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This simply is not a Monster Beast, but a group.

a Then the tall beast shadow of a, rushed out of the jungle, roared roaring, and rushed towards Chu Yan.


The stone in his hand was shot like lightning, hitting directly on the head of the pig demon rushing to the front, exploding a blood hole.

Then, Chu Yan raised his fists and rushed into the herd.

“10000 Dragon Power!”


The fist is like thunder, with splitting the air and sound, blasting on the head of Monster Beast No. 2 and flying it straight upside down.

Uh …!

A little under my feet, Chu Yan’s body, like the arrow of the off-string, turned toward the 3rd Monster Beast, punched out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A fist followed by a punch, each punch either flew a Monster Beast, or directly exploded a bone shatter.

“roar! roar!”

A pig demon, eyes bloody, staring at Chu Yan, no spirit wisdom at all, big animal hair, rushed madly, opened his mouth to bite.

This pile of demon pigs, no less than 100 heads, is extremely fierce.

It was completely fearless to rush upwards, and all directions of four directions attacked Chu Yan like a tide.

Tom …!

A little inattentive, Chu Yan was struck by a terrible lightning strike on his back, and was hit by a very strong force. His figure was distorted, and his footwork suddenly became chaotic.

Three Yan to three steps back, Chu Yan stood firm, his face stunned.

I was hit by a Body Refining Realm Monster Beast! ?

The corner of the eye involuntarily twitched twice, and Chu Yan was speechless all over.

The real tiger fell into Pingyang …

Now, his True Qi cultivation base is suppressed, even a group of trifling Body Refining Realm demon pigs are so difficult to deal with! ?

However, before flying a continuous 10,000 li, the consumption of his Fleshy body was extremely large.

Without Fleshy body power that True Qi nourishes and supplements, it is extremely difficult to recover after consumption.


Just at this moment, a step away from behind, a Jiao screamed.


In the sky, a powerful force rushed in like a shock wave.

All the demon pigs were rushed by this force, and the whole body of the pig hair was suddenly frightened, and the blood in his eyes faded, all frightened.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Never miss the opportunity, Chu Yan picked up a branch on the ground, and raised his hand with a Sword Qi stabbed.


Sword Qi is 3 feet away, wears gold cave stone, stabs a demon pig with blood flowers, and screams again and again.


The demon pig under the wound was suddenly murderous, and the remaining ten or more heads again reddened his eyes while rushing towards Chu Yan.

Boom … Boom …!

One big tree, hit by these strong demon pigs, turned into powder, sawdust flew, and the pig howled into the sky.

The violent animal breath, like a wave, launched an impact on Chu Yan.

“Thunderclap 13 Swords!”

The branch in the hand is transformed into a path of sword shadow, which is engraved with ten thorns, and each sword shadow is like a dazzling starlight, straight to the dozen or so pigs and beasts all around.

pu! pu! pu!

A bunch of blood splatters, each of the 3 pig beasts attacked by Sword Qi, eyes instantly straightened, pupils enlarged, the huge pig body fell to the ground, under the impulse, a long groove was pulled out on the ground to live cut off.


The last demon pig, not at all, gave up the attack because of the death of his companion. Instead, the red elephants of those eyes were bleeding.

With a howl, he brought up a large piece of monster qi, opened his smelly pig’s mouth, and rushed towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan swept the branches like thunder, a crescent-shaped Sword Qi crossed, and slashed towards the pig demon.

call out…!

However, at this moment, in the distant forest, a sky-splitting sound rushed.

“En!? Someone !?”

Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, the move was instantly taken, the branches swept, and the green leaves that had struck were chopped up and blasted into the end of the leaves.

“How did you come!?”

A dozen steps away, Emperor Xuantian’s face was icy, she put down the rabbit in her hand, patted it, and let the rabbit panic into the grass.

As soon as he looked up, the piece of jungle looking towards Chu Yan’s face was frozen and opened the mouth and said coldly.

“Good! A mortal can kill so many Monster Beast, this body … really strong!”

A silhouette of a golden armor snow skirt came out of the jungle with a faint smile, looking at Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian.

Come here, it is … golden armor Divine Soul!

“Since you and I have agreed, what are you doing !?” Emperor Xuantian coldly said.

“And, the agreement is ready, you are still modifying the rules, is this not suitable !?”

“Yo !? Get angry …”

Golden armor Divine Soul looked at the expression of Emperor Xuantian, and suddenly lost her smile, her face was peachy, she moved gently, and walked in front of 2 people with a wave of jade hand.

Uh …!

The white rabbit, who had originally hid in the grass, was taken out of thin air by her, hugged in her arms, and gently stroked it.

However, the white rabbit seemed to be frightened, and his whole body was shaking.

Seeing this scene, glancing at the white rabbit in Golden armor Divine Soul’s arms, Empress Xuantian’s eyebrows twisted instantly.

“Just adjust the rules a little bit, and it doesn’t matter, why should you be angry !?”

Golden armor Divine Soul said casually, as if it were really just an insignificant thing.

However, this is a modification of the Heaven and Earth rules. Even a slight change is possible, so that the countless newly born creatures of the new continent can be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

But, here she is really insignificant.

“You and my same root with different branches, although the camps are different, but these are the Supreme Position of Divine Realm for 10000 years, so I can’t kill you, you can’t kill me, don’t use that look, look at me “…”

Golden armor Divine Soul raised his eyes and saw that Emperor Xuantian’s eyes were full of frost, and he sighed suddenly.

Although he was somewhat reluctant to face, he still put down the white rabbit gently in his hand and allowed it to escape.

Uh …!

The white rabbit seemed to feel some crisis, panicked, kicked with 4 limbs, moved towards a grass beside him, and hurried away.

However, every time it takes a step, its body will fly like a dust, and a white ashes will fly.

When it came to its original hiding position, except for its 4 feet, the entire rabbit’s body was transformed into fly ash.

A creature disappears in an instant!

golden armor Divine Soul’s eyes were dull, looking at the white ashes that had disappeared, his face was all lonely, his red lips lightly opened, and sighed.

“I … couldn’t help myself!”

This sentence suddenly made Empress Xuantian and Chu Yan stunned.

Involuntarily! ?

However, it was in the eyes of this stunned god, golden armor Divine Soul, that a flash of fine light flashed, and the silhouette was like white lightning, rushing out and rushing towards Chu Yan.

shua! shua! shua!

a Bingjing is in her hands, condensed into the shape of a long sword, moved towards Chu Yan constantly slashing, breaking out the sword shadow in the sky.

For the golden armor Divine Soul, how could Chu Yan not be guarded! ?

In the moment she appeared, Chu Yan all Divine Consciousness, locked on her.

Therefore, when the flash of a light flashed in her eyes, Chu Yan reacted.

“The sword is like rain, the light is like snow, the sword is like it, the world of the game, my soul, the sword follows me …”

As if it were a sword song, it sang continuously in the mouth of golden armor Divine Soul.

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