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Unconsciously, like the ghost shadow with a golden airflow just now, it gathers more and more.

These new ghost shadows are obviously much stronger than before. After whispering, they all looked towards the Golden Palace.

Obviously, this time Chu Yan’s test is not simple!

“Ouyang, I’ve been cultivation here for millions of years, and I’m Soul Power, it’s considered solid!”

“The kid you brought this time, it’s a huge advantage!”

A ghost shadow within the body, a ghost shadow with dozens of golden threads flowing, looked at Ouyang Nantian and said.

“Oh, whoever takes advantage of it is not necessarily!” Ouyang Nantian said with a smile.

“En!? What do you mean …”

Hearing Ouyang Nantian’s words, the ghost shadow’s face suddenly changed, looking towards Ouyang Nantian, looking extremely nervous.

“Could this kid be the one you said … his!”

A pumping sound sounded, all around suddenly, the ghost shadows of the originally discussed spiritedly, suddenly fell silent, all with a look on the face towards Ouyang Nantian.

“Yes! That’s him!”

“Wish Master Sir, this time, maybe there will be surprises, hehe …”

Ouyang Nantian was nodded, the smile on his face was more intense.

“This … this … this …”

“You, why didn’t you bring him over earlier, we all waited for our souls to disappear, rely on! Ha ha ha….”

Master Zhu’s face changed rapidly, first a look of consternation, and then his face was angry, but immediately, it became ecstatic again.

“Ha ha ha, 100,000 Soul God, finally coming! Very good!”

“This soul Heaven and Earth Luo Great Array, finally, we can finally return to the golden body!”

After a loud laugh, it was roar-like roar, as if to scream everything that had suppressed the endless years.

Ghost shadow all around, I heard Master Zhu’s roar, all stunned, and then, all kinds of cheers sounded.

“100,000 Soul Sky !? Ha ha …”

Ouyang Nantian heard Master Zhu ’s words, but she was just laughed, did n’t say much, turned around and looked towards the direction of Golden Palace.

For Ouyang Nantian, his expectations of Chu Yan are more than that.

Time passed slowly, not long after Chu Yan entered the Golden Palace.

Finally, under the eyes of countless ghost eyes, the Golden Palace in the distance finally responded.

a faint and golden aura, lit from above the Golden Palace, is like the light of a candle, lit in the sky, although the rays of light are weak, but at the speed of naked eye, it quickly brightens.

Then, when everyone looked at the light of candlelight, all of a sudden, the glimmer of light suddenly rose, and it became extremely dazzling in an instant, like a golden sun, bursting out on the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

As the golden light passes by, the Nether Heavens cloud shakes, and in the large golden light, countless illusory shadows begin to appear.

This is a silhouette like an army, appearing in the golden light, like illusions and scrolls, blurry but unclear.

Confront, Weapon, Fighting and Person are all on display!

Banners are spreading, horns are roaring, swords are spears like forests, the might of warriors, sweeping 8 deserts.

Obviously, among the golden light, the picture revealed is a clan, and it is an extremely powerful clan.

However, the group of ghost shadows around Ouyang Nantian were all excited when they saw this picture, and the ghosts began to tremble slightly, appearing extremely excited.

Countless pairs of ghost eyes, staring at the old circle, staring straight at the phantom army, extremely focused.

shua! shua! shua!

In the next moment, in the unreal scene of the sky, a Thousand Man Squad roared in unison, all turned into golden streamers, soared into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they blended into the sky, the golden sun of that round.

“Look! 1000 soul days!”

“Not bad! Not bad! Sure enough it’s 1000 soul days!”

“Haha, great, great …”

“Wait, there is, it’s moving again!”


A group of people, very excited, while whispering, suddenly, in the large phantom above the sky, there is another team of Thousand Man Squad, turning into 1000 golden streamers, rushing into the golden golden sun above .

Then, 3rd Thousand Man Squad….

4th Thousand Man Squad….

5th Thousand Man Squad…

… ..

9th Thousand Man Squad….

At this moment, Ouyang Nantian’s side, countless ghost shadows, each and everyone’s necks were all stretched out, their eyes were staring like brass bells, and all ghost shadow all around ghost qi froze, just like people’s breathing stopped. general.

All ghost eyes, simultaneously shua shua stared at the sky, the still scrolling picture, the grimace of all nervous people, all twitched.

shua! shua! shua!

Only arrived, the tenth Thousand Man Squad, turned into a golden airflow, and after the golden day of the golden sky, a large amount of slack sound also sounded at the same time.

“Ha ha ha, 10000 Soul God! Very good!”

“Finally … finally someone did it! 10000 Soul God ah!”

“Wish Master Sir, you are right ah!”


Seeing that the tenth 1000 Human Sect army, the soul returned to Jinlun Haori, the ghost shadows present were all very excited and excited ao ao called.

“Shut up! It’s not over yet!”

At this moment, Master Zhu, who was standing next to Ouyang Nantian, slammed and made the noisy scene instantly silent.

“What !? Still … endless !?”

“How is it possible !? Already 10000 soul days ah!”

“That is, 10000 brother souls return to the golden body. This is the most time in more than 10000 years!”

“Yi !? Really … really, look!”


A group of ghost shadows heard the sound, looked up together, looked at the sky, and glanced across, everyone’s ghosts, shaking together.

Sure enough, above the sky, along with Jinlun Haorui, swallowed above the 10000 Soul Body, the volume expanded rapidly.

In less than a few breaths, Jinlun Haori was so big from the grinding plate that it soared to the size of a house, and continued to tremble and twist, seeming to be extremely unstable.


The violent twisting caused the void to begin to tremble and fluctuate. Under the watch of all ghost shadows, the golden horror round suddenly stretched, and fiercely flew into two directly.

Almost at the same time as Jinlun Haori, turning into 2 golden days, all the ghost shadow pupils were fiercely trembling at the same time, 10000 ghosts opened their mouths at the same time, an O-shaped appeared, exposing countless double fangs.

“Double … two days natural phenomenon !?”

Not only a group of ordinary ghosts, but even the heavy shadow ghost of the master, dozens of golden threads of the ghost within the body, all trembling violently, just like the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the ordinary Martial Artist, violently fluctuating With.

These ghosts are not ordinary ghosts!

They are all 100 10,000 years ago, the powerhouse of Antiquity God and Demon Great War!

In this sealed Space-Time, cultivation has survived for nearly million years, so how extensive is the knowledge! ?

However, they absolutely didn’t expect, that Chu Yan, actually triggered the “two-day natural phenomenon.”

Weng! weng! weng!

In a giant palace in the distance, another path of ghost shadow was alarmed, rushed out of the palace, and moved towards the gathering place of ghosts.

The ghost shadow from this time is more powerful, and the gold thread on them alone has more than 100 tracks.

“What’s the situation ?! How could the natural phenomenon of Sojitz appear?”

The sound of a path of Holy Emperor sounded, making the group of ghosts aura awkward, and his face was shocked.

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