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100000000 10,000 li away, Saint Heavenly Pavilion!

“Heavenly Dao Spirit, it’s time to look at the situation on the battlefield of Divine Spark. Now, it should be almost over!”

From the cultivation, the Holy Spirit slowly opened the eyes, a flash of fine awn flashed in both eyes, looked towards the Spirit of Heavenly Dao beside him, said

“En! It should be almost!”

Hearing this, the spirit of Heavenly Dao also woke up and began to sense Heaven and Earth. Heavenly Dao rules moved towards Divine Spark and the direction of the battlefield shrouded away.

Because Divine Realm genius arranged by Saint Heavenly Pavilion enters Divine Spark battlefield, Heavenly Dao’s Spirit General the entire Divine Spark battlefield, all covered, all Divine Consciousness are not allowed to explore.

Even the Ten Directions Star Domain, the light curtains set by the major Chamber of Commerce outside the Divine Spark battlefield, were also covered by Heavenly Dao after the 3rd level began, and they could not be seen at all.

Moreover, in the Divine Spark battlefield, a lot of breath is shrouded, even if it is the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, if you want to peep, it will take some effort.

“Heavenly Dao Xuan, 10000 law gathering, Spirit Sect open, peek …!”

A mysterious wave of Heaven and Earth suddenly rushed out and merged into the void of Zhou Tian.

next moment, when the rules of Heaven and Earth merge with the spirit of Heavenly Dao, when feedback comes back on the situation in Divine Spark battlefield, the spirit of Heavenly Dao, just glanced at the whole Spirit Physique, suddenly shuddered, the eyes were almost Fly out directly.

“Wh … what !? This … how is this possible !?”

Not only the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, but also the Spirit of Holy Heaven around him, with a look of surprise, stood up and looked at the light curtain in front of the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, and the whole person was stunned.

“All … are all dead !?”

The two Ten Directions Star Domain dominated the existence of Nuo Da ’s temple. At this time, they were all stunned and dumb.

At this time, in the light curtain in front of them, the Divine Spark battlefield was full of corpses and amputated limbs, and the blood became rivers. There were some people besides the Divine Spark altar.

In the entire Divine Spark battlefield, there was silence and the silhouette was empty.

That’s … Divine Realm genius!

Moreover, among the Divine Realm, ten genius elites of the Zhao family.

Perhaps these powerhouses of Ten Directions Star Domain do not yet know what genius represents.

However, as the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and the Spirit of Holy Heaven, they are very clear, what a powerful existence that is.

But now, the ten Divine Realm genius, the Zhao’s imperial vein, are almost all killed by Chu Yan!

“This … this is impossible!”

The face of the Holy Spirit was shocked, and his pupils kept shaking.

“Good! Impossible!”

In the temple, a silhouette of Emperor God appeared, standing in front of the Spirit of Holy Heaven and Heavenly Dao, shouted.

“Zhao 10,000 li is still alive, in the middle of a mountain, he has used Zhao’s stunt, and he has already died!”

“Oh !?” The spirit of Heavenly Dao’s face started, quickly urging the rules of Heavenly Dao, and moved towards Divine Spark near the battlefield.

At the next breath, the picture of the entire Divine Spark battlefield became more and more clear. Sure enough, in the hillside of Spirit Peak, I saw Zhao 10,000 li with a pale, shiver coldly.

Looking at the arrogant loss compared to before, the terrified Zhao 10,000 li, in the whole temple, suddenly became dead.

2 The Great Heavenly Spirit, plus the Lord of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Emperor God, 3 giants who stepped on Ten Directions Star Domain, in this brief moment, completely silent.

On the other side, 7 Battle Clan, Monster Sect main altar.

“Hmph! Reverse Divine Dao this time, I am afraid it will be completely over! As long as Chu Yan dies, Saint Heavenly Pavilion will definitely fight the final battle against the reverse Divine Dao, the entire reverse Divine Dao will be extinct! Fortunately, at the beginning …”

Sitting on the throne of the monster, Monster Sect Sect Master sneered with a sneer on his face, deep in his heart.

If it weren’t for the battle of Divine Spark, he wouldn’t come out of retreat at all, and waited for almost ten days here.

However, while he was still thinking about how to fight for the benefits of Monster Sect with Saint Heavenly Pavilion, suddenly, the loud sound of peng sound and the door of the great hall of the altar were directly knocked open by a silhouette of a terrified horror.

“No … not good! Sir Sir, something went wrong, Young Master he …”

The demon lord who was still angry, heard the word “Young Master”, and suddenly complexion changed, he stood up a moment, a pair of eyes, fiercely staring at the elder who rushed in, shouted

“Young Master, what’s wrong !? Say!”

The word growled like an explosion of thunder, which made the frightened Elder tremble with a terrified body, reacted instantly, and said quickly

“Young Master he … his life Jade Talisman, burst!”

This sentence fell to the ground, just like heaven falls and earth rends!

The face of the demon-lord God instantly twitched, and his eyes were full of unbelievable light.

Possible !

My son, the best genius in the entire Monster Sect, with numerous Spirit Treasures, and a large number of clansman protections, plus the support of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, how could it happen! ?

“Are you crazy ?? What the hell are you talking about!” The demon god took a breath, coldly said.

“Really! The Young Master alone, the Bloodscale Saint, the 10000 Great Emperor, their lives Jade Talisman, also … all burst!”

When Elder’s words sounded again, the face of the demon master changed completely.

Because, just now his Divine Consciousness has swept through the location of the ancestral hall and saw the scene Elder said in front of him.

Pieces of Jade Talisman representing clansman’s life aura, above the ancestral altar, all exploded into pieces, including his son, Tongshan Puppet!

How can this be!

After a while, the body of the demon lord is instantly paralyzed on the throne of the big demon, and his face is shocked.

Monster Sect is one of the 7 Battle Clan. Since he became the demon master, it has never appeared. The top powerhouse of Monster Sect has damaged a dozen people at a time.

Even if it was before, fighting Sect with other Sects, it also lost at most one or two top battle strengths.

But now …

At this moment, not only Monster Sect, but also the other 7 races of the 1 Battle Clan, various roaring sounds continue to explode in their main hall.

“Gu Gu, Young Master’s life Gu … aura is cut off! There are 7 Great Saint Gu Gu Sir, and it’s all done!”

“Patriarch, Young Patriarch’s spirit card, shattered! Several Saints Elder, and 3 genius, all shattered!”

“Princess Sir, Hai Qi Spirit Qi all lost …”


A path of shocking news, constantly transmitted, the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, the Sect Master patriarch giants of Great Influence, almost at the same time, received all kinds of news that made their hearts tremble and complexion greatly changed.

At this moment, at the same time, all the powerhouses of Ten Directions Star Domain, the Sea of ​​Consciousness was boiling, and Divine Soul was shocked.

Less than breath breaths, the entire Martial Soul World instantly boils.

For 100,000 years, all forces in the world, at the same time, burst out a murderous intention and endless anger, sweeping the whole world.

The shocking news not only happened among the Great Influences, but also spread rapidly throughout the Ten Directions Star Domain at an alarming rate.

From the ancient giants to the ordinary Martial Artists, as long as they heard the news, they were all shocked by Divine Soul.

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