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Emperor Yinhe and Totem are empty, crashing the first wave of Heaven and Earth rules into powder.

However, when the wave-like Heaven and Earth rules continue to rush, it is like a sea, endless.

The power of Di Yin and dao chart, after insisting on near breaths, suddenly dissipated.

Between this piece of Heaven and Earth, the Heaven and Earth rules are almost endless, but Chu Yan ’s dao chart and Emperor Yin, of course, are endos-resistant Heaven and Earth rules made by impossible endless.

Fortunately, with the aid of this breath breath time, Chu Yan has flashed in shape, moved towards the right, and flashed away.

In this place full of Heaven and Earth rules, working with Heavenly Dao spirit has absolutely no advantage.

Therefore, Chu Yan not at all intends to consume it with the spirit of Heavenly Dao.

His 1st Step goal is to cover Situ Yang and rush into the Divine Spark battlefield first.

Uh …!

The movement art is fully unfolded, and Chu Yan’s figure is like a teleport, moving towards one direction.

Lead the spirit of Heavenly Dao away as far as possible.

Therefore, Chu Yan not at all deliberately searched for directions, but in accordance with the feeling in his heart, he continued to rush in the thick fog ahead.

“En !? What seems to exist near here !?”

While rushing, Chu Yan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that there was something special in the thick fog in front of him that attracted himself.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The feeling in my heart has just come into being. The Rule Power behind it, like crazy, hurried 100 steps in front of Chu Yan, and a huge shield wall was condensed, blocking Chu Yan’s path completely.


Seeing Rule Power who had been chasing behind, suddenly took the offensive and defensive defense, and actually blocked his way. Chu Yan suddenly started looking, and a consciousness flashed in his heart.

“has a problem!”

Without thinking about it, Chu Yan can directly judge that the Spirit of Heavenly Dao above his head may have a purpose.

The spirit of Heavenly Dao is certainly strong, but it also has weaknesses.

Spirit Physique, such as the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and the Spirit of Holy Heaven, is much worse in intelligence than true body.

Therefore, if the Spirit of Heavenly Dao wants to block his own path now, it must be because there is something in front of it that he does not want to touch or see.

Uh …!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan chopped out with a sword, chopped the entire shield wall of Rule Power in front of him, and his figure rushed through the exploding air waves, moving towards the front and flying straight away.

This is a special space!

At the junction of Ten Directions Star Domain and Divine Spark battlefield, various forces and wills are gathered here, which must cause some instability.

The most important thing is, 100 10,000 years ago, this is the main battlefield of God and Demon Great War.

Why the Battle of Divine Spark is here! ?

That’s because, here in Antiquity God and Demon Great War, there are a lot of God and Demon King, which are lost here.

Their fleshy body is damaged, Divine Soul dissipates, but there will be something left, it may be will, of course, it may be some kind of treasure and inheritance.

At the thought of this, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Anyway, it’s just that the spirit of Heavenly Dao stops himself, then must go and see.

Obviously, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao is covering up something, and does not want to let him happen secret.

“Could there be unexpected harvest !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were shining, and his interest was rising.

Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the spirit of Heavenly Dao, is the top of the pyramid of Martial Soul World.

It can be said that without Divine Realm, they are almost the master of this world.

For such an existence, if there is no secret, who will believe! ?

Now, the battlefield of the Battle of Divine Spark has just opened. There is time. At the same time, I did n’t come in the normal way. I can wait until the critical time of the Battle of Divine Spark.

Time is not a problem, so, this secret, must explore it.

“That’s over there!”

Counting 10 breaths later, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao urged Rule Power, chasing madly in the back, Chu Yan’s figure has been urged to the extreme, keeping a short distance.

“this is…”

Soon, a large area in front of the ground, flashing bright rays of light.

As we approached, Chu Yan could clearly see that a large broken array of spirits had been excited and was violently running.

Closer, Chu Yan felt that it was this spirit formation that summoned himself here.

Although this Spirit Array is broken, the will in it is extremely strong.

What surprised Chu Yan most was that his own dao chart actually echoed it. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, it slowly worked.

“This is … Space-Time array !?”

Although Chu Yan is not a Spirit Array Master, he can still see the attributes of a Spirit Array.

“Does this spirit array want to take me out !?”

Looking at the spiritual array in front of him, Chu Yan hesitated. After all, he didn’t know where this Space-Time array would be sent.

However, just as Chu Yan pondered, Spiritual Power in front of him, Spirit Power rose again, and the buzzing violently worked.

The dao chart in Sea of ​​Consciousness also runs faster and obviously matches it.

In terms of signs, both seem to be urging themselves to enter this spiritual formation.

“OK! Go in and see!”

Because the battle of Divine Spark has already begun, Chu Yan does not know whether he will let him miss the battle of Divine Spark after entering the Spirit Array, but, thinking of the Heavenly Dao spirit behind him, chasing after him, Chu Yan clenched the teeth, Stepped into the spirit array.


Almost at the moment he stepped into the Spirit Array, the entire Spirit Array of rays of light disappeared instantaneously and became a trace of aura.

The original Spirit Formation land has also become ordinary ground, there is nothing special about it.

Uh …!

At the time of 3 breaths after Chu Yan disappeared into the Spirit Array, above the sky, the silhouette of the Heavenly Dao Spirit passed by quickly, without a trace of stagnation.

However, 10 breaths later, the spirit of Heavenly Dao returned quickly and stopped where Chu Yan disappeared.

“Heavenly Dao deduction!”

A path of Heaven and Earth rule, gathered by the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, moved towards all around.

Soon, the spirit of Heavenly Dao discovered that Chu Yan was actually here, directly breaking through the boundary of Space-Time and disappearing into this place.

“What’s the matter !? He … entered the Divine Spark battlefield !? This is impossible!”

Heavenly Dao’s spirit root could not have believed that this Chu Yan, even without going through the boundary wall altar, could shuttle into the Divine Spark battlefield space out of thin air.

This ability, like the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, or the Spirit of Holy Heaven, has no such power.

It was just an annoying chase to kill Chu Yan, even the Divine Consciousness lock was missed. Now that Chu Yan is gone, he has completely lost his trace of Chu Yan

“Damn! Bastard!”

Heavenly Dao’s spirit roared, trembling the whole void.

“Hmph! Even if you enter the Divine Spark battlefield, there is no chance!”

After venting, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao gradually calmed down, Spirit Physique began to disappear, and quickly left this area.

Now that Chu Yan has entered the Divine Spark battlefield, he must follow the original plan and immediately begin preparations.


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