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Golden armor Divine Soul is not the kind of War God.

At this time, in the eyes of Chu Yan, she was like an extreme sword repair, singing in her small mouth, and the ice sword in her hand like a shadow, constantly waving.

Every sword is chopped out, but it is Ever-changing, some are like thunder, some are like electricity, some are like snow, and some are as light as feathers.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

In the face of such a Sword Dao expert, how could Chu Yan stand it, with a branch in his hand, the horizontal sword would be cut.

The blood in the whole body is boiling, and the battle intent is like a tide.

Except for the last time, after seeing the sword of the green wooden sword, Chu Yan has never met a real Sword Dao expert.

Therefore, at this moment, Sword Intent of Golden armor Divine Soul caused a great impact on him.

Although True Qi cultivation base is banned, the understanding and play of Sword Dao Sword Intent is not affected in any way.

As soon as the sword came out, the sword shadow was like a tide, and the sword light rose into the sky and came out into the air.


The pig demon caught in the middle by the 2 waves of sword waves roared repeatedly, constantly turning his head, looking towards left and right. For a time, he didn’t know who to attack.

However, in the next breath, two pieces of sword tide arrived like a shadow, and rushed together.

Boom … Rumble!

Although the collision between the sword and the sword did not rush to Heavenly Might, each sword shadow exerted the power of Sword Intent, impacted each other, and continued to burst.

Sword Qi Yu Jin, rushed out of a ten-step circle and swept past, the pig demon was instantly dismantled and turned into a piece of pork shreds.

“En !? Good sword!”

Chu Yan looked at the two waves of sword waves, even matched evenly, no one can restrain anyone, suddenly eyes shined, shouted.

Roar! roar! roar!

I do n’t know the reason. The sword in Golden armor Divine Soul ’s hand is constantly waving. It seems to have a very peculiar Sword Intent. While spreading all around Heaven and Earth, within 100 steps round her feet, countless plants and Qi Crazy.

These plants, as if they were inspired, grew up and turned into large pieces of grass and vine branches, accompanied by the shadows of the ice swords, they attacked Chu Yan together.

“En!? This is …”

Chu Yan was shocked by this scene and the complexion changed.

“Jianrong the world !?”

I never thought that this golden armor Divine Soul’s Sword Intent could achieve such a terrifying level.

Not only all around plants, but even within a 100 li radius, those walking Monster Beasts also issued a path of beast roar, moved towards here.

They didn’t look at the golden armor Divine Soul at a glance, like a Beast Tide, and rushed towards Chu Yan together.

This wave of Beast Tide planted in the sea, the number is not less than 100.

“She could do this step !?” Chu Yan’s eyes, bright light glittering.

This is not relying on her own divine might, because she and Chu Yan, Emperor Xuantian, all divine might, are all banned, and fundamentally exert their original Divine Strength.

Therefore, her power is entirely dependent on the killing intent of the sword, so that all creatures all around are infected with the killing intent, and Chu Yan is the target.

In other words, her sword shows that within 100 steps, Heaven and Earth are the enemies of Chu Yan.

All aim to kill Chu Yan as the ultimate goal!

This is Supreme Sword Intent, Jianrong world!

If the most important threshold for Sword Dao cultivation base is “Human and Sword Unite”, then to become the master of the sword, it is necessary to integrate Heaven and Earth with the sword.

Chu Yan has heard of this kind of Sword Intent, but he still can’t do it.

Now I saw it with my own eyes, and my face was stunned.

Uh …!

In Chu Yan’s stunned time, the golden armor Divine Soul Sword Peak turned and pointed directly at the Emperor Xuantian behind Chu Yan.

All the ice sword tides turned around together, leaving those Beast Tide planted in the sea and attacking Chu Yan.

The golden light snow skirt, like a glorious shadow, holding a shining ice sword, with a mighty might, went straight to Empress Xuantian.

Even now, she does not have Divine Strength, but this sword power alone is unmatched.

“Are you … not guilty !?”

Emperor Xuantian looked at in midair, the golden armor Divine Soul that was slain, and suddenly complexion sank.

Qiang …!

I didn’t even know that from there, I suddenly stabbed a golden halberd, which was as long as the arm, and was held in the hand of Emperor Xuantian. The backhand was a halberd, chopping towards the falling ice sword.

“You, kill me at all!”

Passing the halberd light, the sword shadow shattered, and the two collided, all around the void softly trembled.

The sword halberds collided, and the explosive aftermath of the explosion brought a wave of tide, planting the Beast Tide all around into the sea, and at the same time, it was twisted into powder and scattered.

“Chu Yan, you go first!”

Holding the short halberd, Empress Xuantian flashed in one step, and had reached Chu Yan in front of him, blocking it behind her and opening shouted.

Uh …!

Hearing the voice of Empress Xuan Tian, ​​Chu Yan did not hesitate and turned away.

These two big brothers have to fight again. This kind of battle between them is simply not something he can participate in. Staying here has no meaning at all!

The most important thing is that he still has something to do and he can’t be delayed at all.

The black shadow is like electricity, the fleshy body unfolds, pulling out a residual image, moved towards the other direction and swept away.

However, the golden armor Divine Soul blocked by the Empress Xuan Tian, ​​looking at the background of Chu Yan’s departure, did not seem to have any meaning to chase, but inadvertently, a flash of fine mango flashed in his eyes and his lips were light.

“Not good !”

Emperor Xuantian naturally looked at her expression, and suddenly had a bad hunch in her heart, turned around anxiously, and looked at Chu Yan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At a glance, I saw Chu Yan flying ahead, a followed by a silhouette of A, breaking through the soil layer and blocking the road in front of Chu Yan.


Without any hesitation, the golden halberd in the hand of the Empress Xuantian danced against the sky, and a halberd light shot out, directly sinking into the sky above Chu Yan’s head.

Boom … rumbling!

The light of the golden halberd burst into the void and exploded a ripple directly, a large ripple blew open, a thunderbolt lightning shot from it, and the black shadows in front of Chu Yan all exploded into powder.

For a while, the flesh and blood flew, Monster Beast’s limb was broken, and the sky was thrown.

Uh …!

Chu Yan’s body kept running, rushing all the way, walking through the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea, crossing across, moving towards the distant mountain.

“Catch me ah!”

Golden armor Divine Soul looked at all around, and those Monster Beasts gathered all prostrate on the ground, shaking all over, suddenly shouting loudly.

Although these Monster Beasts were born soon, they already have some spirit wisdom.

With spirit wisdom, naturally we know fear!

Therefore, the thunderbolt of Emperor Xuantian lightning, scared them, did not dare to disturb.


golden armor Divine Soul waved the ice sword in his hand, sweeping the bright sword light, sweeping away the remaining Leiwei, and ordering again


In the sky without the deterrent of thunderbolt’s prestige, all Monster Beast roared together, and moved towards Chu Yan’s direction of departure, chasing away.

From behind Chu Yan, it may be seen that a fan-shaped Beast Tide is rapidly forming, like a piece of ocean waves, and moved towards Chu Yan’s rushing silhouette.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to pull the distance away, and as soon as I see it, I will devour Chu Yan completely.

“Chu Yan, down …!”

In the distance, Empress Xuantian shouted loudly.


Chu Yan hearing this, without a trace of hesitation, punch towards the ground, explode a huge hole in the ground, and leap forward.

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