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With a snap, Chu Yan’s body was trembling, and in the blink of an eye, he came to another place.

“This is … Divine Spark battlefield !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness spread out, after a little exploration, he was shocked to find that he had entered the Divine Spark battlefield.

“What a rich breath! This is …”

Divine Consciousness swept away, and Chu Yan’s expression instantly froze.

Just after landing, Chu Yan could feel that in the sky all around, there is a very rich breath.

The concentration of Divine Breath here even exceeds the time when facing dozens of divine corpse in Kunshan Holy Tomb.

“Could it be that….”

Suddenly, a light flashed in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Buzz …!

I didn’t even wait for Chu Yan to react and continue to explore. The void around all began to tremble violently. A large number of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and the rules of the void, all turned into powder.

Everything is disappearing, as if a strong wind swept through, sweeping away all the haze.

In front of Chu Yan, his line of sight became very clear instantly, and he glanced at it, looking at his own place and his surroundings.

“this is…..”

Just a glance, Chu Yan’s pupil contracted instantly, his face full of surprise.

I saw, all around a huge block of golden stones, standing in front of Chu Yan, like a piece of stone forest.

It’s just that the golden stones in these stone forests each release a rich breath, like the aura of the ancient and powerful existence, moved together towards Chu Yan.

“No way! These all are…. Divine Spark !?”

Feeling such a magnificent breath, he was in the Divine Spark battlefield again. Chu Yan looked at the golden stones and was shocked.

Although every stone is golden, not all have a powerful breath.

Among them, there are 9 golden stones, the breath of which is extremely powerful and obvious, and the 5 divine light on the golden stone is also dazzling.

“It’s Divine Spark!”

Chu Yan runs Divine Soul, the pupil of Qilin, and at the same time sweeps towards these 9 golden stones, the result is extremely amazing!

“Hmph! No!”

However, before waiting for Chu Yan’s surprise, he discovered the uniqueness of these Golden Stone Divine Spark.

“It’s all broken!”

Chu Yan didn’t expect, such a huge golden stone Divine Spark, is actually not complete, but is a broken Divine Spark.

However, Chu Yan can clearly sense that among these gold stones, the incomparably rich breath is 1000 times stronger than the broken Divine Spark that occasionally appeared in the Chamber of Commerce auction at Ten Directions Star Domain.

If the true Divine Spark is the state of the Divine Spark in front of you, then the Chamber of Commerce auctions can only be regarded as the fragments of Divine Spark.

However, whether it is the broken Divine Spark fragments, or the broken Divine Spark in front of you, as long as it is refining, the improvement of cultivation base and strength is extremely huge.

Boom … Rumble!

Just as Chu Yan’s breathing intensified, suddenly, the nine Divine Spark crystals in front of him suddenly shook, and a large amount of breath breathed out, colliding between Heaven and Earth, turning into a respectable illusory shadow.

Roar! roar! roar!

This one respects Divine Spark illusory shadow, holding a sword, cutting a path of powerful divine glow against the sky, cutting the sky to pieces.

In an instant, above the shattered sky, a followed by a divine light of a, fell from the crack, while the broken sky did not fully heal, flowed through the crack, and poured into 9 Divine Spark illusory shadows.

“What … what is the situation !?” Chu Yan startled.

Obviously, 9 Venus Divine Spark illusory shadows are breaking the shackles and completing self-transformation.

And this bondage, most likely, is the Heavenly Dao rule and Divine Realm seal.

“Don’t …”

Chu Yan looked at the nine illusory shadows, and his breath began to converge, suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

What is certain is that these Divine Sparks are definitely the source of Divine Spark fragments that all Ten Directions Star Domain genius elites in the battlefield of Divine Spark want to compete for.

But why did you appear here directly! ?

Simply here is the nest of Divine Spark fragments!

“Chu … Your Highness Chu Yan!”

As Chu Yan pondered, suddenly, a pair of Divine Spark illusory shadows, suddenly eyes opened, all looked towards Chu Yan.

“His Royal Highness!?”

Chu Yan looked dazed, these Divine Spark illusory shadows were able to speak, the key was to call themselves “His Royal Highness”! ?

“It’s so bold to invite you to come, it’s rude!”

9 Zun Divine Spark illusory shadow export, even in midair, bowed to Chu Yan with a salute.

This time, Chu Yan was really shocked.

“You … have spirit wisdom !?”

It can be said that it will move, which shows that these Divine Spark have formed spirit wisdom.

“Yes! I will wait for the joint seal of Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao and Divine Realm. Only when it is broken can the spirit wisdom be restored!”

The export of this sentence confirmed Chu Yan’s previous guess, which was indeed related to the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

“This time, take the liberty to invite you to come to us, there is one thing, I want to ask you!”

“Request !?” Chu Yan startled.

This is Divine Spark Spirit Physique, 100 10,000 years ago, each Divine Spark represents a God powerhouse, how powerful! ?

Now, even speaking to yourself in this tone, this only shows that their affairs are probably very important.

“As soon as you appear, we feel your within the body in a deep sleep, and there is an extremely powerful homologous force!”

“We ask you, can you exert this power !?”

The spirit of Divine Spark is still very polite, said anxiously.

“Homologous force !? Is it …”

Chu Yan was stunned. In his Fleshy body, there was a prototype of Divine Spark, could it be …

These Divine Spark Spirit Physique, with respectful attitude, there is no hostility in aura, but a hint of affection.

Although Chu Yan doesn’t know why they feel affection for themselves, It shouldn’t be dangerous.

At the next breath, without hesitation, Chu Yan released the aura of Divine Spark prototype.

“Yes! Sure it’s a homologous force, but there is another one, can you also release it, please!”

Divine Spark Spirit Physique politely asks again

“and also!?”

This time, Chu Yan’s accidents, no matter how much he pondered, thought that it should be his own … dao chart!

Divine Spark’s spirit can be valued. Among his cards, the only Divine Spark prototype and dao chart can reach this level.

Therefore, Chu Yan also did not hesitate, Divine Consciousness communicated with dao chart and released directly.


9 As soon as the sword sword lotus appeared, 9 Divine Spark Spirit Physique and Spirit Physique shivers in unison, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

“Really … really!”

They were bred by Spirit Qi of Hongmeng, including the great existence of Dadao, and they have a profound understanding of all the sources of strength in this Martial Soul World.

Although they did not know how Chu Yan’s dao chart was formed, they felt the power of same root with different branches in them.

“Your Highness Chu Yan, I don’t know, can you help our companions !?” Divine Physique’s voice shuddered and excited.

“Companion !?” Chu Yan froze for a moment, looking towards all the other stones around.

Unlike these 9 Gold Stone’s Spirit bodies, in the stone forest all around, most of the Golden Stone Divine Spark is almost dead, without any aura fluctuations.

Could it be … these all are Divine Spark! ?

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