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Chu Yan’s Five Elements True Qi rushed out and collided with the jade Kunlun’s Five Elements air wave, blasting away, bursting out a colorful air mass.

Boom … rumbling!

The energy comes quickly and disappears quickly.

In less than a blink of an eye, all the Five Elements spirits around all disappeared completely, even Chu Yan ’s own Five Elements True Qi, all disappeared.

“En !? What’s the matter !?” Chu Yan frowned.

You should know that your Five Elements True Qi can be reabsorbed and merged back into Qi Sea.

But now, the spirit of Five Elements all around dissipates into the void, and there is no trace of melting back to his Qi Sea at all.

This has never happened before.

If it ’s just Yu Kunlun ’s Five Elements Spirit Qi, that ’s all, but even Chu Yan ’s own Five Elements True Qi has disappeared.

“The situation is not right!”

Not only Chu Yan, but also the Lord of Forbidden God and Kun Kun, also found something wrong.

Because, this natural phenomenon that violates the basic principles of cultivation is rarely seen even by them.

Generally speaking, it is possible to completely isolate the Heaven and Earth spirit source unless it is in some special place, or somewhere in the spirit array.

“This Jade Kunlun’s Five Elements Spirit Qi is a special Spirit Qi !?”

Chu Yan looked up towards the Lord of Forbidden God, and at the same time Divine Consciousness swept out, constantly observing “Jade Kunlun”!

Originally, according to Chu Yan’s imagination, his own Five Elements True Qi may be able to absorb or integrate the Five Elements Spirit Qi in this jade Kunlun.

But now, not only is there no integration, but it also seems to be mutually exclusive.

Is there anything special about your own Five Elements True Qi and the Five Elements Spirit Qi in this Kunlun! ?

“Not special!”

The Lord of Forbidden God looks at the head, and his eyes are also full of doubts.

“I think the reason why Aoki asked me to bring you here is probably because I know your cultivation Five Elements, and this jade Kunlun should be able to help you cultivate! But now it seems … etc …

While thinking, Divine Consciousness explored. The Lord of Forbidden God had just said halfway, and suddenly found something, complexion changed.

“Hmph! Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

Divine Consciousness returned to his body, and the face of the God of Forbidden God suddenly became low.

“Chu Yan, there is bad news!” Lord Lord Forbidden looked towards Chu Yan and said

“Senior, what bad news !?” Chu Yan asked, knowing what the Forbidden God found.

“The Ten Directions Star Domain cultivation law has been revised. I am afraid that the difficulty of all Martial Artist cultivation has to be increased by a factor of three, and the cultivation of Five Elements is a tenfold increase!”

As soon as the Lord of Forbidden God raised his hand, a five-color flame rose in his hand, then he glanced at Chu Yan and threw it into the air.

The group of flames, welcoming Feng Feiyang, had just broken away from the palm of the Lord of Forbidden God, and the flame instantly languished, and the whole dissipated within 3 breaths.

This scene fell in the eyes of Kun Kun, Chu Yan and Situ Yang, and their faces changed in unison.

Although it is only the Lord of the Forbidden God, Five Elements True Qi, which is swayed by the hand, but the Lord of the Forbidden God can seal the powerhouse of the God.

Even if it is a ray of True Qi, it is extremely terrifying existence.

But now, even in the sky, even 3 breaths time can not be maintained, which can only explain … The Heaven and Earth rules have really changed!

“It should be Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Star Domain. They have joined forces. I am afraid it is for you!”

The Lord of the Forbidden God looked towards Chu Yan, his mouth lightly raised, said with a smile.

“According to estimates, I am afraid that it is not just the difficulty of cultivation, it should seal the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation together!”

“As a result, your semi-holy land cultivation base, if you want to break through, I am afraid it is more difficult than heavenly ascension!”

The big brother is the big brother. In 3 sentences, the plan of the spirits of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao has been completely calculated.

“Senior, you still laugh, then my big brother, it’s not finished !?”

Situ Yang’s entire face squeezed into a ball, looking at the Lord of the Forbidden God, almost crying.

If the rules of Heaven and Earth are really changed, then big brother Chu Yan, I am afraid there is really no way to break through.

“Not only that!”

Hearing Situ Yang, the Lord of Forbidden God said.

“On our way here, all forces in the whole world received the Holy Order and began to hunt down this kid!

Raising his hand to Chu Yan, the forbidden God’s face, the smile is getting stronger and stronger.

“Now, if this guy dares to go out, I am afraid that it will not take an hour, at least has over 1000 people killed!”


Hearing the Lord of the Forbidden God, Situ Yang and Kun Kun were completely stupid. Even Chu Yan was frowned.

The forces of the whole world join forces to hunt down Chu Yan! ?

In that way, wouldn’t Heaven have no door, no way to enter the ground, this piece of Martial Soul World could not stay at all! ?

“End .. finished !? What shall we do !?”

Situ Yang thought that the forces of the whole world and Martial Artist had come to hunt, and his scalp had to explode.

“Senior, what to do ah !? But why are you still laughing !?”

Not only Situ Yang but also Kun Huang and Chu Yan felt a heavy, puzzled look towards the Lord of the Forbidden God in his heart.

After all, it is not a good thing to be enemies against the whole world!

“Anything depends on Yin-Yang 2!” Lord of the Forbidden God said with a smile

“For this kid, the spirits of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao have made such a big move, and they have not hesitated to change the rules of Heaven and Earth cultivation!”

“You don’t think it’s easy to change the Heaven and Earth cultivation rules! Ha ha ha….”

“This only shows that Aoki’s judgment of the dead ghost is normal!”

“This time, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, wrong! It should be those god sticks, really guilty! Just because of this kid …”

The last sentence fell to the ground, and the eyes of the Lord Forbidden God fell directly on Chu Yan.

The Kun emperor and Situ Yang turned to look towards Chu Yan, and looked stunned.

I have to say that the words of the Lord of Forbidden God are correct!

“However, even if Aoki Senior was right, my big brother was chased down by the whole world and it was about to hang up. What good is it?”

Situ Yang thought about it and then asked.

“The heaven defying trip would have to endure mortal unbearable suffering! Isn’t this normal?”

Between the words, the Lord of Forbidden God walked to Yu Kunlun and waved his hand gently.

Buzz …!

The breath of a large piece of gushing out, the void suddenly collapsed, the large space-time turbulent, surging out.

However, these Space-Time turbulences are all confined to that breath of breath, and they simply cannot rush out too far.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette appeared in these Space-Time turbulences, strode out, and fell in front of everyone with the breath of the Lord of Forbidden God.

“Ao … Wood Senior !?”

Looking at the azure robe in front of him, the silhouette that was so familiar, suddenly looked stunned.

“Chu Yan, are you scared !?”

Aoki Divine Emperor, with a faint smile on his face, looked at Chu Yan and asked softly.


This sentence fell to the ground, and suddenly made Chu Yan’s entire Divine Soul tremble, and 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness roared in unison.

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