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Chapter 2804

Ten and three Divine Spark altars, 3 Jinshi Divine Spark, all in the hands of Chu Yan.

Who can guarantee that in such a divine Divine Spark, the complete Divine Spark will not be opened! ?

Even if it can’t be opened, all the Divine Spark fragments are added together, plus the previous inventory of the reverse Divine Dao, maybe it can be merged together.

When the time comes, Chu Yan went through Divine Emperor Thunder Tribulation again, and since then, it has been a step in the sky, completely out of the rule of suppression by Heavenly Dao and Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

At that time, Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao, together with his Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and then want to deal with Chu Yan, the price paid, it is likely to make them hurt.

“Look, what’s the situation !?”

Suddenly, in the great hall, the voice of Heavenly Dao’s spirit sounded, attracting Holy God Emperor and Holy Spirit, while moving towards the light curtain in the temple.

Just a glance, the faces of the three giants suddenly changed.

I saw that in the light curtain, in front of Chu Yan, stood a snow shadow woman, aura, comparable to the god realm.

On the other side, Chu Yan was wearing a tiger flame cloak, holding a long sword, and a battle intent, which broke out completely.

“This this….”

When I saw Chu Yan in the light curtain, even the face of Saint God, there was a look of surprise.

That cloak is definitely a Divine Item!

Moreover, Chu Yan at this time, compared with the previous slaughter of the audience, aura’s strength was significantly improved.

In other words, when Chu Yan killed everyone on the Divine Spark battlefield just now, he didn’t do his best! ?

Not only the three giants in the temple, but even the crowd at the scene were all in shock.

At this time on the Divine Spark battlefield, wearing a tiger roar cloak, holding a long sword of Chu Yan, a might, like Heaven and Earth War God, bent down the world.

“Little Brother Chu, really good again!”

Yue Linglong’s big eyes are all bright light glittering, and the small face is full of exclamation.

That expression, even more than her own, closed for 3 years, broke into Demon God fortress hell, and gained 7 pole Demon King body, even more excited.

In particular, she found that after Chu Yan had this cloak, she was even more handsome and uncomfortable!

“Yi!? You …”

Avatar, the Emperor Xuantian in a snow skirt, looked at Chu Yan, and her eyes were all surprised.

Compared to the last time, at Kunshan Holy Tomb, this Chu Yan’s battle strength has improved so much! ?


A roar exploded, thunder rolled, the sky trembled, and an endless battle intent raged like a sea of ​​anger.

Chu Yan’s figure instantly turned into an Azure Dragon, spitting out the sky of tiger flames, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, such as a stunning divine light, moved towards Xuantian Empress Avatar, and rushed away.

Last time, among the Kunshan Holy Tomb, Chu Yan only played a few tricks with Emperor Xuantian. Today, it is a head-to-head battle.

“Condensation 8 locks!”

Seeing Chu Yan rushing, the Xuantian Emperor jade hand waved, throwing a large wave of ice, such as a world destroying ice storm, sweeping Heaven and Earth, and Frozen Heaven and Earth.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Step out, Chu Yan’s silhouette, smashing the sky ice crystals, but directly to the Emperor Xuantian, clear Sky Sword in the hand, sword glow in the evening, fiercely cut off with a sword.

Boom … Rumble!

This is a terrifying battle. The might is so strong that it has already exceeded the cultivation base realm limit of Ten Directions Star Domain.

In an instant, the fierce battle above the sky, the explosion of countless waves and waves of energy, the entire Divine Spark battlefield was blasted with 1000 sores and 100 holes, the sky cracked, the earth was sunken, countless huge cracks, extended in the Spirit Peak mountain range .

All the rules of Heaven and Earth, the 10000-way avenue, in this battle, all were bombarded into powder, Space-Time turbulence burst everywhere, Heaven and Earth chaos.

“Quick withdrawal!”

Even if it was a distant place to hide, those who watched the battle, 3 Great Influence 7 Great Battle Clan’s Great Peak Powerhouse, seeing this scene, all looked pale and hurried back again.

The wave of Strength Qi just now almost made their body protection gang yuan collapse.

If they do not retreat, I am afraid that some of them will be directly killed by the perseverance of these battles.

This battle, the terror of might, has far exceeded their imagination.

Even, the extreme powerhouses of these Ten Directions Star Domain have no qualifications for watching.

It can be said that the power of this battle outbreak has exceeded the might between the 2 ordinary powerhouses of the magical realm, terrifying!

“This this…..”

Emperor God in the temple, Heavenly Dao Spirit, Holy Heaven Spirit, Three Great Giants, seeing the battle scene in the light curtain, completely silly

Who is Emperor Xuantian! ?

That’s Divine Realm, the most respected God Powerhouse!

Although it is just an Avatar, its battle strength can definitely sweep the divine powerhouse.

Has this Chu Yan cultivation base battle strength reached such a terrifying level! ?

Now, I am afraid that among the great influences of Ten Directions Star Domain, the magical powerhouse of ordinary shots can’t help Chu Yan!

With such surprise, the faces of the Three Great Giants were all dark.

However, if they let them know that Chu Yan within the body, and there are more than 100 Five Elements spirit sources, and they can break out again, it is estimated that they will be mad.

“At that time, Emperor Xuantian’s battle strength was also absolutely this !?”

Holy Spirit exhaled long, softly opened the mouth and said

“Fortunately, the rules of this time Divine Spark battlefield have been forcibly changed by us, and how many Divine Spark fragments are produced by Chu Yan impossible!”

If you want to use Divine Spark 13 to create a sufficient number of Divine Spark pieces, don’t even think about it!

At this point, Three Great Giants has long been used as a last resort against Chu Yan, and it has been laid out well in advance.

In the Divine Spark stone forest, all the golden stone Divine Spark has been sealed!

Moreover, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao controlled all Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, Chu Yan wanted Transcending Tribulation, without his permission, simply impossible.

Without Transcending Tribulation, you cannot really step into the realm of the gods, let alone … seal the gods!

Although Chu Yan is very strong now, the upper limit has been completely forbidden by them.


Emperor Saint God ’s face was low, but it was the head, opened the mouth and said

“That’s not enough! We must upgrade the plan!”

Emperor Saint God in Ten Directions Star Domain is the absolute dominant existence. Even in Divine Realm, it is almost a step away from God.

So, leaning back on Divine Realm, he knew exactly what such a scary genius meant! ?

No matter what kind of rules and restrictions, repression means, it is better to let him completely damaged, come to insurance.

Never leave trouble!

“Promote !? How to improve !?”

Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao’s spirit turned their heads together and looked towards Holy God Emperor.

“At all costs! It depends on you!”

Emperor God ’s eyes looked straight towards Heavenly Dao ’s spirit, then said

“No matter how much you lose, my Saint Heavenly Pavilion will definitely not let you lose. Our 2 families share the same!”

“This time, he killed all the descendants of all influence. This is an opportunity. We must unite all forces and start together!”

“Next, I’m going to do it myself, break the Divine Spark battlefield, and kill Chu Yan!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the Spirit of Holy Heaven and the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, suddenly looked shocked.

Shoot in person! ?

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