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Deep in the vein of Saint Heavenly Mountain, the silhouette of the golden brilliance, before all Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, looked at the green wooden sword god and said

“Aoki, the number one powerhouse in the world! You are very strong! But with this, it is not enough to let my Master do it!”

The word fell to the ground, the imposing manner of the person suddenly became violent, and the whole Saint Heavenly Pavilion mountain gate was shaken and began to buzz and tremble.

The endless breath, like a tide, poured into the Great Array of all around mountain protection. The mountain gate Great Array, which was originally on the verge of collapse, was instantly intact and even stronger.

“Infinite !?”

The green wooden sword god looked towards this silhouette and smiled gently.

“If you don’t come out, don’t come out, keep shrinking! Let’s kill some people first, and activities!”

At the exit of this sentence, the green wooden sword looked at the Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, and the sword power suddenly rose.

“Hmph! No medicine for my Master, courting death! 7 Peak Master listen to the order, open the Holy Array Great Array!”

The word fell to the ground, in the hands of infinite Divine Emperor, a piece of Jade Talisman flipped out, raised his hand and threw it into the sky.

At the same time, innumerable Divine Emperor both hands forming seals, struck a breath of breath, slammed into the flew Jade Talisman.


Jade Talisman rose into the sky and rose to mid-air. The entire Jade Talisman exploded, and the dazzling golden light bloomed, tearing all the void around directly.

A large void crack appeared, but the golden light melted by Jade Talisman shuddered suddenly, turned into a stream of water, wrapped into this void crack, and evolved into a huge tide, surging above the sky.

This tide, the whole golden light is bright, it seems that the sun shines directly on the lake surface, but every time the water glows, it is black.

Golden and black are intertwined, it is the power of Spirit Mark and the void crack that are intertwined, and the two merge with each other to become the appearance of this tide.

This is also Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the extremely powerful “Holy Heaven Great Array”!

The innumerable Divine Emperor from the command, of course, knows the prestige of the green wooden sword god, so, not at all underestimate him.

Even, as soon as he appeared, he directly used one of Saint Heavenly Pavilion Supreme Treasure’s “Holy Heaven Great Array”!

This Holy Array, in the history of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, is specially used to deal with the powerhouse of the gods.

From the Antiquity era to the present, the two glorious periods of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, died in Divine Emperor under the Holy Array Great Array, there are no 2, there are also 100.

“Holy Heaven Great Array!”

Counting 10000 Saint Heavenly Pavilion gangsters, as well as all Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, seeing the appearance of the Holy Array Great Array, all looked uplifted.

“Hmph! Just rubbish …”

Only the green wooden sword god, like a mountain, glanced at the piece of black gold tide, a look of disdain.

“Ha ha ha, Aoki, under the Holy Array Great Divine, Divine Emperor has countless dead souls, wait to die!”

Infinite Divine Emperor laughed loudly, only when the green wooden sword god was boasting, his hands turned like flying, and the hand seal didn’t move on the golden black tide.

With the control of his Divine Seal, the might of the Great Array of Holy Heaven became more and more powerful. Before Rumble’s rush, it was like a Beast Tide composed of 100,000 Monster Beast, moved towards the green wooden sword god, and rushed away.

The formidable power of Holy Array, how powerful, even if it is number one powerhouse, don’t die also seriously injured.

Not only the infinite amount of Divine Emperor thinks so, but all Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciples present are also the same.

After all, many of them have seen that in the Antiquity era, and even the current God and Demon Great War, all kinds of powerful Divine Emperor fell under this Holy Array Great Array.

Therefore, with the tremendous laughter of Divine Emperor, a lot of Saint Heavenly Pavilion big brothers and disciplines, a smile appeared on the face at the same time.

However, without waiting for the smile on their faces to bloom, a dazzling sword glow in the distance rushed in an instant.

The passing of this sword light is like a divine glow blooming, in the sky, cut a straight avenue, straight to the Great Array of Holy Heaven.

Boom … Rumble!

Sword glow shock sky, Heaven and Earth tremble, everything that sword glow passed, everything was cut open, hit the Holy Array Great Array, there is no slightest hindrance, directly the entire Holy celestial Great Array, split in the middle Open, forcibly cut a Sword Dao with a width of 100 battles out.

“Wh … what !?”

The smile on the countless Divine Emperor’s face instantly solidified, and his eyes were terrified look.

Not only the infinite Divine Emperor, but all the Saint Heavenly Pavilion gangsters and disciplines, the smiles on their faces all solidified, as if petrified, and stared at this scene in a daze.

A sword!

With a sword, the Great Array of Holy Heaven was split! ?

Although it did not let the Holy Array Great Array collapse, it was instantly halted by all the two and a half Holy Array Great Arrays and began to move closer to each other and reintegrate and evolve.

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

The countless Divine Emperor’s face was all unbelievable, staring at the green wooden sword god, shouted sharply.

“Impossible !? This World, there is something impossible !? It’s just that you are too garbage!”

The green wooden sword glanced at the infinite Divine Emperor. From the beginning to the end, the disdain in his eyes did not change a little.

“Wh … what !? I … rubbish !?”

When the infinite Divine Emperor heard this sentence, his body shook suddenly, his pupils enlarged instantly, and the entire Divine Soul, including Martial Dao’s will, was instantly hit hard.

Before, the green wooden sword god said that Saint Heavenly Pavilion is all rubbish.

At that time, anyone will not be influenced by this sentence, and even listen to it only as a joke.

But now, the green wooden sword cut the Holy Array into two halves.

In front of such a strong strength, the Martial Dao 3 view of the infinite Divine Emperor and all Saint Heavenly Pavilion gangsters is completely chopped up.

Because, the formidable power of the Holy Array Great Array, they, the big brothers of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, are of course very clear.

Not to mention a sword, even if they are the 7 Star Peak Master here, combined with the immense Divine Emperor, 8 people together, use Divine Weapon, cut one day one night, it is also impossible to destroy the Holy Array Great Array.

Otherwise, this Great Array of Saints is also impossible to become Saint Heavenly Pavilion, dedicated to the Supreme Treasure of Killing God powerhouse.

“Holy Heaven old dog, still not out !?”

The green wooden sword god was incredibly distracted to pay attention to, with a wide open mouth and a startled countless Divine Emperor, looked up towards the depths of the Holy Heavenly Mountain and thundered again.

Same as Divine Emperor, but the difference between Heaven and Earth!

For the infinite Divine Emperor, the green wooden sword is too lazy to look at.

“Very good! One sword doesn’t work, then another sword!”

Seeing St. Heavenly Mountain’s veins not moving, the green wooden sword god was sneaked, his left hand lifted slightly, a Divine Seal leaped above the palm.


The green wooden sword God ’s body acquired from the sky, the sound of Jingyun drum suddenly exploded, a 7 color divine light, shot from the Jingyun drum, straight into the Divine Seal in the hands of the green wooden sword god.

In an instant, this aura of Divine Seal broke out suddenly, grabbing the terrifying power of heaven shaking earth shattering.

This force swept through, even the infinite amount of Divine Emperor on the opposite side, and the divine might on her body were instantly suppressed by this terror force.

Dong! dong! dong!

Above the sky, thunderous drums sounded constantly, and Divine Seal’s formidable power also continued to improve, as if there was no exhaustion, it was getting stronger and stronger.

The incredible strength of the force, combined with Divine Seal, launched a strongest impact on the Saint Heavenly Pavilion mountain gate.

At this moment, including the innumerable Divine Emperor, shocked by this terror force, Divine Soul trembles.

A flash of clear comprehension flashed in their eyes, and they finally understood that maybe …

For countless years, this is the biggest crisis facing Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

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