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This is a black giant sword with a monstrous might. At the moment it appeared, no one in the scene, including genius and the big brothers in the Forbidden Land, doubted that this sword could be cut Vault of Heaven.

Even in everyone’s eyes, the shining pupils all reflected this fearful giant sword. Everyone’s Divine Soul shuddered suddenly, and there was a bone chill in his heart.

“This … this is sword momentum! This …”

Jin Sheng Peak Master’s face changed instantly, and his face was unbelievable.

The so-called potential is a powerful force produced by Martial Artist’s cultivation Martial Dao, which resonates with Heaven and Earth.

Almost every Martial Artist has power, but the cultivation base is different, and the comprehension of Tao is the same, and the power is divided into categories and strength.

However, no matter what, it must be based on Martial Artist’s True Qi cultivation base.

Without True Qi from Martial Artist, the potential has no root and cannot be performed.

This is like the two tentative confrontations between the green wooden sword god and 7 Star Peak Master before. This is a duel between the two forces.

However, the Spirit Treasure Spirit Armament in the world is all based on the potential of Martial Artist, which itself is fundamentally impossible.

After all, Spirit Armament Spirit Treasure can only absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and strengthen itself, it will not cultivate itself, and there will be no True Qi, so it cannot generate a strong momentum by itself.

But now, this black sword in the hands of the green wooden sword god, once shot, sword momentum, makes everyone tremble.

This kind of power can only be achieved by Divine Race powerhouse when Antiquity God and Demon Great War.

“The trifling sword is nothing more than Martial Artist Divine Strength, which is the true source of Dao and Law! What are you like? You are generally rubbish, with the help of external cultivation, abandon the stray dog ​​of Martial Soul’s origin, and you can never reach it. Ji Realm of Wu! ha ha…. ”

The laughter of the green wooden sword, like thunderclap, hit the hearts of 7 Star Peak Master and all Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, making them Divine Soul tremble.

Not bad!

All the Saint Heavenly Pavilion recipes, cultivation techniques and Taoism of cultivation, all rely on the power of Divine Realm.

Although they are not directly related, they are very clear that with Divine Realm’s cultivation technique and Tao cultivation, the highest limit is naturally an ordinary powerhouse level of Divine Realm.

And just now, the “wooden limit” of the green wooden sword god, for them, is really a dream that can never be reached.

“Today, let me see what real Martial Artist Divine Strength is!”

In a word, the green wooden sword god, a powerful and terrifying aura, turned into a sea of ​​anger, swept through, in the tide, countless Martial Soul sources, roar roar, and that power, Contained in it, perfectly integrated with Martial Soul Source Power.

This wave of flood surges, and all the laws and powers between Heaven and Earth, as if they have seen a ghost, flee wildly, avoiding this wave of profound power.

Boom … rumbling!

The flood tide was like a wave of divine law, and fiercely crashed on the Great Array of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion 8 1 Layer Mountain Gate, crashing into the entire mountain range, shaking violently, as if the sky was shaking.

Compared with the previous divine might shock, this time’s wave of Divine Fa, contains the power and horror, even the light of all the Spirit Arrays of the 8 1 Layer Mountain Gate Great Array, instantaneously scattered, the entire Mountain Gate Great Array, instantly became dim Matt.

Holy Heavenly Mountain veins, 9 Holy Peaks, all shaking together!

“This … what power is this !?”

7 Star Peak Master feels all this, all with astonished expression, and the shock in his heart is like thunderclap.

“Source Power of Martial Soul World !? Martial Artist Extreme Power !? And the true Divine Power !? This …. this ….”

Saint Heavenly Pavilion counts 10000 gangsters, and countless disciples, seeing this scene, all are astonished expressions.

These Martial Artists, cultivation Divine Realm, the power of Taoism, have never experienced such a strong Martial Soul World power.

In their cognition, only Divine Realm’s power is Supreme Power.

The power of Martial Soul World is not worth mentioning at all!

After all, the entire Martial Soul World was suppressed by Divine Realm, and even Heavenly Dao and the original power were manipulated.

But now, when they saw with their own eyes, the original power of Martial Soul World and Martial Artist, how could their hearts not be scared! ?

Even beyond 100000000 10,000 li, all the genius and gangsters of Ten Directions Star Domain in the Forbidden Land are shocked and trembling.

Green wooden sword God’s power is so strong!

Moreover, he did not cultivate any God World power at all, and all martial power and Tao power were all of them, the Martial Soul World power that they were very familiar with.

However, these days, Martial Artists who joined Saint Heavenly Pavilion and breakthrough to Divine Realm could not have imagined that Martial Soul World’s own Martial Dao power can be so strong! ?

Is this a declaration! ?

Is it possible that the green wooden sword god used his own strength to fight against Saint Heavenly Pavilion, not only the military force, but more importantly, this kind of arousal of all Martial Soul World forces and the original heart of Martial Artist … confrontation! ?

This is simply Peak Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm, and has always told everyone the information, that is, Divine Realm strongest!

The breakthrough to Divine Realm is only possible to reach Divine Realm!

This concept, after God and Demon Great War, has been popularized by Divine Realm and Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

But now, the green wooden sword god is just a sword, and this unbreakable stubborn concept has been completely cut through a crack.

This approach is absolutely invincible and seriously disobeys the rule of Divine Realm and Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

This … is the real heaven defying!

“Aoki, how dare you dare …”

“Alien evil, dare to blasphemy against Divine Dao, courting death!”

“A ruling! A ruling must be made!”

“How can the way of Ten Directions Star Domain be compared with the way of the Holy Spirit? This is a crime, not cold!”


Jin Sheng Peak Master and the other 6 Peak Masters, their faces flushed, and their hearts shook and roared.

Not only the 7 Star Peak Master, but with a roar that exploded, countless Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciples were also angry, countless auras of aura, soaring into the sky, everyone’s eyes, full of red, fiercely glared Green wooden sword god.

At this moment, it seemed that the last piece of shame on them was pulled off by the green wooden sword god in front of everyone in Martial Soul World.

Let them be Martial Artists who were originally Martial Soul World, but they turned to Divine Realm’s running dogs, completely revealing the most unscrupulous side.

“Oh, a dog is a dog, it’s time to bite!”

The green wooden sword God smiled lightly in the face of the anger, but he didn’t care.

“Holy Heaven, if you don’t get out again, I will really start to kill you fangs!”

The word fell to the ground, and the sound of the waves rushed to every corner of Saint Heavenly Mountain.

And almost at the same time as the sound sounded, a golden light lit from above the Holy Mountain main peak, a silhouette appeared above the void, moved towards here, and the volley came across.

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