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Boom … rumbling!

The sword passed by, the five-colored cloud light exploded like a thunderclap, and the huge statue together with the base directly exploded into powder, just like air, disappearing cleanly.

Above the ground, a huge hole as deep as several feet, dispersed the fierce Sword Qi, 4 scattered flying.

A huge statue and ground disappeared out of thin air, leaving nothing left behind, not even a little stone dust.


Chu Yan raised his hand, his face stunned, all eyes were unbelievable.

The formidable power of this sword is far more than before.

If it was in Ten Directions Star Domain, the stone statue of the ordinary Chuyan, Chu Yan’s sword, cut it in half, and there was no problem.

Formidable power is even larger, and the statue is directly blown into a gravel, there is no problem.

But as it is now, it seems like disappear from the face of the earth, let it disappear completely out of thin air, without leaving a bit of foam, it is impossible.

“True Qi has undergone qualitative changes and is more than 5 times stronger than before.”

Chu Yan is still a little ignorant. He can’t respond at all. He murmured and looked down at his finger.

You know, it ’s still a random sword, if you urge True Qi, or even use Clear Sky Divine Weapon, then formidable power… ..

“Not bad! The improvement of Sword Dao, very good!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are full of surprises, and his heart is very excited.

Although the breakthrough of the cultivation base realm was forcibly suspended, and even the body was severely damaged, the fusion effect of Five Elements’ qi is now a great surprise to Chu Yan.

In addition, before realizing the threshold of divine realm, the new road of Martial Dao opens.

Chu Yan now is completely different from the original!

“Hurry to recover the fleshy body trauma first!”

Chu Yan sat cross-legged, swallowing the newly refined Golden Pill, and began to recover the wounds of the fleshy body.

After all, True Qi is now fully integrated and used to heal wounds, presumably the effect will be very good.

When the time comes, everything is ready, it is necessary to break into the “Tomb of the Unknown God”

Waiting for Chu Yan to sit cross-legged, 5 colors of True Qi entangled, and immersed in recovering his injuries.

On the other side, among the endlessly confusing and chaotic Heaven and Earth Space-Time, the Emperor Xuantian who was shuttled through the Space-Time channel, but stopped in shock again.

“Aura of Five Elements !? Also merge …”

“It seems that this child is more genius than I thought. This Vault of Heaven record must be found as soon as possible!”

In a pair of beautiful eyes shining like stars, the light flashes.

For this Chu Yan, she became more and more unclear, but it seemed that her interest in him became deeper and deeper.

After 3 days, Shen Wu, a forest of endless years, became instantly lively.

Tianbaozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain, the brigade rushed to the forest without madness, and after some hard work, they finally reached the core.

According to the map found by two sects, the entrance of the Tomb of the Unknown God is at the foot of a Spirit Peak.

At this time, the brigade stood in front of a huge cave stone gate, all with a look of excitement.

However, they could not have imagined that Chu Yan Earth Palace is opposite the Spirit Peak.

Chu Yan recovered after 3 days, with the body’s injuries completely healed and opening the door of the Tomb of the Unknown God.

Although Chu Yan and two sects entered the Tomb of the Unknown God from two directions at the same time, the result is actually the same.

Because there are three entrances to the Tomb of the Unknown God, there is another one, which is set up directly in the mountain gate of the Antiquity Sect force. A special Transmission Array can be directly reached to the interior of the Tomb of the Unknown God.

Boom … Rumble!

The Earth Palace stone gate opens, and a straight passage is covered with various weeds, densely packed to completely cover the entire passage.

Moreover, among these weeds, there are several more precious Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine mixed with them.

It may be that no one has been here for a long time, so these Immortal Grass spirit medicines grow very well.

In this case, Chu Yan will certainly not be polite. While walking forward, all these Immortal Grass spirit medicine will be included in Rakshasa Space.

After all, the price of this rank medicine is variable at Ten Directions Star Domain.

Along the green passage, I walked nearly 10000 steps, but didn’t see the end at all. Fortunately, there was no prohibition and spiritual formation along the way, but it was extremely smooth.

Continue to go forward, one hour fast, Chu Yan’s footsteps finally stopped.

“That is…”

Standing at the end of the passage, the World in front of him is suddenly bright, but it is an underground World where I don’t know how deep.

The huge ground descends to the palace, at a glance to the end, the black palace is like a city, and the entire mountain peak is completely under the palace.

In front of it is a city wall. In front of the huge city gate, 2 black gates are closed.

“This is the door to prohibition!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, sweeping over the city gate, suddenly complexion sank.

This city gate is not an ordinary city gate. It is a city gate with defensive prohibitions. It is more robust than metal gates.

“For so long, it is estimated that the power of the ban will not be too strong!”

Standing in front of the city gate, Chu Yan carefully looked at the city gate and finally decided

“Boom off!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s body, the powerful 5-color True Qi, broke out in an instant, raised his fist, and directly hit the huge city gate.

……… ..

On the other side, in front of another city gate in black city.

The team of Tian Baozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain also stood in front of the huge city gate and were all blocked out of the city.

However, the city gate in front of them is obviously not the main gate. Compared to the one in front of Chu Yan, it is smaller than No. 1, but it also has a defensive prohibition.

Several gangsters shot together, after breaking through the city gate, they stepped into the city.

“Take the city as a tomb, this unknown god, what a big hand!”

An Elder from the Roaming Dragon Mountain stepped into the city and swept across it, opened the mouth and said involuntarily.

As you can see, there are large and large palaces everywhere, no less than 100, which does not include some ordinary buildings and bungalows.

However, almost every building is covered with various colors of airflow, obviously with a strong prohibition and spiritual array.

In addition, along the main road, you can see the city Central Square from afar, on a huge black Stone Pillar, holding a few huge iron chains, like a huge spiritual array.

“Quick! To Central Square!”

Heavenly Pool Elder took out a Jade Talisman, hit 10000 stream of light, rushed to all around buildings, and quickly determined the direction, opening shouted.


The crowd of black was rolling, moving towards Central Square surging away.

“Lock the dragon pillar !?”

When Heavenly Pool Elder arrived at the Central Square of the city, he saw at a glance that the iron chain on the huge black Stone Pillar was tied to a black dragon-shaped statue.

“This is the entrance!”

Jade Talisman in Heavenly Pool Elder’s hand issued a red light, which was extremely intense, making his face full of surprises.

“Quick, immediately set up!”

At the order, several powerhouses immediately rushed up, took out a few altars, and began to arrange the spirit array.

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