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In the temple, the words of the Snow Shadow woman attracted Saint God and the others, all with a look of surprise.

“Putting it that way, there is another Xuantian spirit wisdom !?”

How could they didn’t expect that the identity of Emperor Xuan Tian would be so complicated.

“It doesn’t need more explanation than that, I can only say, this is … Heavenly Dao Ming curse!” Xueying woman lightly said.

“Heavenly Dao Ming curse !?”

Hearing these four words, Saint God Emperor Teng, popped directly from the seat, staring at the Snow Shadow woman with a stunned face.

What is Heavenly Dao Ming curse! ?

It is not clear to others, but he and Heavenly Dao have four envoys, but they can’t be more clear.

However, he has finally reacted now. The reason why the Empress Xuantian suddenly came to Ten Directions Star Domain and differentiated herself into spirit wisdom, Fleshy body, Divine Soul 3 parts, simply is the reason of Heavenly Dao Ming mantra.

Putting it that way, Heavenly Dao Ming mantra has been launched! ?

“So, what should we do !?” Emperor God’s face finally sank.

Heavenly Dao Ming Man, Divine Realm 3 times 5 orders, let them in Ten Directions Star Domain, tightly controlled existence.

However, they are completely unclear about the Heavenly Dao Ming curse and what it is, and naturally there is no monitoring.

But now, after hearing the words of Xueying women, all their questions are solved.

“That Chu Yan is the Heavenly Dao curse of Empress Xuantian! As long as he is killed, Empress Xuantian is not afraid!”

She was originally Divine Soul. Although she was separated for 100,000 years, her understanding of Fleshy body is naturally clear.

“Putting it that way, the same as our plan !?” Saint God Emperor nodded.

This Xueying woman’s words are very reliable, pointing directly to the core, it seems that they should be along with them.

“Good! I also think that Chu Yan should be killed as soon as possible!”

Heavenly Dao ambassadors rarely speak, this sentence, said the big man, nodded.

Although everyone knows that Chu Yan battle strength is super sky, now it has integrated Jinshi Divine Spark, cultivation base realm from the 5th Layer of Saint Emperor Realm, and it has been breaking through to Half-God Realm.

There are not many powerhouses in Ten Directions Star Domain that can match it.

However, for their continent giants, as well as the existence of Saint God, it is not difficult to kill him.

“The key is that he is now supported by the Empress Xuantian and the inverse Divine Dao!”

Snow Shadow woman opened the mouth and said.

“The 11th party continent has taken shape, as long as Chu Yan enters into it, condenses Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, and seals the gods in one fell swoop, when the time comes, everyone present in terror is not his opponent!”

Hearing these words, the big brothers in the hall frowned.

Now Chu Yan has reached the top battle strength. If the gods are sealed, it is really impossible for even God God to take him.

“No! Impossible!”

Heavenly Dao’s spirit complexion slightly changed, opened the mouth and said

“She has done her best to create a continent World with a radius of only 100 li. Even if it is self-contained, it is still under the envelope of Ten Directions Star Domain. The power of Heavenly Dao rules can still intervene!”


Almost as soon as the Spirit of Heavenly Dao’s words were spoken, the Xueying woman sneered directly.

“Earthland, China, even the 11th party continent, under your Heavenly Dao rule, is affected by it, but it is only affected by that’s all!”

“Don’t forget! Her purpose is not really to create a new continent world, but just to let Chu Yan Transcending Tribulation be a god!”

“Therefore, even if there is a trace of Heavenly Dao with a 11th square continent, it is enough!”

“That’s the continent World she created. With only a trace of Heavenly Dao, she can use this Heavenly Dao to establish her own rules …”

After these words landed, the face of Heavenly Dao’s spirit suddenly changed.

The lords of the palace, from the words, naturally heard the meaning, all with dark faces.

They didn’t expect that the Emperor Xuantian consumed so much, even to help that Chu Yan Transcending Tribulation.

If Chu Yan really succeeds, if God is sealed in one fell swoop, then this Ten Directions Star Domain will really change.

“In this way, things can’t be violated. What’s the point of waiting for me to join forces?”

In Emperor God’s eyes, lightning flashes, obviously with a hint of anger.

“Since I’m here, there is naturally a way!”

The Xueying woman glanced at Emperor God, and spoke again, telling her plans and discs.

In an instant, the whole temple was silent!

Whether it was Emperor Saint God or the continent giants in the palace, listening to the Snow Shadow woman’s plan, the haze on each and everyone’s face kept sweeping away, and his eyes grew brighter.

If it is carried out according to this plan, then they can rush to kill the new continent before Chu Yan becomes the god.

In this way, whether it is the layout of Emperor Xuantian or Chu Yan’s hope, all are wiped out at once.

“Good! Good! Good!”

On the face of Emperor God, red light reappeared, looking at Xueying woman and saying

“Since this is the case, I think that this plan, perfect and without blemish, is executed according to this, and that Chu Yan must be lost!”

The words of Emperor God God just landed, and the Snow Shadow woman turned around and lightly

“I’ll take a step!”

“and many more!”

Seeing the Snow Shadow woman about to leave, the Holy God Emperor opened his way.

“Since Emperor Xuantian, because of Heavenly Dao’s Ming mantra, has been 30%, Fleshy body and true body have already appeared, so her spirit wisdom body is there again !?”

As soon as this remark came out, all the big brothers in the audience turned their heads together and looked towards Xueying Woman.

This question is not only the Holy God, but they were also puzzled when they heard the Heavenly Dao spell.

More importantly, the true body of Xuantian Emperor is so powerful. Now, the body of Divine Soul is in front of them, and there is also a body of spirit wisdom, there again! ?

If this spirit wisdom body appears again, will it be like they did before, when the true body comes down, let them fail.

“You … what kind of things !?”

Hearing the words of Emperor God, the Snow Shadow woman’s footsteps stopped and her voice was like ice.

“It’s up to you to know these too !?”

In a word, the Xueying woman didn’t turn her head back. With a wave of jade hand, the void ripples appeared, and when she walked, she disappeared into the temple instantly.

At this time this time, on the other side, before the 11th side continent.

Chu Yan, Kun Emperor, Divine Emperor and other gangsters arrived in a hurry. Just before this Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, they were suddenly shocked by the scene in front of them.

This earth covering the sky and the sky, across Heaven and Earth, completely covers the entire sky.

The already formed boundary walls and the natural disasters that have gradually receded have made this 11th square continent alive.

“Look, that’s Chu Yan!”

“Sir Chu Yan is here. Is this Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon created by him !?”

“Fart, that was created by Xuantian Sir, but why is Sir Chu Yan coming here?”

“It definitely matters!”


All the powerhouses gathered before this new continent looked at Chu Yan silhouette and made a loud voice.

“Chaos 10000 spirits, Heaven and Earth first opened, born!”

Emperor Xuantian hangs in the sky, the whole person divine might be like a tide, like God, a word, Heavenly Thunder trembles, tremors.

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