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Chu Yan within the body, the sudden appearance of this magic breath is absolutely taboo.

If you let Supreme will, understood the existence of the magic breath, then everything will be destroyed.

“No, you have to intervene again!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow raised his hand and slashed the sword glow of Chu Yan’s sword, while opening the mouth and said softly.

Immediately, his eyes turned and looked towards the Fengge altar, Yue Linglong’s corpse.

At this time, a faint Divine Soul, suspended above the corpse, his eyes straightened, Soul Body was swept by the violent gang wind all around, constantly swinging.

Like a leaf in the wind, it is particularly weak and helpless.

In the presence of realm cultivation base like Yue Linglong, after the fleshy body is damaged, Divine Soul exists independently and will not dissipate directly.


In a word, Divine Spark illusory shadow flicked long sleeves, and a large piece of Divine Strength rushed to Yue Linglong’s Soul Body, wrapping her in layers.

With this layer of Divine Strength protection, Yue Linglong’s Divine Soul body began to condense slowly, becoming more and more solid.

However, just because her Divine Soul became solid and clear, you can clearly see that her Divine Soul’s body is densely packed with cracks.

“Little Brother Chu …!”

Soul Body’s spirit eye is gradually shining, and it looks towards in the sky with a slight turn, Chu Yan who is fighting with Little White Bear.

This soft call, such as Sound of Heavenly Music, made Chu Yan, who was in a rage, suddenly stagnate.

oh la la…!

The endless bloody slaughter aura, along with Chu Yan’s meal, slowly dissipated.

Little by little, as if it was extremely difficult, and with endless expectations, the blood light in Chu Yan’s eyes slowly dissipated and turned to look towards the altar of the gods.

The silhouette of the light purple long skirt appeared in Chu Yan’s pupils, making his voice tremble.


…………… ..

Vault of Heaven Realm, Divine Realm, a hidden place.

The endless expanse of white bones, piled up like a mountain, and the continuous sea of ​​bones, turned the whole land into a pale color.

Occasionally, you can see the tall bone demon of each and everyone, open the bone mountain, drill out of the ground, and walk down the river.

As long as you see that there is free Bone Fire among the bones, you will swallow it with your mouth open.

Within 10,000 li, a towering bone peak towering above the sky stood on the earth as if connecting the sky and the earth.

Above the summit of the bone peak, in the mist of the dead air, a pair of black eyes suddenly opened.

The ghost fire in these eyes is full of zhang high degrees, like two fires, burning vigorously.

The horrible divine glow shoots out of these eyes. The heavens and earth rules, 10000 heavenly planes, and annihilation have passed.

“Just now … what !?”

The sound of majesty sounded through the sky.

“Within the realm, a special dao chart has just appeared, and now there is such aura again. It seems that those people have appeared again!”

It seems to be talking to yourself, and it is like thinking deeply.

The sound of majesty sounded and disappeared as if walking through the bone realm Nine Realms.

“Pass me Oracle, thoroughly investigate!”

A word of order, like Nine Heavens thunderclap exploded, the whole sea of ​​bones, rumble tumbling, the sound of the waves, some of the free bone spirits in the sea of ​​bones, instantly collapsed into the powder.


The lower bound, Ten Directions Star Domain.

“In the new continent, it seems that what major event happened!”

“Really strong aura, the horror aura just now looks a lot like the demon aura. I thought that Demonic God Race is coming again!”

“I don’t know what happened! Has Chu Yan succeeded in consecrating the gods!”

“Yeah, there are 6 other people, if all …”


All continent powerhouses are all terrified look, feeling the whole Martial Soul World, above the sky, like the aura surge of the raging wind, all within the body qi and blood boiling.

And some cultivators with weak cultivation base, as long as they are too close to the new continent area, even the impacted fleshy body collapsed.

Seeing Mantian Gangwei slowly receding, everyone looked loose and exhaled for a long time.

Even so, all powerhouses are still extremely curious and concerned about what is happening in the new continent.

Those powerhouses and gangsters who gathered around the new continent all around, under strong coercion, still did not retreat in the slightest.

“Yi !? There seems to be something over there!”

Suddenly, an inverse Divine Dao gangster suddenly saw the sky, rushed out of a dazzling rays of light, and immediately cry out in surprise.

“That’s … Xianguang !?”

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up and looked surprised.

And at this moment, in the new continent …

With the altar of Fengshen as the center, within a radius of 100,000 miles, all of them were turned into scorched earth, which was full of creation.

A path of ice cold murderous aura, wandering in the sky, blasting Heaven and Earth, leaving a path of Heaven and Earth crack.

Xuan Tian Nu Xuan stood on a collapsed half of Spirit Peak, a pair of cold eyes, looking at Divine Spark illusory shadow in front of Chu Yan in midair, with a cold face.

“What is this !? Divine Soul, or Spirit Physique !? How can there be aura of Divine Spark !?”

“Is this one of 9 Great Divine Venerable !? But, this …”

Shen Yin came here, but Emperor Xuantian directly hooked the head.

It’s definitely not that simple!

Even if it is himself, War God fleshy body, one of the 9 Great Divine Venerable, is hidden in Chu Yan within the body, and almost no one knows it.


Suddenly, Emperor Xuantian turned her head, looking towards Chu Yan, and seemed to feel something again.

On Chu Yan, the aura of cultivation deviation basically retreated, but there were still a lot left, so that in his eyes, a blood-colored light always appeared.

In addition, the divine light on Chu Yan has been completely released and turned into the power of God’s style, soaring into the sky.

At this time, his cultivation base began to improve madly.

Half-God Realm!

Sealing God Boundary 1st Layer!

Sealing God Boundary 2nd Layer!

Sealing God Boundary 3rd Layer!

… ..

Sealing God Boundary 9th Layer!

After fully raising a Heaven and Earth Realm, Chu Yan’s cultivation base aura slowly stopped.

However, this stagnation is not cut off, but more like savings, it seems that it will rise again.

“Congratulations! Little Brother Chu, I knew that you would not let me down!”

Yue Linglong looked at Chu Yan with a surprise on his face, and smiled with a smile, his voice was as sweet as a silver bell, and the smile on his face was extremely innocent.

“This time, my dad will be scared! And Uncle Black, giggling …”

It seems that thinking of father and black uncle, the expression after seeing Chu Yan again, Yue Linglong smiled extremely happy.

In the dark temple, father and black uncle were always worried.

Not long ago, the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion threatened to destroy the Dark Temple.

shuaa ~!

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s body, the tiger roar cloak, unfolded against the wind, a long flame tiger roar, a roaring sky roared.

A faint golden brilliance, circulated outside Chu Yan’s body, like the breath of a fairy.

Black robe fire cape, blood eye golden pupil, Chu Yan at this time, like Heaven and Earth War God, Heaven and Earth dominate.

Despite this, Chu Yan’s eyes were full of sadness when he looked at Yue Linglong.

Not only Chu Yan, but even the gangsters who have reversed Divine Dao are all face-to-face, even if Chu Yan succeeds in conquering God, there is no slight joy.

Between Heaven and Earth, it suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at the Soul Body of Yue Linglong on the altar of Fengshen.

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