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But for Chu Yan, this battle has huge benefits for him.

After repairing Yin-Yang, going to Kunshan Mountain, and getting the tiger roar cloak, Chu Yan’s strength improved a lot.

Because of this, there are too few opponents who can make him fight hard.

And now, fighting this Avatar, the Empress Xuantian, gave him all his strength.

The battle of life and death is always the best way and way for Martial Artists to improve battle strength.

Therefore, as long as the battle continues, Chu Yan’s battle strength will continue to improve.

At least for now, Chu Yan has a new perception of the body scent of Vault of Heaven.

Vault of Heaven is a sword that Chu Yan has combined with his own strength to create his own battle skill.

But now, with the continuous improvement of the strength, although the formidable power of this sword will also be strong, it has been unable to fully exert a stronger sword power.

If you want breakthrough, you can only understand it in actual combat.

Boom … Rumble!

Suddenly, between Heaven and Earth, a dull thunder sounded loudly.

The suppressed and crushed Heaven and Earth rules, 10000 mana, suddenly began to surge, as if the volcano was shaking.

“When the time comes !?”

Emperor Xuantian Avatar, slightly startled, ice eyes swept across the sky, and then jade hand turned, resulting in a path of Divine Seal.

The next moment, her silhouette, just like the air dissipated, was instantly disappeared.

“what happened!?”

When seeing the disappearance of Emperor Xuantian Avatar, Chu Yan was taken aback.

She is hidden in the battlefield of Divine Spark, and at the last moment, she said she wants to fight her life and death! ?

How come, suddenly left! ?

What’s the point of coming here? ?

“Is it …?”

Concentrating and pondering, Chu Yan’s consciousness is like electricity, and all kinds of guesses and thoughts are tumbling in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“There should be something unexpected, so she will leave in a hurry, I am afraid it is related to her true body!”

The enemy left. It may be a good thing for Chu Yan, but the hidden intent behind it still makes Chu Yan feel more dignified.

After this battle, Chu Yan knew more clearly that the true body of Emperor Xuantian was very strong!

“time up!”

At this moment, between Heaven and Earth, the silhouette of the presiding emperor appeared, and between Heaven and Earth, a very majestic voice sounded.

“The battle of Divine Spark is over!”

Host Divine Spark, also in this Divine Spark battlefield, a Remnant Soul, who has lost his spirit, has his own wisdom wisdom.

From beginning to end, he watched Chu Yan appear, to the slaughter all sides, and was completely shocked.

This is the battle of Divine Spark!

Boom … Rumble!

Almost at the moment when the Divine Spark appeared, the thirteen and three Divine Spark altars underneath tremble together, bursting out 3 divine light, reflecting the entire Divine Spark World into a five-color piece of light Immortal Realm World .

A hundred li apart, all influence emperors who were still alive watching the battle, instantly felt that this Divine Spark battlefield World is full of extremely rich breath.

Ten and three Divine Spark altars, at the same time outbreak of divine light, 3 Jinshi Divine Spark, all rising.

However, when everyone’s eyes widened and stared closely at the 13 Golden Stone Divine Spark, all of a sudden, mutation suddenly took place!

I saw that there are eleven pieces of Divine Spark in 13 Jinshi. When I was about to leave the Divine Spark altar, I suddenly shuddered and fell back to the Divine Spark altar.

Then, on the eleven Divine Spark altars, all the divine light instantly dimmed.

Only two Divine Spark altars are still divine light masterpieces, and two pieces of Divine Spark are slowly rising into the air.

“What !? How could this be ?!”

Everyone’s face changed, all of them looked surprised.

Ten three consecutive altars are 3 Divine Spark!

But now, there are only… 2 pieces! ?

“Chu Yan, you are in the Divine Spark battlefield, killing countless people, bloody debts, and hereby lower the verdict, deducting 2 gold stones Divine Spark, the final reward, 1!

Heavenly Dao’s spirit sounded in the sky of Divine Spark battlefield.

While Heavenly Dao’s will is down, the Spirit of Heavenly Dao is already outside the Divine Spark battlefield.

At this moment, suddenly opened, just to see, if Chu Yan can produce Divine Spark fragments, if it is bad, there is no need to pay a huge price, forcibly break the God grid battlefield to bomb Chu Yan.

“Heavenly Dao … verdict !?”

All the emperors who were present at the battle immediately understood it, and at the same time, there was a smile on their faces.

Offended all forces of Ten Directions Star Domain, and offended Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao, see which of Chu Yan’s gods! ?

“It’s up to you to deserve me!”

Chu Yan hearing this, his face calm, no change, opened the mouth and said with a sneer.

“Divine Spark Spirit, listen to my orders, revelation!”

With a sip, eleven Divine Spark altars that had been completely bleak, eleven guardians simultaneously out roared, and Divine Weapon waved in their hands to the Divine Spark altar.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The eleven waves exploded, and on the Divine Spark altar, the pillar of divine light rose again into the sky.

The eleven pieces of Divine Spark that had fallen back to the Divine Spark Altar, the breakthrough Heaven and Earth rule, took off again.

“Wh … what !?”

Heavenly Dao’s face changed instantly.

Divine Spark, Jin Shi, broke free of his control and broke the forcefully changed Heavenly Dao rules! ?

How can this be! ?

His Spirit of Heavenly Dao is still here. How can these Divine Sparks break his Heavenly Dao rules! ?

“Is it …”

The regular seal imposed on Divine Spark stone forest, even now Chu Yan, is absolutely impossible to break.

Unless, there is a Divine Strength that exceeds the strength limit of Ten Directions Star Domain and reaches above the Divine God, it may be destroyed.

How did this Chu Yan do it! ?

Is there anything else in him that is comparable to the Supreme Treasure with Divine Strength! ?

“Good! Good! Good!”

The face of Heavenly Dao’s spirit instantly became extremely unbearable, staring at Chu Yan’s eyes, and it became all bloody.

“Chu Yan, this time, even if I lose half of the source, I will let you die in the battlefield of Divine Spark!”

The killing intent in my heart almost reached the unprecedented Peak.

The power of Chu Yan has reached the Ten Directions Star Domain level that can interfere with his own control, and must not be left!

Now, no matter how, Chu Yan did it!

A kid who can break Heavenly Dao’s rules and affect his status and power is absolutely impossible to allow him to exist.

“Heavenly Dao … seems to be angry !?”

Near the Divine Spark altar, Yue Linglong They heard the spirit of Heavenly Dao, all with an unexpected expression.

“Everyone, many thanks for your help!”

Chu Yan confronted Yue Linglong, Ouyang Nantian, Changtianhe, Shen Shengjie and others for their presence, and thanked them.

“Here is the Divine Spark, I only need 4 pieces, the other …”

Originally, Chu Yan wanted to give the remaining 7 to Yue Linglong, but when thinking of the 7 Divine Spark Spirit Physique in Divine Spark Stone’s Spirit, Chu Yan said.

“Divine Spark has spirit, let them decide for themselves!”

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