escape, and there is Divine Strength protection on the golden portal, even if it is me There is no way to destroy the power! “

Ouyang Nantian continued to be replied.

“Big Brother Ouyang….”

Chu Yan’s eyes twitched twice, looking at Ouyang Nantian, a little ignorant.

what’s the situation! ?

What is this and what, it’s totally wrong with the head of the horse …

“Okay! Since you don’t want to mention it, I won’t ask!”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan looked at Ouyang Nantian who hadn’t turned around, and seemed to understand something, and he didn’t say much.

“Let’s go! Let’s go to Heaven’s End!”

Between the words, Ouyang Nan didn’t look back, strode towards towards her.

Chu Yan looked at the background of Ouyang Nantian and froze for a moment. The pupil light flashed a few times, hook the head, and quickly followed.

“Chu Yan, do you remember ?! At first, I asked you to agree to do one thing for me!”

Not long after leaving, Ouyang Nantian suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Remember!” Chu Yan nodded.

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