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Chu Yan, who just comprehend the path to Godhood, majored in Sword Dao from the day he stepped into Martial Dao.

Among his three avenues, Sword Dao is absolutely the first, impossible change.

Even if it was the dao chart he gave birth to, it was also the “9-sub sword sword lotus” dao chart led by swords.

Therefore, as an absolute sword repairer, when he saw World’s First Sword God, and tried his best to cast the sword he exhibited, how could Chu Yan’s mind not be shocked.

At this time, Chu Yan’s body, even within the body, did not even have a trace of Sword Intent, and all disappeared completely.

“Big brother, don’t think about it! Green wooden sword god, still looking at you!”

Situ Yang came to Chu Yan, stared at Chu Yan for a while, and opened the mouth and said softly.

Kun Huang hearing this, suddenly glanced at Stuart, said with a smile

“Fatty, don’t you know that Chu Yan is in sudden enlightenment !?”

“Of course I know! It’s just that my big brother this person …” Situ Yang said very solemnly, and said.

“Big brother sudden enlightenment is of course valuable, but I am afraid that he will still have obsessions, which will have an impact on his sudden enlightenment. Anyway, big brother cultivation deviation cannot be allowed!”

The export of these words immediately asked Kun Huang to startled, “Perseverance !?”

Stuart nodded, said nothing more, but stared at Chu Yan quietly, constantly observing Chu Yan’s situation.

Among the people around Chu Yan, Situ Yang dare to say that he knows Chu Yan best.

This big brother, value emotion, value friendship!

This time the God-Forbidden Land, there was Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, and now it is a green wooden sword god. Their loss is related to Chu Yan to a certain extent.

Therefore, the big brother may have a heavy burden on his back. At this time, the sudden enlightenment cannot fall into it at all, and may even be mistaken by the obsession and fall into the risk of cultivation deviation.


At this moment, Chu Yan’s pupils shuddered, even awake, turned around and looked towards Situ Yang, his mouth lightly raised, opened the mouth and said.

“hu …..”

With a long exhale, Chu Yan’s tight body gradually relaxed.

“Let’s leave too!”

With a big wave, Chu Yan directly Tearing the Void, pulled out a void channel, and was ready to leave.

Situ Yang is right, now is not a good time for comprehend, this place is not right.

However, the void crack has not formed yet, and above the sky, a sound of thunder bursts rang out.

“Chu Yan, do you still want to go !?”

Above the sky, the voice of the Holy Spirit sounded through the sky.

“Aoki disobeyed me Saint Heavenly Pavilion, it has been ruled, you think you can still go away !?”

“At the order of my God, I will also give you 2 ways, self-determination, or acknowledgement allegiance!”

Although now, the will of the Holy Spirit, with the departure of the Holy Stele, has become extremely weak.

However, it is enough to maintain 1000 miles of communication and threaten Chu Yan.

“Emperor God, has issued a death order to Chu Yan. This time, Chu Yan is afraid that it is dangerous!”

The continent giants, when they heard the words of the Holy Spirit, suddenly worried for Chu Yan.

Although they are all in continent, not at all participating in this forbidden land, but after the battle of the green wooden sword god, they all hope that Chu Yan can live.

After all, of course they knew that half of what the green wooden sword god did was for this Chu Yan.

Therefore, if Chu Yan can live, there may be a glimmer of hope.

“Hmph! My place, not to mention your arrogance!”

At this moment, above the sky, a thunder burst, but it was the Lord of the Forbidden God, screaming loudly.

With a bang, the body of the God of Forbidden flashed directly back to the land of the God of Forbidden, and a large breath of God, like a tide, surged over the core area of ​​the Land of God of Forbiddenness.

“Chu Yan, follow me!”

Turning his head towards towards Chu Yan, the Lord of Forbidden God waved his hand, wrapped Chu Yan directly with several people, body flashed, and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, above the sky, like the seven mountain peaks, the seven forbidden angels who stood in front of the Divine Emperor of Saint Heavenly Pavilion grinned and dissipated.

In less than a blink of an eye, everyone in Heaven and Earth, except for a few Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s Divine Emperor, everyone walked cleanly.


Originally wanted to kill Chu Yan, but watched the Lord of the Forbidden God take Chu Yan away, several Divine Emperor, there is no way.

As the Lord of the Forbidden God said, this Land of the Forbidden God is the site of the Lord of the Forbidden God. It is as difficult as heavenly ascension to kill Chu Yan under his protection.

After all, this forbidden place is an existence beyond Martial Soul World and God World.

Even Divine Realm can’t take it for the time being.

“This … this is over !?”

continent The giants, Divine Consciousness is constantly sweeping over the land of forbidden gods, with a stunned expression on his face.

All this seems to be arranged in advance.

The green wooden sword god took the initiative to attack, while the Lord of Forbidden God was responsible for guarding.

Two powerhouses comparable to Saint Heavenly Pavilion shot, even if a few Divine Emperor of Saint Heavenly Pavilion is here, there is no way.

“Look for me! Even if you turn the whole Ten Directions Star Domain over, you have to find Chu Yan!”

The voice of the Holy Spirit sounded in the sky, with complete madness and rage, shouted sharply.


Several Divine Emperor arched to accept the order, glanced down at the forbidden land below, took the head, all Tearing the Void, and returned to Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Nuo University, a Ten Directions Star Domain, wants to find a Martial Artist protected by the God Powerhouse, easyer said than done! ?

What’s more, this kind of work is naturally not the work of several of them Divine Emperor. They can only return to Saint Heavenly Pavilion, wait for the numerous recipes of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and find Chu Yan and the Lord of the Forbidden God before they can shoot.

The last trace of the source of the Spirit of the Holy Sky was finally exhausted. After issuing the order, it slowly dissipated.

“It’s over! For the time being, I am afraid that it is impossible to find the Lord of Forbidden God and Chu Yan, they are already prepared!”

continent The giants, looking at the disappeared Saint Heavenly Pavilion Divine Emperor, shook their heads slightly.

The green wooden sword god shot this time, which is by no means an intention, and obviously has a whole layout.

Now that everything has been arranged in the front, things that are going on afterwards are naturally well prepared.

“Ha ha ha, this time is really happy!”

“Good! Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm, a big loss!”

“I have to re-plan in a while, this breakthrough God World, it seems not that absolutely does not have hope!”

“A new era !? Everything is over, it is the beginning of everything !?”

“After waiting for so long, I finally looked forward to it, gā gā gā….”


continent The giants, Divine Consciousness flashes, and all kinds of consciousness echo in Martial Soul World.

No matter what they did before, in today’s battle, they saw a lot and found a lot.

In this regard, everything may have a huge impact and change on the current situation and the future situation.

Next, the era of 100 flowers contending and the rise of the heroes is coming!

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