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Looking at Ouyang Nantian, faint smile, and a face of found mystery, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness shuddered and suddenly thought of something.

Just before, when conquering Heavenly Sword, the one that condensed on the body of the sword …. Lingtu!

Is it the dao chart that Ouyang Nantian refers to! ?

The spirit figure appeared on the Heavenly Sword, and even the Clear Sky Sword was driven, which also derived a spirit figure.

Now I have two Spirit Swords, all of which are derived from Spirit Maps. Isn’t the dao chart that Ouyang Nantian said, this is it! ?

At this moment, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was again confused.

Although on his Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, where the original Spirit Mark was, there were 2 completely blurred spirit figures floating at this time, Chu Yan did not understand them at all.

But now, after hearing Ouyang Nantian’s words, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness has returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, standing in front of 2 huge spiritual figures and staying for a long time.

Seeing that Chu Yan was in deep contemplation, Ouyang Nantian did not bother, and stood there quietly.

It’s just that his eyes are constantly flashing, and he seems to be communicating with Who, talking about Divine Consciousness, and talking about something.

After a long time, Chu Yan’s eyebrows twitched slightly and he exhaled long, waking up from his contemplation.

The pupils were loose, their eyes flickered, and there was no gain.

Divine Realm!

It’s not a Martial Artist, it can be touched by one sudden enlightenment.

Therefore, Chu Yan pondered comprehend for a long time in front of two vague spiritual images, and simply did not gain anything.

After all, his realm is still too far away from God Realm.

The foundation of Martial Emperor still needs to go step by step to become more solid and last longer.

“Big Brother Ouyang, are there 5 soul stones here ?!”

Chu Yan converged on Divine Consciousness, his eyes became firm again, turned his head towards Ouyang Nantian, and asked.

At present, the most important thing for him is 5 soul stones.

“5 Soulstone, whether you can get it or not, depends on yourself! I can only show you the way, as to how to go, whether you can go depends on yourself!”

“Do you understand this ?!”

Ouyang Nantian looked at Chu Yan’s eyes and said.

“En! I know!” Chu Yan nodded.

This place should be the existence of a certain taboo class. Ouyang Nantian can bring him here, and he must be out of the ordinary.

Therefore, this place is most likely related to 5 soul stones.

Although Ouyang Nantian did not speak directly, Chu Yan knew that Ouyang Nantian had been trying to help himself.

Just like this place in front of me, if Ouyang Nantian didn’t take it with him, I’m afraid he could find it simply impossible.

Here, simply is not the place of Ten Directions Star Domain, but a different space.

“Chu Yan, go to the biggest palace in front. There are ten stone tablets in it. You can choose one and test it. Then you can get the news of 5 soul stones!”

Ouyang Nantian pointed to the distance, the largest golden palace, and said to Chu Yan.

“However, after getting 5 Soulstones, there may still be things, when the time comes to say more!”

“en! Good!”

Chu Yan nodded, then lifted his feet, moved towards the palace in the distance.

Since there are 5 soul stones here, then must get it.

Flashing quickly, shuttled between large stone houses, Chu Yan had the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

It was a dark and cold feeling, which made his pores slightly open, his expression tight, and it seemed that he was always wandering something all around, or, in places where he could not see, there were countless eyes, staring at himself.

Since cultivation Martial Dao, Chu Yan has no sense of some evil evils. These things, even for St. Rakshasa, are still great supplements.

But now, walking between this stone house, Chu Yan once again realized the kind of eerie feeling.

Soon after leaving, Chu Yan finally came to the highest Golden Palace, took a deep breath, and pushed his hands to the temple door.


The gate of this palace, which did not know how long it was silent, slowly opened, and a constant antiquity sound was made.

Stepping into the great hall, Chu Yan glanced at 4 and looked …

Sure enough, there are 5 on the left and 5 on the right, ten stone tablets, standing on 2 sides.

These stone tablets are not ordinary-shaped stone tablets, but a special stone tablet with a statue in the upper part and a stone tablet base in the lower part.

Various forms of beasts, trees, clouds, water, wind, swords, knives, weapons, fire, etc. appear on these stone tablets.

It is not a stone tablet, only one kind of thing is sculpted. Most of the stone tablets are sculpted at the same time.

It looks like Chu Yan’s gaze, which is fixed on the fourth stone tablet on the right, and there are 4 or 7 Spirit Armament styles such as swords carved on it.

It’s just that the sword and the sword are at the forefront, which is particularly eye-catching.

“Choose one at random, test !?”

Chu Yan remembered Ouyang Nantian’s words and looked away from the sword stone tablet, looking towards the other 9 stone tablets.

What to test! ?

Why test it! ?

None of these Chu Yan knew, but out of trust in Ouyang Nantian, Chu Yan did not think too much, took a deep breath, moved towards the sword stone tablet and walked away.

At the same time, Ouyang Nantian is the place of the large stone house outside.

A phantom of airflow phantoms appeared beside Ouyang Nantian like a ghost.

“Hehe, that kid has entered. Guess what the test result will be !?”

A group of phantoms of smokelessness stood beside Ouyang Nantian and said with a smile, the voice spread like a ghost’s voice.

“I estimate” Ten Soul Sky “! However, since it was brought by Ouyang, there can be at most” 100 Soul Sky “, no more!”

Someone replied.

“Also, the 100 li Dongxuan of Ten Directions Star Domain, and the 100 births of Qin, and two people were only” 2 soul days. “

“That’s not necessary! Didn’t Ouyang say that? This child demon is different from ordinary genius, maybe there is a miracle !?”

“Ha ha ha, miracle !? What you said is too easy!”

“That is, the so-called miracle, if anyone can do it, it is also called a miracle! Besides, what is this place, this is the golden body cemetery, the Holy Emperor Cemetery, there is never a miracle!”

“Also …..”


A group of ghost shadows gathered around Ouyang Nantian and had a lot of speeches.

However, when they all saw that Ouyang Nantian just laughed and didn’t speak. When she didn’t answer the phone, she looked a little different and didn’t talk much. She looked towards the Golden Palace in the distance and waited patiently.

If Chu Yan is still here, he will find that the appearance of these ghost shadows is similar to the golden bodies and pole figures he saw in the stone houses that he has explored before.

Moreover, in a small palace in the distance, there is also a wave of ghost shadow, slowly floating.

“Hmph! Are you white and idiot, can’t you see it, is Ouyang chested ?!”

A ghost shadow who had just arrived, floated down, waved his hand, the golden air rushed, and flew a few weaker ghost shadows directly, coldly snorted said.

“This kid, in my opinion, is at least 1000 soul days.

“What !? Soul Sky !?”

“Impossible! I waited here to cultivate for millions of years, but only 100 soul days!”

“10000 Soul Sky !? Why don’t you say that he’s direct, 100,000 Soul Sky !? We all have old ghosts!”

“Hehe, wait and see.”

Soon, the scene returned to silence, a group of old ghosts with different eyes, staring closely at the Golden Palace in the distance.

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