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The whole piece of Heaven and Earth is completely solidified by this blade.

The only thing that can move is the golden armor Divine Soul, but her face is all shocked, and her eyes are all unbelievable staring at Chu Yan in front of her.

Her true body fleshy body, but in Divine Realm!

But now, what means did Chu Yan use, even his true body fleshy body can be pulled out from Divine Realm! ?

This kind of power, even if it is 9 gods of Divine Realm, I’m afraid it can’t do it! ?


Behind Chu Yan, that Heaven and Earth demon turned into a black, dropping from the sky into Chu Yan within the body, the broken Heavenly Sword in his hand, and the black flame soaring into the sky.

A blade fell, blade glow divided into two, respectively facing Chu Yan in front and God Palace altar, that fleshy body, cut off in unison.

“What power is this !?”

Golden armor Divine Soul first saw the cut blade glow, the heart is 10000 thunderclap rolls.

This power, simply does not belong to Martial Artist, nor does it belong to Ten Directions Star Domain, even in Divine Realm, there is no such terrifying power.

However, there is no answer at all!

It’s just that she just raised this doubt, blade glow has fallen, and she and fleshy body are all cut into powder.

Boom … Rumble!

Above the sky, the God Palace in the void crack, under the blade glow, collapsed.

On the altar, the gold Divine Soul, the still-refined god Fleshy body, had his eyes closed, the Fleshy body trembling, and his mouth spouted a stain.

The Divine Strength of the God Palace Altar rises to withstand the power of blade glow. It saves the top of the altar with a small area of ​​ten steps, which is not broken by blade glow.


At this moment, the violent magic breath of Chu Yan suddenly subsided, and the power of blade glow quickly weakened.

In less than a blink of an eye, Chu Yan’s cultivation base aura returned to before he was enchanted.

Above the sky, the thunderclouds rolling over the sky also calmed down, and the whole new continent time also shivered to restore calm.

“Dead … dead !?”

Green wooden sword gods and other inverse Divine Dao gangsters, looking at the scene in the sky, all look shocked.

They simply couldn’t understand how Chu Yan’s power suddenly became so strong! ?

“Just now, what the hell happened?”

Above the sky, Empress Xuantian was also shocked, brows tightly knit.

When golden armor Divine Soul is damaged, she can feel everything naturally.

However, she still doesn’t know what happened just now.

Roar! roar!

In the sky, the last two Scourge Raiders roared towards Chu Yan.

However, without waiting for them to get close, a blast of steam from Chu Yan’s body directly blasted them into powder, turning into countless electric flowers, 4 spread out.

Disappearing without a trace, the natural disaster Thunder Tribulation completely disappeared.

On the other side, with the disappearance of the natural disaster Thunder Tribulation, Chu Yan’s within the body, Divine Spark’s power continues to increase.

This force is trembling constantly, as if it is changing, as if it is accumulating power, and every breath is producing transformation.

However, this force appears extremely weak, and if it is not small, it will not even be aware of its existence.


Chu Yan’s bloody eyes turned suddenly, looking down at the ground.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Heavenly Sword waved off, a path of black sword glow, moved towards the ground of the new continent, constantly slamming down.

Just killing the Holy Spirit, they can’t calm Chu Yan’s anger.

“Chu Yan, he … he is going to destroy this new World!”

The Empress Xuantian’s eyes widened and she finally understood what Chu Yan did.

The black long sword chopped down to the continent, and the whole earth was shaking.

Chu Yan in this state has recovered its power to the Peak state and is absolutely capable of completely destroying this new World.

“Let’s leave quickly!”

Xuan Tian’s emperor jade hand waved and shattered the magical sign in front of her, wrapping it to the green wooden sword god and the others, preparing to leave the place.

Because, with her power, she couldn’t stop it, Chu Yan of Shengsheng State.

However, they did not wait for them to flee, and they rose from their hearts with a touch of cold air.

Among the glowing sword glow, a black sword glow came straight in.

Such a powerful Jianwei, they have no chance …


At this moment, on the altar of Fengshen, a white silhouette, struck like lightning, was blocked in front of Empress Xuantian.

Peng sound, the sword glow was cut off, exploded into the weather, and the white silhouette was bombarded with 7 or 8 steps before barely standing still.

“Boss …”

Little White Bear stood upright in the void, a pair of purple eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, and shouted loudly.

This roar made Chu Yan in anger tremble fiercely, and looked up towards the Little White Bear in front of him, and the blood light in his eyes flashed violently.

The blood light in the eyes is constantly changing, and now and then, Chu Yan is standing there, his face is grim, the whole body is murderous aura soaring into the sky.

“Roar … roar roar roar!”

Little White Bear’s anger was not much weaker than Chu Yan’s. Under roar towards the sky, a pair of bear paws stomped on the ground, and moved towards Chu Yan rushed away.


Seeing Little White Bear rushing in, his face full of color, Chu Yan with blue muscles bursting, his hands interrupted Heavenly Sword in one fell swoop, the whole body of True Qi and Jianwei, and broke out simultaneously.

“Kill! Kill!”

In the same roar, Chu Yan also burst out of the figure, straight towards the Little White Bear.

However, after rushing for a distance of 1000 steps, the sword in Chu Yan’s hand quietly took off and moved towards the ground below.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

The roaring Golden Dragon, with a touch of bloody blood energy, broke out, and in the sound of the dragon, he met the Little White Bear who stood up and waved his paw.

Boom … Rumble!

The dragon and the bear, together with Chu Yan, the three collided together to explode the turbulent weather waves, the purple light hit, and the blood energy went to the night.

Chu Yan and Little White Bear’s bodies flew out at the same time as the waves rolled.


On Chu Yan’s face, there was still a pale color, and on the chest of Little White Bear’s chest, a large piece of bear hair fell off, and a purple blood hung on the edge of the bear’s mouth.

hu! hu! hu!

Chu Yan’s within the body, the terror that had disappeared, appeared again.

The monstrous magic breath, pulling up the sky storm, all moved towards Chu Yan gathered, the majestic magic shadow slowly appeared between Heaven and Earth.

“Wake up … Chu Yan!”

At this time, Chu Yan ’s within the body, a humanoid illusory shadow, shot out, standing in front of Chu Yan, emitting a Divine Strength Sanskrit, trying to wake up Chu Yan ’s Divine Soul.

This humanoid illusory shadow, with a weak Divine Spark power, is the Divine Spark illusory shadow that was melted into Chu Yan Divine Spark before.

However, even if it was his power, he still couldn’t stop Chu Yan from gathering the magic breath.

The powerful magic breath power gathered frantically behind him, getting stronger and stronger, watching the Heaven and Earth magic shadow appear again.

“No! If you go on like this, I’m afraid it will attract Supreme will …”

Divine Spark illusory shadow looked dignified, looked up at Vault of Heaven, and said with a deep voice.

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