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The huge cave is not a dead object. With Chu Yan’s entry, he started to wriggle violently as if he were alive.


Emperor Xuantian rushed over, past Beast Tide, and entered the cave wall in advance.

As soon as she entered, the cave began to shrink quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it recovered as before, and the cave disappeared.

Boom … Boom Bang!

The following Beast Tide hit the mountain wall and immediately burst a large blood flower.

“Didn’t expect her, even when she was fighting me, she did the layout in advance!”

Emperor Xuantian and Chu Yan were both in the dark cave, they couldn’t see 5 fingers, but they could all see the dignity on the other’s face.


Emperor Xuantian a light shout, moved towards the cave.

In the direction of the end of the cave, there is a glory of different colors, as if a ghost fire is floating in the sky.

This splendid glory looks very strange in the dark cave.

Roar! roar! roar!

Not too far away, you can hear, the entrance of the closed cave behind, the powerful Monster Beast, madly hit the mountain wall, making a dull loud noise.

Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian didn’t even bother to go straight forward.

“Yi!? This is …”

Not long after leaving, the eyes suddenly turned bright, let Chu Yan slightly startled.

I saw that it seemed to have passed through a Space-Time Transmission Passage, the dark tunnel just now, but now it seems to have reached a hidden land of peace and prosperity, full of pink peach blossoms everywhere.

“Hurry up! The entrance ban will not last long, we don’t have much time!”

Emperor Xuantian lotus step shook gently, moved towards a sea of ​​peach blossom trees, a snow shadow, set against the sky of peach blossoms, was particularly beautiful.

“It is far away from the altar of Fengshen!”

Walking in the sea of ​​peach blossoms, the light of Divine Consciousness in Emperor Xuantian’s eyes flickered, looked towards all around, and opened the mouth and said softly.

“If the Monster Beasts behind come over and get entangled, it will be difficult for us to arrive as soon as possible!”

“In addition, a large number of Ten Directions Star Domain practitioners outside are gathering.”

The export of these words made Chu Yan feel a trace of it, which was very useless.

They are now trapped here, far away from the altar of the gods, and the new continent will be opened soon, and Beast Tide behind them will catch up at any time.

“Senior, then let’s next …” Chu Yan asked with a frown.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to get to the altar of Fengshen quickly and smoothly.

Moreover, from the current situation, the control of Heaven and Earth rules between Emperor Xuantian and golden armor Divine Soul is obviously that golden armor Divine Soul is dominant.

This should have been the case too. After all, Emperor Xuantian was just Fleshy body true body, and Golden armor Divine Soul was the body of Divine Soul.

Communicating Heaven and Earth, controlling the power of the spirit source, this is the Soul Power of the cultivator.


Emperor Xuantian hearing this, just nodded at random, the expression of her face is still dignified, obviously she also somehow do not know how to deal with it.

After all, in this new continent, her power cannot be exerted, and there are powerful opponents like golden armor Divine Soul.

At the same time, it is necessary to protect Chu Yan, who is weaker, to go to the altar of feudal gods.

Compared with the golden armor Divine Soul, which only needs constant troubles and no troubles, her pressure is countless times greater.

“It seems that there is only one way!”

Emperor Xuantian turned her head, her eyes turned, looking at Chu Yan, her face determined.

“En !? What’s the solution !?” Chu Yan froze.

In this case, 2 people are in a great loss of strength, 4 directions in all directions are crises, and there is no external force to support, what other way! ?

“Take me as the Lord and join me in the Temple of War God!”

what! ?

This sentence is exported, Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed, the whole person, froze there.

Bless her … Lord! ?

“Join the Temple of War God !?”

“Not bad!” Empress Xuantian nodded and explained to Chu Yan as she explained

“As long as I join the War God Temple, I can pass the” divine might 9 style “to you!”

“With your perception and foundation, in a short time, as long as you learn one formula, you can evolve the” integration 3 clear “technique like me!”

In that case, your Fleshy Body, Divine Soul, Spirit Wisdom can be divided into different types, which greatly increase your strength.

Speaking of which, Empress Xuantian stopped, but Chu Yan understood her meaning completely.

Emperor Xuantian wanted him to learn the cultivation technique of “War God Temple”, and like her, differentiated Fleshy Body, Divine Soul and Spirit Wisdom 3 to fight against this Heaven and Earth rule.

But is this really okay! ?

War God Temple!

That is the existence of one of Divine Realm 9 Great Divine Venerable, even in Divine Realm, it is the existence that counts on the Divine Realm powerhouse.

Not to mention, in this Ten Directions Star Domain, ordinary cultivators, afraid to look at it, are not as heavenly ascension.

It’s just that it’s her the Lord, what the hell! ?

Do you want to join the War God camp like the Golden Seal of the Tiger Run, and what kind of camp ambassador? ?

Divine Realm, Chu Yan is definitely going.

Moreover, after going to Divine Realm, he will definitely join the forces.

Compared with other forces, Chu Yan is now most familiar with the War God Temple, and his relationship with the Green Armor War God is not bad.

If Emperor Xuantian invited him to join the War God Temple, he would not hesitate.

But now, the meaning of Emperor Xuantian is to make him worship her.

In this way, the meaning has completely changed!

“Why, you don’t want to!”

Emperor Xuantian’s eyebrows were lightly wrinkled, looking towards Chu Yan, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

This is definitely the first time!

Some people even want to reject themselves! ?

You know, the War God Hall is among the 9-sided Overlord forces of Divine Realm, and it is definitely a powerful existence.

Normally, don’t say that she speaks. Those who have tried all kinds of ways and want to serve her as a master and join the Divine Realm powerhouse in the temple hall are numerous.

However, after 10000 years, the Divine Realm powerhouse that can join the War God Temple as expected will not exceed a few hundred people at most.

This number is very small compared to Ten Directions Star Domain.

More importantly, the number of cultivators in Divine Realm itself is many times smaller than that of Ten Directions Star Domain.

However, compared with other Divine Realm Overlord forces, only a few hundred people in 10000 years are considered ridiculously low.

However, in the view of Empress Xuan Tian, ​​compared to those recruited in the War God Temple for 100,000 years, Chu Yan is definitely the best person with innate talent and aptitude.

His Dao chart and Emperor Seal alone are enough for the Empress Xuantian to invite.

“Sorry, Senior, I can’t accept you as master!”

Chu Yan shook the head and chose to refuse.

He was destined to cultivate his own way, and his biggest hole card was 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul.

Divine Realm is still unknown to him.

Perhaps the War God Temple is very strong, but Chu Yan has always suspected that 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul has its own strength in Divine Realm.

If that’s the case, Chu Yan’s first choice is of course on the side of 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul.

Moreover, Emperor Xuantian’s “Heavenly Dao Ming mantra”, he passively bears, now since he can choose independently, of course he will come according to his own will.

“good very good!”

Emperor Xuantian looked at Chu Yan, her eyes flashing with different colors.

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