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Time passes slowly, like a white horse passing by.

After 3 days, the entire new continent, except for the scuffles of small scenes, is very quiet.

In the new Continent World, all heavenly materials earthly treasures are consumed at a fixed rate.

Although all heavenly materials earthly treasures are being collected, no one forgets why the new continent exists, and what will happen.

Chu Yan and Emperor Xuantian traveled nearly 3 3 li in 10,000 days.

Fortunately, the new continent was created by Emperor Xuantian and she is very familiar with the terrain.

Along the way, except for the occasional Monster Beast ambush, there was not much resistance at all.

“Follow it!”

In front of a huge Swamp Land, the snow shadow of the Empress Xuantian fluttered on the ground full of pits, constantly moving.

Her pace is very special.

According to the landing point of Big Dipper 7 Star, every step of the ground will make the ground slightly trembled, all around the swamp fog, more dense.

Uh …!

Chu Yan turned Qilin’s pupil, flew up, and moved in the order of Emperor Xuantian’s landing.

However, just a dozen steps have just been taken, and suddenly, a cold sense of danger suddenly struck.

“Not good !”

within the body Death rushed, scalp tingling all over, Chu Yan’s face instantly changed, suddenly turned his head towards the direction behind him.

“Golden armor Divine Soul !?”

With just a glance, I saw a golden silhouette, and swept quickly from behind.

“You guys are here!”


Almost at the moment when the voice of the golden armor Divine Soul exited, raising his hand was a slap.

This palm seal turned into gang, and pulled up a large swamp of fog, forming a huge palm seal like a city gate, moved towards Chu Yan.

4 all directions, the wind is like a tide, and a huge groove is drawn on the ground.

So formidable power, the horror!

This is still in the new continent, realm and strength are banned.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like fire, the backhand was a sword cut, and a sharp sword cut out, such as a white Divine Dragon, out of the sky, when roaring Vault of Heaven, moved towards the palm seal, fiercely bumped.

Cultivation base was suppressed, but Sword Intent was still there, a sword was cut out, and True Qi was almost exhausted.

“Shentian September Maple, the flowers are falling and the water is flowing, I mean people, wake up alone!”

Emperor Xuantian covered her face with frost and sang, jade hand lifted slightly, in the sky in front, large ice crystal snowflakes gathered together, and light snow fluttered.

Every snowflake is a trick!

“Soul swing!”

golden armor Divine Soul twinkling golden glow twinkling, like 2 golden light twinkling small suns, radiating 10000 golden lights, shooting towards all around all directions.

This a path of golden light, like the sun shining, covers all trees, flowers, grass, and stones within 100 steps.

Roar! roar! roar!

With a loud roar, the spirit plants shrouded in golden light began to distort wildly.

In less than a few minutes, a noble monster appeared.

There are silhouettes covered with green leaves, giants covered with thick stones, and monsters with brown and black bark.

All are ghost bodies created by golden armor Divine Soul and Soul Power.

Surround Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian directly in the middle.


Chu Yan’s face was dull, his eyes swept all around.

At this time, his face had changed slightly, and he looked around the audience. Four directions of all directions had been surrounded by a whole circle, and behind them, there were constantly new spirit plant bodies of the strange plant.

This is obviously an extremely powerful forbidden technique, bypassing the new continent’s suppression of its own strength, and directly mobilizing the Spirit Qi spirit in this world.

“Chu Yan, keep up!”

Emperor Xuantian’s mood grave, with a sharp figure and a white skirt, such as a long white practise air dance.

“Myriad Demon Formation, Kai!”

At the order of golden armor Divine Soul, a few hundred heads of the spirit plant were outbursted together, and the roaring sound was shaking, moving towards Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian.

Roar! roar! roar!

It seems that the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses is surging, and it is like heaven falls and earth rends.

Forbidden technique Under the urging of killing tricks, even if it was a wild grass and a stone, it was incarnation as a powerful warrior.

All take orders from the golden armor Divine Soul, and regard Chu Yan and Emperor Xuantian as mortal enemies.

“9 Jade Immortal Strike!”

Emperor Xuantian stepped on 7 Star, with a figure like electricity, jade hand lifted continuously, a path of white light, shot straight out.

This move, monomer group work, infinite power!

“Dragon World, Sword Breaking Vault of Heaven!”

Chu Yan’s movement art and sword prestige broke out at the same time, and the storm impacted all directions. The path passed, a path of sword glow, also split towards those monsters all around.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under every Sword Qi, there is a monster that is flying.

However, the other monsters behind will immediately fill up the vacancies and keep the “Myriad Demon Formation” running, and they will not be given a chance to escape.

“Xuantian, you still want to provoke the prohibition here! You really think I don’t know, what have you left here !?”

Golden armor Divine Soul stood outside Myriad Demon Formation, watching Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian being attacked, sneering opened the mouth and said.

shua! shua! shua!

The export of this sentence, 2 300 monsters, as if receiving any instructions, run around one after another, changing directions.

As they ran away, the Baleful Qi in the entire Myriad Demon Formation became more intense.

shuaa ~!

At the same time, there are also 9 gold flags, suspended in midair, divided in 9 directions in Myriad Demon Formation, hunting and hunting.

As long as these 9 gold flags are dropped, you can raise 10000 Demon God to another level.

“What if you know !?”

The Emperor Xuantian kept his hands under his hands, and looked at the golden armor Divine Soul in the corner of his eyes, and responded with a cold voice.

As soon as this sentence came out, her feet suddenly stopped.

a Huge charm, gleaming on the ground, Great Accomplishment!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Innumerable ice arrows, with the power of thunderbolt, burst out of the ground spirit symbol and cleared the ground instantly.

Boom … rumbling!

The ice arrow soared into the sky and shot a monster, but it did not dissipate, but it was condensed in the air and turned into a tall body of ice thunder.

This is one giant ice giant, covered with thunder and lightning, mighty, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

It appears as if the ice god came down, suppressing all monsters below, making them shiver coldly.


Emperor Xuantian’s mouth spewed out a blood stain and appeared on her small white muscle face, which was particularly eye-catching.

Obviously, urging the ground spirit charm and ice armor giant has exceeded her power bearing range.

“Hmph! Still want to resist !?”

Golden armor Divine Soul looked at Emperor Xuantian, especially the blood on the corners of her mouth, her face became extremely cold, killing intent kept rising.


Drinking a word, 9 gold flags flew together, and Myriad Demon Formation moved towards the bottom fell.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Like a big mountain after another, dropping from the sky, hitting the ground, sending out a rumbling sound.

9 Banner-pressing, waiting for the Xuantian Empress’s move of this move.

As long as the magic charm of Empress Xuantian was suppressed, she would have no more cards.

“Chu Yan, prepare …”

The Emperor Xuantian’s eyes were fixed on the 9 golden flags, releasing 9 golden lights, which were constantly merging with the monsters in Myriad Demon Formation.


Drink it in a word, the ice giant in midair descended from the sky, slammed into Myriad Demon Formation, and exploded directly.

“Just now, let’s go!”

The jade foot stepped on again, and the magical sign on the ground rose off the ground like a Flood Dragon, holding Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian, moved towards the sky, and soared into the sky.

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