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A ray of Remnant Soul from the green wooden sword god appeared, facing Chu Yan and asking directly.

And the phrase “Are you scared” directly shocked Chu Yan Divine Soul, attracting 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul in Sea of ​​Consciousness, roaring in unison.

Those present, including the Lord of the Forbidden God, Kun Kun and Situ Yang, also turned their heads together, looking towards Chu Yan.

After all, in the face of such a situation, it is almost stuck in Danger Land, and even the road of cultivation is completely cut off.

“Who is enemies against the world! Why?” Chu Yan chuckled.

From the day when 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul awakened, Chu Yan embarked on the road of Martial Dao cultivation, almost always taking such a road.

Even when it was the original Vast Heaven Continent, when facing the Black Blood Temple, it was almost the enemy of the world.

But what about that! ?

“However, Aoki Senior, you and Xuanyuan Senior, for me …”

Chu Yan looked up, looking towards the green wooden sword god, the pupil light trembling in his eyes.

The road to heaven defying, walking on blood, corpse mountain soul, at worst is war, is killing, sword in hand, fearless.

However, in the face of the green wooden sword god and Divine Emperor, for his own sake, Divine Physique is at a loss, and the soul returns to the Vault of Heaven.

How can I return such kindness! ?

When the Forbidden God returned, Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, in order to block the killing of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, as a sacrifice, sealed 2 Divine Emperor, almost his own flesh Divine Physique, paved the way to the forbidden God for himself Road.

The emperor, the green wooden sword, was one man one sword, directly killed Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and tried the method to break through the sky of Chu Yan.

Let Chu Yan see that the origin of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the origin of Divine Realm, and all of these are ultimately the origin of the cultivation road.

With this battle, Chu Yan will really know what the next cultivation road is.

However, the price is shocking!

The number one powerhouse in the world, the green wooden sword god, Divine Physique is lost!

This kind of sentiment makes Chu Yan bear! ?

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the emperor Kun and the Lord of the Forbidden God, the complexion sank, and Stuart Yang, who is familiar with Chu Yan’s character, is still tightly knit, constantly shaking his head.

“Aoki, your plan is not good!”

The Kun emperor was unable to bear, and finally spoke out, wondering when he watched the battle between the blue wooden sword god and Emperor God.

“You as World’s First Sword God, battle strength is monstrous, if only to let Chu Yan know, the origin of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and the Martial Dao origin can be taught directly to Chu Yan, and then wait for the occasion of Chu Yan cultivation Great Accomplishment, and then Lead the inverse Divine Dao to counterattack Saint Heavenly Pavilion! “

“As a result, isn’t it better !?”

In saying this, the Lord of the Forbidden God is also slightly nodded, and the pupil light flashes slightly.

Like his forbidden place, when he was in crisis, he directly sank into the Ten Directions Star Domain, sealing millions of years.

Strong enemies should be taken care of and avoided. After the strength has been improved, everything is ready and it will not be too late to return.

Meet force with force directly in this way, there is no benefit at all!

Hearing the words of the emperor Kun and seeing the expression of the Lord of the Forbidden God, the green wooden sword god smiled gently, looked up towards the inverse God Palace in the distance, and gently opened the mouth and said.

“Do you know that God Palace is in front of you, why is it here?”

This sentence landed, and the eyes of Chu Yan and the Forbidden Gods turned to the black palace not far away.

Inverse God Palace!

After the decline of Human Race that year, in order to restore the national interest, all Human Race powerhouse, composed of the strongest Great Influence, intends to confront Divine Realm.

The inverse God Palace at that time was the time when Human Race had just decayed. Divine Dao, who raised the banner of revival, was powerhouse as clouds, which is by no means the current inverse Divine Dao, comparable.

After all, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. Human Race at the time was also a triumphant existence with Divine Race and Demon Race.

This point, the Lord of Forbidden God and Chu Yan, are clear.

“At that time, all Human Race powerhouse negotiated and the plan was conserve strength and store up energy. When the strength is enough, we will fight with Divine Realm!”

Speaking of which, the Lord of the Forbidden God turned his head and looked towards Kun Emperor, the meaning could not be more obvious.

At that time, the more powerful inverse Divine Dao, the plan and plan of choice, is the more secure plan that the Kun emperor and the Lord of the Forbidden God now tend in the heart.

It can be seen that the ideas of the big brothers are similar, that is now, and the Antiquity period.

So, it’s not surprising that Divine Emperor of Aomori will say that before Antiquity God and Demon Great War, Human Race reversed the decisions made by all the big brothers of Divine Dao.

“However, Human Race is always, not a united race!” The words of the green wooden sword changed, and the tone became dull.

“Close the mountain to guard the palace, cultivate genius, breakthrough cultivation base!”

“Although every Human Race powerhouse can work hard, the more it chooses the hidden world, the fewer resources it will have!”

“With fewer resources, there will be disputes of interests. Different people form small internal forces to fight and attack each other!”

“Do you see what it is like the inverse Divine Dao now !? The battle between the 3 houses, it is from that time, the inheritance came down, how ridiculous! Ha ha ha….”

The green wooden sword god looked up and smiled, but the laughter was extremely sad.

“A constant force of internal struggle, may I ask heaven defying !?”

This sentence, like thunderclap, slammed in everyone’s mind, the Lord of Forbidden God, Kun Emperor, and Chu Yan and Situ Yang, their faces all changed.

As the emperor of the Tiankun tribe, the Kun emperor may only understand it, but the Lord of the Forbidden God, Chu Yan and Situ Yang, as part of the Human Race, naturally have a deep understanding of this ugly human nature.

“Human Race is a great race!”

Just when several people were sad, the green wooden sword god suddenly screamed loudly and shouted.

“However, its greatness is by no means quantity, strength, etc., but … spirit!”

“Unyielding! Sacrifice! Resistance!”

“Only if the spirit lasts, Human Race will definitely revive!”

“If someone needs to stand up and sacrifice themselves in an unyielding posture, let all the human races feel the flames of resistance!”

The green wooden sword God’s eyes became extremely shiny, staring straight at Chu Yan and shouting.

“Then, I … is the strain, the spark of the stars! Let the entire Human Race start the rising trend of Kashihara!”

When this sentence hit the ground, the eyes of several people in Chu Yan instantly became shining, like the most dazzling ones in the endless Dark Starry Sky.

The eyes of the god just green wooden sword become exactly the same.

At this moment, Chu Yan finally understood that Situ Yang was also trembling with excitement.

The Lord of Forbidden God slightly wrinkle seems to be lost in contemplation.

After all, the meaning of the words of the green wooden sword god is completely different from his long-term thinking.

“Chu Yan, you inherited the Human Race Divine Kingdom, so you will be the next one to carry the banner of Human Race Revival!”

The green wooden sword turned around and looked towards Chu Yan.

“So, are you … afraid?”

The same question, export again, Chu Yan’s heart is full of blood, Divine Soul growls.

“I mean heaven defying, crushing midnight!”

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