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Ordered by Heavenly Pool Elder, Emperor Qingyun, as the chief disciple, did not dare to neglect, and quickly joined the mad tiger emperor, with nearly 30 Great Emperor Realm powerhouse, began to arrange the spiritual array.

Spirit Mark and Jade Talisman, which have been prepared for a long time, all take out together, with the layout of 7 Star 8 and 1 anti, they will lock the dragon pillar all around, all covered.

“In this battle, the spirit of the tomb guard cannot interfere with us!”

Heavenly Pool Elder looked at the Black Dragon statue in front of him and said.

In fact, this Great Array is said to deal with the spirit of the Black Dragon, but it is actually prepared for the other side.

Although they did not know why so many of them had already rushed into the “Tomb of the Unknown God”, the other side’s envoy never appeared.

The reason is nothing more than two. One is where they are now. Simply is not an important place for the Tomb of the Unknown God. The other shore makes Simply simply too lazy to stop.

And another possibility is that the other side’s envoys don’t worry at all, they must have powerful means waiting for them.

These two reasons, no matter which one, are not Heavenly Pool Elder what they want to see.

So, including Heavenly Pool Elder, Roaming Dragon Mountain and Tian Baozong all the big brothers, their faces are dignified and they are very nervous.

“Hmph! These guys, their noses are spirit!”

Tian Baozong ’s law enforcement, the empty Daoist glanced back. They just entered the city gate of the city, but they found that a group of people were hiding far away near the building on the side of the main road, stick one’s head around to look for Looking towards the square.

For these small sect Martial Artists, and the appearance of some Loose Cultivator, the empty Daoist disdains coldly snorted and said.

Wuwu Forest, chasing and killing Huayang, and the presence of the other side of the netherworld, there were dozens of powerhouses with two sects.

People are talkative, and the news will inevitably leak out. Within a few days, it has spread to more than half of the Yin-Yang world continent.

If it is just an opportunity message from ordinary, it may not cause much reaction.

However, the 4 Great Protector of Ming Sect appeared near the dead lake in Wuwu Forest. Such news can arouse the interest of many people.

As long as they check a little, they will find the same result as Tian Baozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain.

That is, the ghost on the other shore appeared near the dead lake in Wuwu Forest, because there was a Secret Realm Inheritance Land in Antiquity era.

Although in the last 1000 years, this Secret Realm Danger Land has not been set foot because of danger and no results.

However, since the other side was enshrined in this place for 1000 years, with his strength, he might have discovered something.

This is the method of Divine Spark’s condensation, hopefully breaking through to the secret of the powerhouse.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Baozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain made a big move to the Wuwu Forest, which was really big.

This makes the Wuxu Forest near the Black Lake instantly become like big fat, attracting attention.

Various sects of all potentials, all sent manpower, want to see 2 Great Sect, what action, and also explore, this 1000 years no one has come to inherit Secret Realm, has been cracked by the other side.

If it’s really cracked, the excitement will be big!

Moreover, Ming Sect 4 Great Protector appeared, and Tianbaozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain, I am afraid there will be a big collision.

How can such a thing be missed! ?

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, in the other direction of the city, a huge thunderstorm exploded, and the entire city was softly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their heads towards the direction of the city gate on the other side, but found that the huge city gate exploded directly, and various kinds of gravel were flying all over the sky, pulling a large wave of air and rushing over the city.

Amidst the dust and waves, a silhouette stepped forward and moved towards the Central Square towards the city.


Heavenly Pool Elder, Qingyun Emperor, Mad Tiger Emperor, including the two sects gangsters and powerhouses present, as well as those Loose Cultivator powerhouses who were observing from afar a Doubt.

The other side was finally out! ?

I don’t know if he is alone, or Ming Sect and other powerhouses together! ?

If Ming Sect 4 Great Protector is collected, that terrifying battle will be inevitable.

However, for this, Tian Baozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain are prepared.

The two sects gangsters and powerhouses present were all alert and highly alert, ready to shoot at any time.

However, when the silhouette of the dust wave is getting closer and closer, and the dust wave slowly dissipates, the silhouette looks gradually appearing in front of everyone.

Seeing the appearance of the person coming, everyone’s face changed in unison.

“Wh … what !? Is … is Huayang !?”

Not bad!

The person who came here was at the gate of the city gate and was going to blast the city gate … Chu Yan!

“How is he still alive!?”

“No way !? Ming Sect, didn’t kill him !?”

“It’s impossible! Ming Sect 4 Great Protector, all brutal and brutal, all abnormal, how could it be possible to keep him alive !?”


With 100 pairs of eyes, he stared blankly at Chu Yan, who walked along the main road of the city, moved towards Central Square, all with a dazed face.

They didn’t expect at all, Chu Yan was still alive! ?

According to their guess, the other side envoy took Huayang away in Wuwu Forest, probably to listen to some outside conditions.

It is not difficult to ask these news naturally, but after receiving the news, the other side’s emissary is simply impossible to let Huayang live again.

This is completely beyond everyone’s expectations!

However, no matter whether they believe it or not, Huayang strides forward and has come to them alive.

“Tian Baozong, Roaming Dragon Mountain, what a coincidence !?”

Chu Yan’s double 5 thunder eyes swept across the Central Square, and there were 100 powerhouses in the double sect. There was no surprise in his face, but he asked with a plain face.

From Chu Yan’s cultivation in Earth Palace, he can guess that Tian Baozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain will never stop.

What’s more, after Chu Yan discovered that Earth Palace was the “Tomb of the Unknown God”, he was more convinced that the big brothers of Tianbaozong and Roaming Dragon Mountain would definitely come again.

Sure enough, only a few days later, a group of two sects appeared directly in the Tomb of the Unknown God, even one step faster than himself.


Heavenly Pool Elder stepped out, looked at Chu Yan, shouted loudly

“Say! If you don’t want to die, say immediately, where is the other shore’s envoy !?”

A horrible aura, rolling out, moved towards Chu Yan with coercion, the voice of interrogation resounded throughout the city.

At this moment, everyone was awakened by this shouted loudly directly, all looked up, looked towards Chu Yan.

“Don’t want to die !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, glanced at Heavenly Pool Elder, but said with a sneer “You want to die !?”

what! ?

This sentence rhetorically asked Heavenly Pool Elder and the powerhouses present to be surprised at the complexion change.

What does this Huayang mean! ?

How dare you dare to talk to Heavenly Pool Elder like this, is it courting death! ?

However, Chu Yan did not even wait for the people of Roaming Dragon to rise, but Chu Yan had already acted, right hand with two fingers, raised high and pointed straight to the huge Black Dragon statue on Central Square.

“What !? No …”

When everyone’s eyes followed the direction of Chu Yan’s sword and looked towards the Black Dragon statue, the complexion greatly changed.

However, without waiting for them to stop drinking, Chu Yan has already shot.

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