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What is Chu Yan’s biggest hole card and reliance? ?

Of course it is Martial Soul!

From the day Chu Yan awakened the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, his life was destined out of the ordinary.

“White Tiger, come out!”

A light shout, behind Chu Yan, burst into God light.

Ka cha !

The void collapsed instantly, the huge White Tiger Martial Soul, a pair of golden tiger eyes, like two beams of light, sweeping Heaven and Earth.


The roar, the earth and the earth, the wings of the back, the God of War, White Tiger Martial Soul among the beasts with black stripes on the white background, come back!

The sound of tiger roar, rushing into the void, large waves of sound, rushing in, passing by, Beast Tide in 4 all directions, countless beast souls, as if I saw a ghost, in a moment, all beast might disappear Clean and open.

Instead, only panic and trembling.

These are Monster Sect Great Liberation Chancellor, the secret skill method, summon comes from the 10000 soul Beast Tide, in the final analysis, or beast soul.

As long as it is a beast soul, what is the result of seeing the White Tiger Martial Soul of War God and the myriad beasts in the beast? ?

At this moment, just mighty sky, as if to destroy Heaven and Earth-like Beast Tide, in everyone’s open mouth, stunned startled eyes, began to brake quickly.

A piece of Beast Tide, moving from time to time, countless beast souls, felt the aura of White Tiger Martial Soul, Martial Soul collapsed.

If it is Monster Beast of ordinary, it may all kneel down to the ground.

However, these beast souls without demon bodies were directly impacted by the aura of White Tiger Martial Soul, and they collapsed directly to become the original Spirit Qi. 4 scattered.

The soul of the main body is like no roots and leaves, and it cannot survive for a long time.


White Tiger’s roar, and then shock Heaven and Earth, this tiger roar contains the endless power of Beast God.

Boom … rumbling!

Like a wave, it is more like a shock wave containing a divine might of the beast. Wherever it passes, the endless Beast Tide, the smoke disappears.


Tong Shankui, looking at the scene before him, could not imagine.

Their Monster Sect, the strongest secret skill, is most proud of it, making Monster Sect the strongest capital of the 7 Battle Clan.

in this brief moment, like a mountain peak, completely collapsed in front of me.

This is Monster Sect, the strongest card that depends on survival and development.

But now, I have met … Buster!

How can this be! ?

Monster Sect has existed for 100,000 years to control the powerful ability and secret skill of Monster Beast and Demon Soul, and has developed into the top 7 Battle Clan.

Among them, it is not that they have not encountered powerful dangers, even the terrible Martial Soul.

However, it is absolutely the first time I can confront Monster Sect strongest secret skill “Heaven and Earth” with the power of a single beast.

Because in Monster Sect’s “Heaven and Earth”, among the countless beast souls, of course, the powerful Monster Beast is also required.

Even if you can deter most of Monster Beast, then I can overwhelm you with a few more powerful demon souls …

There are many monster souls, high rank monster souls, has always been the capital of Monster Sect.

But now, no matter the high rank soul beast or the low rank beast soul, in front of the White Tiger Martial Soul, all are suppressed!

“Good again!”

As Beast Tide collapsed, there was no mood swing on Chu Yan’s face, everything seemed to be expected, Clear Sky Sword waved out in his hand.

It was completely normal, and ordinary, but one trick after another.

This rhythm is absolutely devastating in the face of Tong Shankui, whose views are all collapsing.

Not waiting for him to react at all, the chaotic Sea of ​​Consciousness sensed, a sharp sword light cut.


Sword Qi was cut above his body protection Gang Yuan, Tong Shankui’s body, moved towards the mountain range underneath, and his eyes were still confused and shocked.

I have cultivated the Monster Beast for hundreds of years, but it is so impossible to withstand a single blow! ?

Dao of Soul, there is even a nemesis! ?


No matter how shocked and puzzled Tong Shankui is, he has failed!

The body falling like a meteor sounded a muffled sound in the mountain range below, splashing a small puff of dust.

This scene is very similar to the previous one!

It can be said that it is exactly the same!

The only difference is that Chu Yan defeated Tong Shankui faster this time!

“This … this … this …”

Whether it is Yue Linglong, Yu Wentian, or all around, more than 2000 genius gangsters, at this moment, everyone is a messy face.

Not to mention, how could this Chu Yan be so scary! ?

The war situation in front of me seems to have changed dramatically.

Because Tong Shankui lost, among the 4 candidates, only Yu Wentian remained.


Yu Wentian, who was pale as paper, had bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and suddenly turned his head, looking towards the horizon in the distance.

There, a faint aura appeared, which was also Yuwentian’s only hope.

Because of the four candidates, Chang Lingfeng and Tong Shankui have been eliminated.

The current situation is that he is alone, playing against Chu Yan and Yue Linglong.

Without Murong Juetian, he had no hope at all.

And now, just at this very moment, Murong is back in awe-inspiring, then you can still spell it out.

Not only Yu Wentian, but also the more than 2000 people who watched the battle. At this time, they turned their heads together, looking towards the horizon, and the a black spot appeared.

came back!

2 to 2, in this battle, who wins and who loses, there may be 2 possibilities.

Therefore, at this moment, except Chu Yan, everyone’s eyes are all focused on the distant horizon, the black spot silhouette that appears.

And, as time went on, that black spot became more and more clear.

However, after a few breaths, when everyone saw the silhouette, everyone’s face changed instantly.

“This … this is impossible!”

Everyone’s eyes were trembling, as if they saw something that shouldn’t appear at all.

I saw that in the distant sky, in the tall silhouette, although there was Murong, it was carried by another silhouette.

In one hand, he held a 3-pointed, 2-blade spear, and in the other hand, Murong, who was scorched all over the body, was 9 mounds .. Return!

If it were not for Chu Yan to give clear instructions to 9 Ming, maybe now, 9 Ming can come back empty-handed.

After all, the Lord of Gods forbidden said that the battle for selection of Gods forbiddens does not allow death.

Therefore, the flame of 9 Ming, the roasted outer focus and the tender Murong in the outer space, still left a breath. 9 Ming recovered the flame of Ming, and did not directly burn it to ash.

With Murong breathing out the scent of roasted meat, 9 Mingfei flew to Chu Yan, threw it down, and his body was courteous.

“Master, order!”


9 The sentence of meditation landed on the ground. The silhouette of Murong’s sky fell into the mountain range below, making a deep muffled sound.

Such a voice is not loud at all, and appears twice.

However, this 3rd muffled noise is like a thunderbolt in a sunny day, exploding in everyone’s heart.

And in midair, Yu Wentian standing alone, his mouth wide open, his eyes looked straight at the mountain range below, the rising dust mist was completely ignorant!

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