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With the order of the Empress Xuantian, between Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven, countless fairy divine splendors emerged, and a great array of heavenly spirits also appeared, and the buzz began to work.

Boom … rumbling!

Along with the sound of 10000 thunderclouds rolling, above the sky dome, a huge magical wave like Beast Tide came turbulently, moved towards the sky, and the flying earth hung in the sky, rushing away.

Just in the blink of an eye, the spirit tide entered, myriad beasts appeared, and above the Vault of Heaven, a path of roaring.

At this moment, everyone looked up at Vault of Heaven, with a divine splendor face, all shocked.

This is almost Gods Vestige!

The horror of Empress Xuantian was marveled at this time.

None of them could imagine that the power of a cultivator could reach such a terrifying level!

Now they have all seen it, this piece of Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon is obviously made by Empress Xuantian with her own strength.

This Emperor Xuantian, in the outer space of the 9th Layer, is the existence of Overlord level.

Lead the army and break the Ten Directions Star Domain wall, the true body comes.

Now, with the strength of one person, how terrifying Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon is created, and such a might, how can anyone! ?

Ka cha !

The earth in the sky, the fusion with the spirit tide, directly caused the reaction of Ten Directions Star Domain, and the entire continent began to tremble slightly.

Storms, floods, thunder and thunder, sweeping the whole continent on the sky and the earth.

Perhaps, it was because the tide that fell on Nine Heavens had a strong impact on Ten Directions Star Domain World.

Or it has threatened the origin of Ten Directions Star Domain World. This kind of reaction directly caused a variety of terrible world destroying disasters.

“Tian Ling Zhu Er, take this as the center, turn heaven and earth, and turn the world around!”

“Inverse River Yin-Yang, 9 degrees and 9 vietnams, I am the commander, Taiyuan’s first pole …”

Emperor Xuantian’s face was dignified, her eyes divine splendor thunderously, waved between her hands, it was a vast expanse of stars, and countless Heaven and Earth auras, flashing continuously under her wavy fingers.

“11th square continent, Hongmeng … awakening!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the whole sky and the land, and Heaven and Earth turning upside down changed.

A huge Spirit Qi mask appears in the sky continent all around, completely wrapping it into a piece of crystal stone boundary wall, completely isolating it from Ten Directions Star Domain continent.

At the same time, that was originally based on Feitianfeng, and now it has swelled to a land half the size of the sky. Countless howling wind and torrential rain, and ice bud rain, began to wreak havoc on the earth.

10000 are both thunder and lightning, such as countless lightning snakes, shuttle and explode in the sky.

At this moment, a brand new continent appeared in front of everyone.

“This … what is this !?”

“Is it a Divine Kingdom World created alone?”

“No! Divine Kingdom World is just the foundation, this is simply a brand-new continent world called … 11th square continent!”

“Independent of Ten Directions Star Domain, a new continent !?”

“My god, this … this is a creation!”

“The power of God, too terrifying!”


Among the temples, Emperor God, Heavenly Dao Angel, Spirit of Heaven, Spirit of Heavenly Dao, 4 continent rulers, at this time, 4 eyes stared round, mouth wide open, staring at each other, completely silly .

“She … she actually … made another … a continent World !?”

Not only Emperor God, but also the other continent giants in the temple are all stupid now.

Looking at the light curtain, the new sky and the earth, the scene of the natural disaster, the face full of horror astonished expression.

Although they have heard that every Divine Powerhouse can freely control Divine Kingdom World.

Divine Kingdom World can be transformed into a brand-new continent world as long as Heaven and Earth spirit source and World Source Power are injected into it.

However, that is just a legend ah! ?

Now, seeing with my own eyes, appearing alive in front of them, so that they are almost exploding Divine Soul.

This Emperor Xuantian was so strong! ?

“Xuantian’s power is not something you can understand!”

At this moment, suddenly, in the temple, a cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, all the continent giants suddenly changed their colors and turned their heads to look.

I saw that the void in the great hall of the Holy Heaven suddenly surged a ripple, and a snow shadow walked out of the ripples of the void.

This female’s silhouette will be unreal and solid for a while.

Each step stepping out, the aura on your body, will undergo great changes.

Suddenly, the Emperor Peak realm, and suddenly the Sealing God Boundary, switched back and forth. It was invisible and qualityless at all, and Divine Consciousness was difficult to lock.

“You … you are …”

The eyes of Emperor Saint God and several others were simultaneously shua shua looked towards the coming person, his face full of surprise.

It’s just in an instant that the divine might on the 4 giants broke out in an instant, completely sealing the entire Holy Heaven Great Hall.

Here, but the great hall!

Not to mention the cultivator, even if it is a divine powerhouse, there is no magic seal of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and it is simply impossible to enter.

But now, this woman, so easily entered the temple, appeared in front of them.

“My name Xuantian is the same person as Empress Xuantian!”

Snow Shadow woman smiled gently, and the tulle on her face was like 100 flowers blooming.

“Same … same person !?”

“Xuantian !?”

“What do you mean!?”

“No! You are not her at all, she is over there …”


Throughout the temple, I heard the Xueying woman’s answer. All the big brothers were stunned, and even Divine Consciousness was a little messy.

“She is her, I am me!” Xueying woman said.

“I’m here this time and I’m going to join forces with you, otherwise, your ending … I don’t need to say more!”

The word fell to the ground, and the eyes of the big man in the hall were all started, and then all turned to Saint God.

“Join together?”

Emperor Saint God ’s eyes flickered, staring at the Xueying woman in front of him, pondering for a long time, waving his big hand, removing the seal, opened the mouth and said

“How do I know that you are not Avatar of Emperor Xuantian !?”

Hearing this question, the Xueying woman chuckled, shook the head, and then said

“Xuantian will, War God true body, Divine Soul, the three-in-one, but it can’t be integrated at all! And I, Divine Soul, the Divine Soul of the Empress Xuantian!”

“And now, it was the God God Emperor Xuantian true body that was created there, just her Fleshy body!”

The remarks made all the big men in the temple stunned.

Word by word, resembling thunderclap, resounding everyone Divine Soul Sea of ​​Consciousness, shocked them.

However, just at the moment when this sentence was exported, it was beyond 100000000 10,000 li …

Outfield continent, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

Noda ’s Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect mountain gate, in the palace hall, in a residence, a silhouette suddenly started, seems to feel something, graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, gently raised his head, looked towards the sky dome.

Immediately afterwards, the jade skirt flicked, lotus step shook, moved towards the gate of the residence.

Standing in front of the temple gate, he looked up so much, a pair of shining star eyes, looking at the endless Vault of Heaven, his eyes like God.

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