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With the purple leaf on the 1000 Xuanbao tree as the god, Chu Yan has been completely preprehended, with a feminine power.

That is to say, when Chu Yan first saw purple leaves, the flash of light in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was the most soft and soft way!

At this time, what everyone does not know is that in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of Chu Yan, suspended on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, that round of the golden day like the “9 sub sword sword lotus” dao chart, No. 4 The lotus seeds are fully formed.

From the very beginning, when Chu Yan awakened the dao chart, there were only 9 lotus seeds on the 3 seed sword lotus, and now, finally there is one more.

4th lotus seed!

Because Chu Yan comprehended to the power of Yin to suppleness, then this lotus seed naturally also represents, Yin to suppleness!

No one understands the importance of this fourth lotus seed to Chu Yan!

In the past, whether it was Chu Yan cultivation’s way of self, or the way of killing, it was Supreme’s highest way.

And now, Chu Yan finally comprehended the completely opposite way, from Yin to supple!

So, so far, Chu Yan has mastered 4 ways.

The way of killing, the way of self, the way of Five Elements and … the way of femininity.

In the sky, fiercely clenched his fists with his hands clenched by fierce god, because of the excessive force, he even shivered.

His pair of stars sun and moon-like pupil light, closely staring at Chu Yan, Divine Consciousness enveloped him, sensing his completely different True Qi.

Who is the Lord of Forbidden God! ?

That is the powerhouse of Fengshen, who really owns Divine Spark supreme expert!

The entire Ten Directions Star Domain, there are a few more, Divine Emperor with Divine Spark! ?

Like the return to the Forbidden God Land, the Lord of the Forbidden God comes from Antiquity God World. His strength is naturally the owner of Ten Directions Star Domain, looking forward to the existence.

Even the realm that is unreachable throughout his life.

Before, the Lord of the Forbidden God thought so!

That’s because the Ten Directions Star Domain was lost, the Forbidden Land sank, and the channel connecting Martial Soul World to Divine Realm was completely broken.

Therefore, without the resources of Divine Realm and Divine Spark, these Martial Artists of Ten Directions Star Domain, even if it is a breakthrough to Demi-God, it is simply impossible to condense Divine Spark.

But now, the idea of ​​the forbidden God has completely changed.

Previously, when three fellows against Divine Dao communicated with him, he did not believe that there would be a “Heavenly Dao mantra”.

But now, when he saw it with his own eyes, the magic of this “Heavenly Dao” man, his Divine Soul, was shaking.

Forbidden land, why have sunk millions of years! ?

Because the Lord of the Forbidden God believes that no one can fight against the current Divine Realm, therefore, the land of the Forbidden God is born and is most likely to face destruction.

The role of connecting Divine Realm is destructive for the Gods Land.

It won’t take long, even now, the power of Divine Realm has penetrated into the Forbidden Land.

Although he can support the Lord of God for a period of time, but soon, Divine Realm, which is not allowed in the God of Forbidden Land, will shoot and continent, completely destroy the God of Forbidden Land, so that it will really be damaged.

Inverse Divine Dao, the green wooden sword god, Divine Emperor and Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, may have friendship with the Lord of Forbidden God.

Because of this, coupled with hope, God is willing to gamble.

However, it does not mean that the Lord of Forbidden God has no second move.

According to the original plan, the Lord of the Forbidden God is preparing to select the Lord of the Forbidden God, and once again close the Land of the Forbidden God to avoid Divine Realm’s targeting.

But now, the Lord of Forbidden God is beginning to believe that maybe, what the green wooden sword god said and did is really worth it.

In midair, Chu Yan walked step by step. In just a few steps, he crossed 10,000 zhang and walked to the battlefield where Yu Wentian and 3 people were.

On top of his head, the light of purple light became brighter and brighter, like a round of purple moon.

“Emperor … Emperor India !?”

Yu Wentian and Tong Shankui, full of bloodshot and horrified eyes, looked at the top of Chu Yan’s head, that round of purple big seal, the whole person was stupid.

This Chu Yan, actually condensed Di Yin! ?

This … how is this possible! ?

Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain, are you blind? ?

Even Martial Artist, in the shackles of Heavenly Dao, condensed the emperor seal! ?

Deeply shocked, all the powerhouses present seemed to see ghosts, staring into the air, the huge imperial seal that appeared impossible, and all of them fell into a dull state.

Emperor India!

Of course they know that this is almost the first place of Emperor Powerhouse, even if they die, they want something.

However, they are also very clear that it is just dreams and legends, simply impossible.

The only possibility is that only after they have ascended to Divine Realm will they have a chance to condense the Emperor Seal.

But now, within the scope of Ten Directions Star Domain, they actually saw a real emperor seal appear in front of them.

This scene is like, they saw the demon rebirth in general, they simply cannot believe and understand.

“Dry for the sky, Kun for the soil, Five Elements turn into evil, I am destined!”

No matter how surprised everyone was, Chu Yan’s pupil light and emperor’s breath were as bland as water.

Clear Sky Sword in hand, tremor trembles, one word at a time, the export of light purine, the sharpness on Clear Sky Sword, reproduce!


The word drank out, the sword was like a thunder, and it was like a star flashing, leaving a bright star track in the sky, straight to the nearest Tongshankui.

At the moment when the sword light appeared, the dull Tong Shankui felt only within the body, a breath of death, rising continuously like ice.

“Ah …! Heaven and Earth!”

With a roar, the bloody eyes of Tong Shankui, countless beast shadows, exploded.

Roar! roar! roar!

Like a volcano, Tong Shankui directly used Monster Sect strongest stunt by turning statically and bursting into full force in an instant.

It’s demon days!

Not only the realm, but also the trick!

Using Heaven and Earth as a pool, bring together all Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to evolve an endless Beast Tide, submerging all the power of the enemy.

As long as the enemy is damaged, Beast Tide will stop.

This secret skill is not because of its strength, but because of its endless success.

Any enemy, in the face of “Heaven and Earth”, seems to be trapped in an endless forest, with 4 directions in all directions, and endless Beast Tide.

Even if it is the battle strength shocking, even if it is cultivation base invincible, sooner or later it will be alive and dead.

What Tong Shankui has to do is to gather Heaven and Earth Spirit Power all around with the least True Qi Emperor’s Breath and transform it into Spirit Power of “Heaven and Earth”.


Chu Yan this sword cut out and collided with the oncoming Beast Tide.

Countless beast souls are cracking, just like the wind blowing the wheat field.

However, what surprised Chu Yan was that when the sword light collapsed, between the Heaven and Earth in all four directions, countless beast souls appeared again, forming a new Beast Tide, moved towards Chu Yan roaring, roar, Rushed.

“What a Beast Tide! But will it work for me ?!”

The surprise in Chu Yan’s eyes flashed away, replaced by a sneer.

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