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Seeing the expression of Empress Xuantian, some changes made Chu Yan’s mind suddenly tighten.

After she refused her, she would turn her face! ?

After all, to her level, it is almost above absolute existence, not to mention Ten Directions Star Domain, even in Divine Realm, it is also God level existence.

Moreover, these two sounds of hers are good and good.

At this time, Chu Yan reacted somewhat.

This Emperor Xuantian, although the War God Palace Lord slaughtered, the existence of aloof and remote, is also a woman after all.

The woman turned her face, but it was faster than turning the book.

“Okay! It’s okay not to serve me as the Lord! But you must join the War God Hall!” Empress Xuan Tian smiled gently.

“hu …”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan suddenly relaxed.

“After joining the War God Temple, you are only eligible to cultivate” divine might 9 style “! Even if there is no core cultivation technique part, the divine might 9 style external power alone will have great benefits for your battle strength and strength!”

“Divine might 9 style !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were slightly bright, although he was so happy with the promise of Emperor Xuantian, he was slightly puzzled.

“How do I feel, at first, you just want me to join the War God Hall !?”

“Are there ?! It doesn’t matter whether you join or not!”

Emperor Xuantian looked at Chu Yan with a brilliant smile.

It seems that since I have known her for so long, this time is the happiest time for her to laugh.

Seeing this good expression made Chu Yan feel anxious in his heart, rising slightly.

“Women can’t mess with it!”

Chu Yan shook the head, secretly said in one’s heart.

“Okay! I promise to join the Temple of War God. Divine might be passed to me in style 9!”

In the current situation, if he doesn’t want to break the situation, the situation he faces is too much trouble.

This divine might 9 style, turned out to be the cultivation technique of the War God Temple, and the formidable power is naturally not weak.

“Go! Leave here first, we will find a safe place!”

Looking back at the depths of the cave, those Monster Beasts were still striking, and the sound of rumble rang out.

It is only a matter of time to break through the mountain walls.

“There is no safe place!”

However, Emperor Xuantian shook her head directly and said to Chu Yan.

“Divine might 9 style out of the ordinary, but for you, it is a test, if you are stupid, it is not enough to join my War God Temple!”

“If you are not stupid, time is enough!”

Looking at Chu Yan, the Emperor Xuantian spoke between her brows, a golden Spirit Seal lit up, and a strange breath of breath fluctuated across the body, slowly spreading out.

Then, her jade hand lifted lightly, and in the palm of her white lotus, she held a cluster of nine colored light, like a flame, slowly rising and beating.


A word of sweet drink, the nine colored flame was pushed by her, and she flew straight to Chu Yan, shooting at the heart of her eyebrow, and fell into it.

Boom … Rumble!

Chu Yan’s eyes straightened in an instant, and the whole body shuddered suddenly. The Sea of ​​Consciousness exploded.

It looks like 10,000 li thunderclouds, tumbling in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, coming from the sky like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, surging from the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the 10,000 li thundercloud, completely crossing, disappear without a trace.

On the blue sky, a little bit of golden light remained, as if the golden stars were shining, constantly twisting and evolving, showing the words.

“10000 Ancient Soul, Heaven and Earth as sacrifice, coexistence of man and god, 9 9 Guiyuan, Qiankun is extremely …”

“Spirit begins with death, what is life, what is death, causality cycle, above 10000 Dao is Ling Heavenly Might …”

“The name of man, the dignity of God, starts at the root, originates from the change of law, and the birth of fruit, trapped in life and death, is a person.


Chu Yan’s eyes, following these words, every word in the heart sounded, and he could clearly feel that a very mysterious force was gestating between Heaven and Earth.

The golden text is constantly evolving, and Chu Yan is also studying. The whole mind is instantly attracted to it and cannot be extricated.

Between the lines, Heaven and Earth mysterious show up!

Chu Yan has never seen it since the cultivation Martial Dao. Such a wonderful cultivation technique is determined.

It seems that this cultivation technique does not need cultivation at all, and all the determinations of safety and their original cultivation technique power are directly integrated and reintegrated.

Originally, Chu Yan thought that Divine Realm’s prestigious War God Temple cultivation technique would be obscure and require a lot of time to comprehend.

But now, in less than half stick of incense, Chu Yan has been fully integrated.

This “divine might 9 style” mysterious place surprised Chu Yan!

At the same time, I also yearn for Divine Realm!

With this cultivation technique alone, it can be seen that Divine Realm is the true Martial Dao World of the cultivator.

“A good divine might be 9 formulas, it seems that 3 3 is the number, each is the body of Fleshy body, Divine Soul and Spirit wisdom!”

“Repair any of the 3 types, but you can greatly improve the original power of one of them!”

“If one of the three is connected, any connection can differentiate a single source!”

“So that’s how it is … really mysterious!”

Chu Yan said to herself, the pupil light was shining, but it was the Empress Xuantian who stood on the side, startled.

What she taught to Chu Yan was just the entry level cultivation technique of “divine might 9 style”.

However, Chu Yan has just been cultivation, and even with the introduction of the cultivation technique, he has already touched the connection of the core cultivation technique.

This Chu Yan’s innate talent and comprehend power is indeed abnormal.

“Shen Xinjingshen, forget the outside world and oneself, with the god as the god, the qi as the prestige, the inner operation!”

Emperor Xuantian’s voice exploded in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness World, such as thunderclap, and Chu Yan’s thoughts toward the core cultivation technique were interrupted directly, driving him back to the decision of the cultivation technique in front of him.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded, converged, and continued to comprehend the “divine might 9 style” in front of him.

“Let me help you, let your spirit wisdom, Divine Soul, first shedding body, exchanging bones!”

Emperor Xuantian’s pair of ice eyes sparkled a large brilliance.

The powerful breath, which is like a stream of water, is next to Chu Yan’s body, constantly infused with Chu Yan within the body.

Now, Chu Yan cultivation has introduced the “divine might 9 style” entry cultivation technique, which is considered to be the person of the War God Temple.

But she knew that Chu Yan would sooner or later cultivate the core cultivation technique. It would be better to take advantage of the current cultivation and open a channel for him.


The power of War God is integrated into Chu Yan’s body, and a wonderful aura wave is instantly swayed, which will bounce back the power of War God of Emperor Xuantian.


I never thought that my Divine Strength would be rebounded, and Empress Xuantian’s face changed instantly.

Boom … Rumble!

The next moment, the thunderbolt exploded, and the sky and heaven above Chu Yan and Emperor Xuantian exploded into a piece of powder.

“What !? Supreme will !?”

At this moment, Emperor Xuantian stayed completely, she didn’t expect at all, and even attracted the intervention of Supreme will power.

You know, this new continent World, but the new World, any outside Heaven and Earth rule power, can not penetrate into it.

And now, the only thing that can blast Heaven and Earth above their heads is the existence of Supreme will beyond Divine Realm.

“Why … why?”

Emperor Xuantian looked at the sky, her face stunned, security did not know, how could it lead to such terrifying existence! ?

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