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The sky-divine might breathe the emperor’s breath, breaking up the whole sky, and the place passed by, barren, even the Great Array of the Saint Heavenly Pavilion mountain gate below, was instantly bombarded.

Countless violent gods formidable power, violently shocked, moved towards 4 sides 8 Divine Soul Avatar of the scattered green wooden sword gods, shrouded down.

Boom … rumbling!

Heaven and Earth trembles, sun and moon discoloration, countless divine might explode, one after another green wooden sword god Divine Soul Avatar, swallowed by divine might waves, and turned into nothingness.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, just when there was a smug smile on Emperor God ’s face, the four directions of all directions in the sky, and the remaining Divine Soul Avatar, began to continue Self-destruction.

The power of the Divine Soul that exploded, rushed like a tide, and blocked the divine might waves coming all around.

With the help of a short stagnation, 3 Divine Soul Avatar directly Tearing the Void, escape into it, and disappeared.

After enough time of ten breaths, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth has just calmed down.

Where the waves of divine might passed, there was a mess. Even the mountain gate of Saint Heavenly Pavilion was broken into a broken, countless fairy pavilion, and a large area collapsed.

Even the Spirit Peak of several Heavenly Mountain veins collapsed.

“Damn! Damn Aoki!”

Saint God gritted his teeth, roaring fiercely evil.

From the end of the First World War, although the god of green wooden sword was defeated by him and Divine Physique was damaged, but including the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it was clearly seen that there were 3 Avatar Divine Soul of green wooden sword who had safely escaped.

The Saint Heavenly Pavilion mountain gate, suffered heavy losses!

“Reverse Divine Dao! I lost the green wooden sword god, I think how do you resist !?”

In a word, Emperor God turned his head, looked towards the East Horizon, pondered for a moment, and spoke sharply.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion listens to all the disciples’ disciplines and puts all his strength into practice, killing Chu Yan in the Forbidden Land!”

When this word came to the ground, the power of Divine Realm on Emperor Saint God seemed to have finally been exhausted. The golden glow of the whole body surged. The golden light pillar that originally enveloped him turned into countless starlights and dissipated in Heaven and Earth. between.

The true body of Saint God Emperor has also turned into a streamer, directly immersed in the depths of Holy Mountain.

In this battle, the green wooden sword god one after another said, let Chu Yan see clearly, plus Chu Yan in the forbidden land, comprehend the path to Godhood.

Therefore, after defeating the green wooden sword god, Emperor God God turned his eyes to the land of forbidden gods.

The green wooden sword was damaged. Next, the Chu Yan must not be left.

Dong! dong! dong!

Above the sky, Jingyun drums made a trembling drum sound, shaking the Heaven and Earth at the same time, the drum sound was melodious and endless.

With the Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a followed by a silhouette of a powerhouse, constantly rising into the sky, moved towards the direction of the Eastern Forbidden Land.

Above the horizon, the drumming sounds of the thunderous cloud are extremely sad!

In a battle of heaven defying, even though Ten Directions Star Domain number one powerhouse shot, it still did not break Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Unable to break through Saint Heavenly Pavilion, let alone, counterattack God World!

Everything and everything, along with Jingyun drum with a dull drum sound, moved towards the silhouette of the sky disappearing, and gradually away.

On the other side, the forbidden place …

Above the sky, the cloud curtain developed, and the shadow of the light curtain gradually disappeared due to the departure of the cloud.

In the land of forbidden gods, there is silence!

Whether it is the forces of Saint Heavenly Pavilion or other forces in the world, at this moment, it is all Divine Soul tremor, Sea of ​​Consciousness roars.

The green wooden sword god raised his sword this time, making each of them shocked.

However, in the end result, Saint Heavenly Pavilion still stands!

Nothing has changed, but it seems that something is different! ?

“Lord of the Forbidden God, have you seen it !? Even the green wooden sword god is defeated, will you still fight against my Saint Heavenly Pavilion !?”

In the sky of the forbidden land, the god powerhouse on the side of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, over 10,000 zhang clouds night, shouted loudly.

“For a Chu Yan, the green wooden sword god has been lost, is it worth it !?”

There was thunderous shouts, and above Nine Heavens, there was a loud echo.

However, almost did not even consider the half-life time, the face of the God of Forbidden God was replied with a smile

“Value! Great value!”

Behind the Lord of Forbidden God, 7 deities, standing towering like 7 mountains, covering the entire sky.

Not only is the Lord of the Forbidden God, but even the 7 God Envoys, also a decisive look.

This sentence fell to the ground, suddenly let God God everyone Divine Emperor, brows tightly knit.

On the other side, outside of 100000000 10,000 li, the big brothers of the entire Martial Soul World all influence are all pondering.

“Aoki has been damaged. Next, Chu Yan’s life or death is the only variable!”

a path of Divine Consciousness, retreating from Saint Heavenly Pavilion, all moved towards the forbidden land, and enveloped all four sides.

All continent giants are paying attention, at this moment, the final result of the forbidden land.

On the ground where God is forbidden, the clouds on the sky completely dissipated.

All the forces of genius and the big brothers, all with a look of surprise, looked at the sky and could not wake up for a long time.

Just now, the battle of the green wooden sword god completely exceeded their Martial Dao cognition and caused a huge impact on their Divine Soul.

In particular, under the one man one sword, the Saint Heavenly Pavilion was shaken, and the impact it caused could not make them forget.

Even the canopy of Divine Realm’s power was smashed.

This result definitely brought Heaven and Earth turning upside down to their future road of Martial Dao cultivation.

This battle is of great significance!

“Chu Yan, you …”

Above the sky, Yue Linglong reacted first, rushed to Chu Yan, a pair of big eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, and spoke carefully.

Anyway, the loss of the green wooden sword is directly related to Chu Yan.

Yue Linglong and Chu Yan have known each other for a long time, and naturally understand his character.

“Young Palace Lord, the matter here is over, we must leave as soon as possible!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to answer Yue Linglong, but the Black Night Emperor followed him and said to Yue Linglong.

In this battle, because Yue Linglong was determined to help Chu Yan, the Dark Temple had a battle with almost the entire world.

So now, there are enemies around. For Yue Linglong’s safety, you must return to the Dark Temple as soon as possible.

“Reverse Divine Dao belongs, come back immediately!”

Ouyang Nantian and other inverse Divine Dao powerhouses, just about to gather around Chu Yan, a voice sounded in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, their identity made Fu Qiqi light up the rays of light, each and everyone silhouette, and was instantly wrapped in a powerful force, and directly pulled out of the void channel.

Even Shen Shengjie was also involved in it and disappeared on the spot.

Not only the Dark Temple and the inverse Divine Dao, but all influences still in the Forbidden Land at this time, all were quickly withdrawn.

Less than ten breaths, a large number of Heaven and Earth and powerhouses have left.

“Chu Yan, are you okay !?”

Kun Emperor cruising beside Chu Yan, a pair of kun eyes, looked at Chu Yan who was completely motionless, and asked.

However, Chu Yan at this time, his eyes lost, like petrification, no response at all.

“En !? This can be sudden enlightenment !?”

Seeing Chu Yan like this, Kun Huang suddenly started, and then murmured.

Because, at this time, Chu Yan’s mind was still silent in the last sword of the green wooden sword, and he couldn’t extricate himself.

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