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This remark of the Holy God Emperor completely stunned the Holy Spirit and Heavenly Dao Spirit.

“Not only me, you go with me!”

Emperor Saint God continued


This time, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and the Spirit of Holy Heaven were completely shocked.

Three Great Giants of Ten Directions Star Domain, shot together, even if half of the Star Domain is destroyed, it is enough!

It was just to deal with this Chu Yan! ?

“You guys, how do you say?” Emperor Saint God looked at the two people and asked intently.

Forcibly breaking the Divine Spark battlefield will surely cause countless divine might backlash in the Divine Spark battlefield.

This is not the most important!

The point is, because the Spirit of Heavenly Dao breaks the rules, the entire Spirit Physique, including true body, may be impacted, Divine Strength is greatly damaged!

“No! No!”

Sure enough, the spirit of Heavenly Dao shook his head directly, his face pale.

Breaking the boundaries of the Divine Spark battlefield, the divine might backlash, not only me, but also the Heavenly Dao spirit, will also be affected, and the source of damage, Spirit Power, cannot be estimated.

“This loss is too big!”

This Ten Directions Star Domain, although under the complete control of the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, still has some special existence.

The former Lord of Forbidden God, including the Divine Spark battlefield in front of him, whether it is one or the other, exists independently and is not controlled by the Spirit of Heavenly Dao at all.

Although there is an interface with his rules, but if it is forced to break open, it must be counterattacked by the other party.

“Dare you refuse me !?”

Hearing the answer from the Spirit of Heavenly Dao, Emperor God ’s face was instantly cold.


Seeing Saint God’s expression, Spirit Physique of Heavenly Dao’s spirit couldn’t help but shudder.

“That’s all that’s all! Your compensation will be given to me first, and all Great Influence must be present to share the backlash, maybe you can give it a try!”

“The premise is that your compensation must be able to make up for the loss of Heavenly Dao and me!”

For him, Saint God ’s approach, although it suffered losses, was the most secure.

Three Great Giants personally shot, even with only a few strengths, it was enough to kill Chu Yan, trouble will completely vanish.

For this reason, it is worthwhile to lose some risks and take some risks.

“Relax! Although you and I belong to different groups, since we join forces for the same purpose, we will not lose you!”

The corner of Emperor God ’s mouth rose, opened the mouth and said.

“Holy Heaven, the next thing will be yours!”

Hearing this sentence, the Holy Spirit standing on the side, quickly nodded, Tao

“it is good!”

At the next breath, countless divine orders were shot from the body of the Holy Spirit, rushing towards Ten Directions Star Domain, the whole world.

“En!? Plan …!?”

Soon, 3 Great Influence 7 Battle Clan, except the Dark Temple, all received the message of the Holy Spirit.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Only because this plan is too scary!

“Chu Yan ’s battle strength has reached a level that can threaten any Sect of Ten Directions Star Domain except our Saint Heavenly Pavilion. Do n’t forget that there is a reverse Divine Dao behind him. If you let him get Divine this time Spark, no one of you can escape, so we must join forces and will …

The voice of the Holy Spirit sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of all the powerful tycoons, telling the plan of Holy God completely.

“OK! Let us listen to Holy Heaven Sir, let Chu Yan pay his life!”

“Good! We Monster Sect, start now!”

“This child is damn, must not stay, we Hai clan and Thunder Clan, will not let him go!”


After a period of time, the Great Influence quickly reached a consensus, driven by various hatreds and murderous intentions, the fire of revenge ignited at the same time.

At this moment, the fire of anger was completely ignited, and every powerful man was clamoring for Chu Yan a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

After this roar, it sounds like revenge for his son or discipline, but in fact, they all know it very well.

The reason why the teamwork was completed in such a short time is entirely because of the sentence of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit …

“If you let him get Divine Spark this time, no one of you can escape …”

In the two years before Chu Yan’s appearance, all of their forces united and tried to suppress and kill Chu Yan and Divine Dao.

Now, Chu Yan is back strong and his strength is skyrocketing.

If you really let Chu Yan get Divine Spark in the Divine Spark battlefield of this time, and complete the seal of God, what is the result …

At this point, there is no need to remind the Holy Spirit, they are very clear!

If it is light, it will pay a heavy price and it will be weak since then.

If it is heavy, perhaps the entire clan will be extinct, and there will be no vitality ever since.

Regardless of the result, it is not what they want to see, or acceptable, so the best way now is to kill Chu Yan before he is the god!

boom…! boom…! boom….!

In less than breath breaths time, 3 Great Influence, 7 Battle Clan are located in the mountain gate, a path of shock God light up, countless powerful aura, and a horror Spirit Treasure, born!

At this moment, outside the Ten Directions Star Domain, in the endless chaos of the Star Domain …

The path that had been running through the chaotic Star Domain came to Ten Directions Star Domain’s body of Snow Shadow and stopped suddenly.

I saw, not far from her, a golden-bright and dazzling star continent appeared!

That is continent, the place where she was born that year, and it was also the starting point for her soaring Divine Realm!

Ten Directions Star Domain!

“Get started! Set up!”

With an order, a powerful silhouette behind her, accept the order.

“Follow the order!”

The tide-like Divine Seal decree, holy light breathed out, rushed out, spreading like tide in the junction of the golden continent and the chaotic Star Domain.

It took only a few hours to transform a monstrous Great Array, and assembled an incomparably huge god net, moved towards continent plane, shrouded down.

“Heaven Sealing Great Array, Mortal World!”

Even if the entire plane is continent, once it is enveloped by this Great Array, it will be completely independent by Martial Soul World.

“Attack the boundary wall!”

Xueying looked cold, glanced at it, and spoke again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With her command, in the Great Array, countless divine light rushed up, all the horror powerhouse, all shot together, slammed towards Ten Directions Star Domain continent.

During the sky-long attack, the boundary between Ten Directions Star Domain and the chaotic Star Domain trembles.

This happened in the scene of the chaotic Star Domain, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, it is impossible to feel at all.

At this time in the Divine Spark battlefield, the battle of Chu Yan’s Empress Avatar is still fierce.

As the battle progressed, Chu Yan ’s Emperor-Indian Dao chart was all on display, and the battle strength that erupted was extremely amazing.

It is also because of the Emperor Yin Dao chart and the Tiger Roar cloak. At this time, Chu Yan suppressed the Empress Xuantian Avatar completely.

“Very strong! Empress Xuantian is worthy!”

Chu Yan had a pair of thunder eyes, a wave of war, and looked at Xuantian Empress in front with a little surprise.

This Avatar, because of the restrictions of Divine Spark battlefield rules, is also only the strength of Holy Peak Peak.

But that’s it, it was still fighting with him for so long.

An Avatar has such a strong strength. From the visible, the battle strength of true body, how terrifying it will be! ?

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