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Watching the Golden Spirit Array rise from the sky, the Golden armor Divine Soul suddenly started looking.

“A good Golden Cicada unshelled and crossed the sky! Didn’t expect, I lead you into the game, and you treat me the same.”

At the exit of this sentence, the face of golden armor Divine Soul suddenly sank, looking at the sky with killing intent.

“The spirits meet, Heaven Destroying strikes!”

golden armor Divine Soul both hands forming seals, turned out a path of Gold Jade hand seal, moved towards the sky a long whistle, the lovable body exploded directly, turned into a golden light in the sky, and flocked between Heaven and Earth.

In an instant, an incomparably huge golden armor giant, crushing the void, appeared between Heaven and Earth.

This golden armor giant is almost the same shape as the blue armor giant in Chu Yan’s original Sea of ​​Consciousness. Except for the iron armor on the body, the color is different, and the pupil light is full of killing intent. It is completely like the same person.


The violent killing power swept through Heaven and Earth, and the whole sky sank.

The golden armor giant stepped out, the bright golden light 4 scattered Heaven and Earth, like a towering golden Spirit Peak, transverse to Heaven and Earth, moved towards Chu Yan and the silhouette of Emperor Xuantian, and fiercely rushed away.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, immediately felt the threat from behind, his face changed rapidly, Roaming Dragon movement art unfolded, rushed behind the Empress Xuantian, the whole body burst into breath, raised his hand is punched out.

“10000 Dragon Power!”


A thick golden roared out, wandering into the void, riding clouds and winds, and dragons burst into the golden armor giant.

However, even Chu Yan’s full shot, after all, the strength is banned, this fist 10000 formidable power of the dragon is countless times smaller than before.

However, although the golden armor Divine Soul on the opposite side evolved into an ontology, its strength was also banned.

Boom … Rumble!

One dragon and one mountain, fiercely bumped together, like a Golden Peak Spirit Peak, hit a golden Divine Dragon, the golden light exploded in the sky, and the whole sky was trembling.

Golden Dragon’s power, obviously not strong enough, hit the Golden Spirit Peak, broken into pieces.

And that golden peak, under the tremor, the speed is greatly reduced, but it is still dying all the way, moved towards the front and rushed away.

10000 The formidable power of the dead dragon has passed away. If it is hit by this golden mountain, the fleshy body of Chu Yan will probably collapse immediately.

At this time of crisis, Chu Yan’s body, Dao chart and Di Yin’s rays of light surged at the same time, protecting Chu Yan’s fleshy body.


The Emperor Xuantian’s Spirit Seal array was also fully operational at this time. The white light exploded, enveloping the two figures, split open space again, and disappeared.


Looking at the golden light disappearing from the sky, the golden armor Divine Soul’s face was disappointed and shook his head slightly.

“Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, not me and fleshy body can kill, only spirit wisdom can kill him …”

Between the words, a smile appeared on the face of Golden armor Divine Soul, and he glanced away. The other side of the sky looked back, looking towards all around.

This round has only just begun …

Beyond a thousand li apart, the void opens, and two silhouettes come and go.

It was Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian that both looked a little dignified, and Chu Yan was black robe.

Even if there was a Dao chart and Di Yin to stimulate the protector before and help him block the last one, but Chu Yan’s cultivation base power is now confined, and he still can’t bear the power of that blow.

Chest position, a naked eye visible depression, with the body qi and blood rolling, Meridian reversal, the wound is not light.

The jade hand flicked gently, and the Empress Xuantian struck a softness, wrapped Chu Yan’s body, and gently fell to the ground.

However, despite this extremely soft power, Chu Yan figure trembled and let out a congestion.

“Chu Yan, you …”

Under the severe pain, Chu Yan’s face was somewhat distorted.

“It’s okay, don’t worry!”

Chu Yan gritted his teeth, his feet fell to the ground, barely standing firm, and his mouth replied.

“Just now, you were courting death, you know !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the face of Empress Xuantian instantly recovered an ice-cold look, and her whole body was air-conditioned.

“I … don’t need you to save!”

In a word, Emperor Xuantian turned directly and walked forward, while waving her hands gently, bringing together the Spirit Seals broken in the sky.

“cough cough …”

Hearing the words of Emperor Xuantian, Chu Yan also had a dark face.

Although he knew the truth, the true body of Empress Xuantian was War God, one of Divine Realm 9 Great Divine Venerable, with its strength and existence above the stars.

However, in this new continent, everyone’s strength is forbidden, and she helped her to block this move, and she got such a reward.

There is not even a word of thanks. This Emperor Xuantian’s temperament is really ice cold.

However, according to legend, the expert is lonely, and the years are like …

Like her, the existence of aloof and remote, battle strength invincible, in Divine Realm for so many years, I am afraid it will become such a character.

“That’s all, lower oneself to somebody’s level!”

Chu Yan shook the head, with a bitter smile, secretly said in one’s heart.

Now, more importantly, recover the injury as soon as possible and go to the altar of the gods.

However, the current situation is very troublesome.

Cultivation base True Qi is banned, it is impossible to summon Martial Soul, absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to heal wounds.

Even Golden Pill, without True Qi refining, cannot absorb it at all. If you let it digest itself, you may explode the fleshy body.

The Fleshy body of this ordinary person really can withstand the Medicinal power of Nine Revolutions Golden Pill.

However, the medicine pill of ordinary, Chu Yan has not been carried on the body for a long time, nor naturally.

“No way, get the materials on the spot!”

Fortunately, Chu Yan is after all the Golden Pill division, and in this new continent, there are countless heavenly materials earthly treasures, and it is not difficult to find them.

“There is a lake there! Spirit Qi is plentiful!”

Chu Yan knows that the more high-rank heavenly materials earthly treasures, the less water is needed and only Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are needed to breed.

Therefore, the spirit medicine growing in such a place by the lake is often weaker in medical power and should be able to be absorbed by his refining.

Moving towards the lake, Chu Yan turned Qilin’s pupil and searched the ground all around.

This is a purple lake. There is no breeze, but there are always light ripples on the lake.

Some aquatic flower plants grow during the period, shake gently with the waves, and look extremely beautiful.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness spread slowly along the lake, and soon found several weak sources of Spirit Qi.

The source of Spirit Qi contains a hint of medicinal fragrance, which should be heavenly materials earthly treasures.

Chu Yan walked step by step, slowly walked into the lake water, and walked towards the heart of the lake.

As soon as the lake overflowed his knees, he stopped.

In a pair of thunder eyes, 5-color streamers are running, staring above the lake, some aquatic small monster Beast swimming around.

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Yan pointed his hands together, a faint Sword Qi, coming out of the body, piercing the void, and making a soft word whisper.

call out…!

Suddenly, Chu Yan shot instantly, Sword Qi left the body, and stabbed straight under the lake in front of him.

Oh la la !

The lake 4 splashed, and those aquatic Monster Beasts that had originally gathered around were frightened and fled by this sudden surprise.

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