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Fox Race, Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor appeared in the sky with a large number of powerhouse.

Among the 7 Battle Clan, the most low-key Fox Race, when it first appeared, a large group of Fox Race powerhouse, 4 scattered, and did not wait for everyone to react, a myriad beasts sky array that released the horrible aura, the layout was completed in an instant .

“Fox … Fox Race !? You …”

Jin Sheng Peak Master and a group of continent giants, looked at this scene, suddenly ignorant.

Fox Race, in Ten Directions Star Domain, low-key level, I am afraid that compared to a 3 4 stream Sect force that I have never heard of, it can all mention on equal terms.

If it is usually, in a random city in Ten Directions Star Domain, pull in a Martial Artist and ask him.

“Have you heard of Fox Race ?!”

“of course!”

“Well, who is the patriarch of Fox Race !? Where is the mountain gate? What Sect stunt !?”

“Uh … this …”

There are nine out of ten, which can’t be answered at all. Even when Young Patriarch Li Mingdao appeared beside the Golden Master Peak Master, there was a continent giant in amazement. ?

Regardless of Fox Race’s strength and fame, one thing can be confirmed anyway, the current Fox Race, obviously standing with the Lord of Forbidden God, is here to help Chu Yan!

In the eyes of Jin Sheng Peak Master, there was a flash of murderous intention….

This time, Chu Yan’s shot was exhausted, no matter who it is, as long as it blocks, it must die!

Even Fox Race is no exception!

However, just as he was about to order his shot again, a large ray of thunderclouds exploded above the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

The vast sky collapsed in an instant, as if almost half of the entire sky had completely collapsed.

Innumerable rays of light poured out from under the shattered sky, and a huge shadow like a continuous mountain range flew out of it.

At this moment, the whole Heaven and Earth is dark, the sun rays of light disappeared instantly, and the entire World seems to be in darkness.

“Hehe, you guys want to move Chu Yan, I have some opinions!”

A familiar voice sounded, and the huge golden Tian Kun appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately after, colorful light flashed, the body disappeared, a silhouette of the emperor with a Purple Gold crown on top of his head, wearing a robe, looking at the continent giants with a smile.

“Little ones, come out and play!”

The Kun emperor waved his hand, and numerous huge shadows behind him appeared from the sky. They were all horrible silhouettes comparable to mountains.

Ao …! Ao …! Ao …!

The crowds roar, the Heaven and Earth trembles, and there are more than a dozen huge and colorful sky kuns, appearing in the Kun emperor ’s body. This day, every time they twitch the tail, a huge Heaven and Earth storm will be picked up. The sky is full of clouds, and the blowing 4 is scattered.

“Heaven … Tiankun tribe !?”

There was a look of surprise on Jin Sheng Peak Master’s face. He never thought that the Tian Kun tribe, who had disappeared from one of the 3 Supreme Monster Races for countless years, would reappear.

More importantly, it was Kun Kun who led the team!

This means that the entire Tian Kun tribe has become Chu Yan’s helper!

“Fox Race, the Taikang Tian Kun tribe, what is the relationship with the inverse Divine Dao !?”

All the cultivators and gangsters who watched the game looked at the sky stunned, a dozen giant monster-like heavens, traveling Heaven and Earth, imposing manner and swallowing the sky.

At this moment, some Antiquity gangsters instantly blurred their eyes, their faces full of excitement.

Because, they have all seen it with their own eyes. When Antiquity God and Demon Great War was there, every time a sky kun appeared above the sky, there would be a person Taikoo Divine Race coming.

That was Martial Soul World, the prosperous Peak period of Martial Dao!

It now appears that Fox Race and the Tian Kun tribe must have become one with the inverse Divine Dao!

Putting it that way, although the Lei and Hai clan alliances were lost, everyone thought that the inverse Divine Dao had fallen, but now it seems that simply is more powerful.

“good, very good, excellent!”

Jin Sheng Peak Master looked at Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor and Kun Emperor in front of him, under his strong killing intent, but a smile appeared on his face.

“Fox Race, Tiankun tribe, since you courting death yourself, you have to help Chu Yan, then today, let’s wipe out the tribe together!”

Boom … rumbling!

The word fell to the ground. Behind the Golden Master Peak Master, a large number of divine might broke out at the same time, and countless Spirit Treasure and Divine Item played together with God’s prestige, like a horror sky wave, swept out.

“This time … a little trouble!” The Lord God of Forbiddenness saw the divine might wave, his face dignified.

“Forbidden old ghost, can it stand up !?” Kun emperor asked, his eyes twitching.

“You and I will join forces and should be able to stand up for a while! No more than half stick of incense time!” The Lord of Forbidden God tells the truth.

“Fuck! Otherwise, I’ll withdraw first, you are holding first!”

The Kun emperor complexion changed, and said, “My Kun tribe, so few Tian Kun can take their hands, but they can’t fall into my hands!”

Tiankun tribe, Antiquity Fiendgod One battle, almost completely destroyed, almost annihilated.

From the development of several 100,000 years to the present, the number of grown adult kunku is only 13%.

At this time, the Kun emperor directly brought ten or two heads, which is considered to be out of the clan, but if they are all lost here, the consequences …

“As long as you can withstand this period of time and let Chu Yan complete the Divine Spark fusion, everything is worth it!” Lord of the Forbidden God said with a smile.

Hearing this, the Kun emperor turned his head and looked towards the Divine Spark altar.

“En!” Nodded heavily, Kun Kun’s face was all decisive.

Chu Yan is integrating Divine Spark. At this time, it is extremely important and must not be interrupted.

“Then do it! Ao …!”

On the Kun emperor, 10000 rays of gleaming light flickered and turned into a golden mountain kun like a mountain range, moved towards the front, and rushed straight away.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Twelve Tiankuns of various colors heard roars of the Kun emperor and formed a row of mountains and seas, moved towards the enemy to charge.

The Lord of the Forbidden God, with 7 Forbidden God Envoys, waved God light like a respected Battle General in his hand, rushing straight up.

Yuan Sheng Divine Emperor and a group of Fox Race powerhouse, also broke out the strongest battle strength to join the battle.

For a time, a terrifying battle broke out between the whole Heaven and Earth!

All the Martial Artists and gangsters watching the match looked at the battle in the sky and all looked pale.

This level of combat has not been seen in Ten Directions Star Domain for 100,000 years.

The heavenly divine powerhouse, countless Divine Item Spirit Treasure, and the three monster races of Tian Kun …

The entire sky, in less than a few breaths, was completely smashed into turbulent space-time turbulence, with black holes vortex everywhere.

In an instant, all people had an illusion, and even thought that Antiquity God and Demon Great War started again.

“Hmph! Chu Yan proclaimed God and lived for Mortal World, which must not be destroyed!”

It seems to be completely infected by this battle, all around in the sky, the original hidden giants, all excited, rose into the sky and joined the battle.

Boom … Rumble!

When the outbreak of the war was fierce, suddenly, between Heaven and Earth, an extremely powerful aura, such as Gang Yuan, struck and swept away.

This might sweep across the sky, instantly letting the skirmish sky stop fighting immediately, and everyone’s eyes looked towards the sky together.

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