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Yue Linglong looked at everyone’s eyes, with a slight smile on his face

“Little Brother Chu, let me go first! You take care of yourself …”

“Don’t be sad, in fact everyone will have this day, I … just hurry up!”

The shiny spirit eye, looked at Chu Yan, just like the day they met, in the eyes as big as stars, always so absorbed people.

“When is the clear breeze and the bright moon closed, Yin Qingyuan lacks frost and is cold …”

Gently squeezed, a long sword like spirit water appeared in Yue Linglong’s hands, danced by her, light and shadow all over the sky, the picturesque spirit rhinoceros.


Chu Yan waved his big hand, and the same long sword was held in his hand. Because of the excessive force, the sword body of the long sword continued to tremble, making a buzzing trembling sound.

Qingfeng Mingyue sword, among the lake bottom tombs, Nantian is a reference, its sword is more than heart …

How could Chu Yan not understand Yue Linglong’s intentions.

But now, everything is late, the heart is still there, the person is dead, how is Heaven and Earth useful! ?

Boom …!

With a crackling sound, the dancing Spirit Sword in Yue Linglong’s hands suddenly burst, and the sword body was like a star, and 4 scattered.

From the tip of the sword to the hilt, like a thought, it seems like a very long, the entire sword is dissipating.

The hilt burst, not at all stopped, spread all the way, connected to Yue Linglong’s Soul Body, and continued to fall apart.

“Little Brother Chu, promise me … to be a god, go above the 9th Layer and be the strongest person!”

“Little Brother Chu, promise me … must go to Divine Realm’s Shuangyuejian, see Ziyue Tianxuan, I heard that it’s beautiful …”

“Little Brother Chu, promise me … to take care of myself, and …”

“do not forget me…”

The whole body is on the dissipated Yue Linglong, above the small face, the last smile, spreading like the sun, illuminating the whole sky.

“I like….”

The last word, finally there is no exit, Yue Linglong’s Soul Body, turned into a star in the sky, moved towards the sky and flew away.

The past is like the wind, one scene after another, constantly appearing …

“Who moves Chu Yan, ask me first …”

“100,000 Mongolian troops, protect Chu Yan, who dares to get close, kill!”

“What a beautiful Little Bear … is your pet !?”

“It’s so cold, with a 7-pole Demon King body, I will definitely succeed. Brother Brother Chu is waiting for me …”

“Father, I believe Chu Yan, he will not let me down!”

“Uncle Black, how is Chu Yan …”


The new continent, the Divine Spark battlefield, the dark temple, the ancient tomb at the bottom of the lake, Yue Linglong’s voice and smile are everywhere.

At this moment, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan, I can clearly hear and see that scene, with a sound, as if echoing in the bottom of my heart, never stopped.

Once upon a time, it turned out that she … was already in her heart.

Lifting the head gently, Chu Yan watched the starry light spread across his face. His pupils in both eyes had completely diffused, and the whole mind was completely lost in memory.

Perhaps, only in this way, can we forget that in front of us, this flickering star is her silhouette.

“Ling … Linglong …”

I don’t know how long it took. The chapped lips opened with difficulty and spit out 2 words.

Boom … Rumble!

Aura of extreme terror, as if under 9 10,000 li earth, kept ringing.

Chu Yan’s body, this terrifying extreme aura, was slowly waking up.

This force, only a hint of might escaped, and the whole Heaven and Earth trembles.

Great Emperor, Holy Emperor, Divine Emperor, even God Powerhouse, God giant, under this might, also became very weak.

However, standing there dull, Chu Yan didn’t feel the slightest.

He was just thinking, he should remember the starlight in front of him, or forget …


As if feeling a cold feeling on his face, Chu Yan gently raised his hand and wiped it with tears.

“Linglong, I will not forget you! I also like …”

The last word seems to have become 10000 heavy mountains, so I can’t say anything.

The sorrow in my heart finally broke, and turned into an extremely powerful force, piled up together, unable to swallow, can not swallow.

What’s the point of saying it or not!

She is gone …

What is the meaning of Heaven and Earth, even she ca n’t hold it …

The sky and the earth fell into silence.

Chu Yan’s eyes finally dimmed, there was no light.

He stood there as if it were a stone sculpture, and there was nothing to breathe, motionless.

All emotions are deeply immersed in it, without any change, only endless sadness.

In the distance, against the crowds of Divine Dao, looking at Chu Yan, he shook his head and sighed, unable to say anything.

After all, who does not know the perception of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong! ?

However, no one thought that the final result would be like this! ?

“Boss …”

“big brother …”

“Chu Yan….”

Little White Bear, Situ Yang, Ouyang Nantian, and others, spoke softly, but opened their mouths, but didn’t know what to say at all.

“Chu Yan, don’t you want to take revenge !? Holy Spirit, they were just purchased fleshy body, their true body is still in Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

On the sky in the distance, Divine Spark illusory shadow suddenly opened his mouth and thunderously shattered the silence.

This thunderous sound fell in the ears of other people, like the thunderbolt roar, and my heart shook.

However, for Chu Yan, it seems to have no effect at all, like a stone-carved body, without any change.

“Chu Yan, don’t be sad. Although Fleshy body and Divine Soul dissipate at the same time, it’s only this life that has passed away. Heaven and Earth 10000 spirit is still … you must cheer up!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow of brows slightly wrinkle, speak again

“You … have a way !?”

At this time, Chu Yan finally responded. His eyes were shining and he looked up suddenly, looking towards Divine Spark illusory shadow.

He knew that Divine Spark illusory shadow was very strong, even stronger than the blue armor giant.

In this view, all is hope and expectation!

“This … I can’t save her! I have this ability!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow shook the head, did not deceive Chu Yan.

The big men present know that Yue Linglong has been promoted to Fiendgod bloodline, not human bloodline at all.

The Fiendgod clan is extremely powerful in ancient and Great Ancient Era!

The fleshy body and Divine Soul are also countless times more powerful than human beings, and have extremely powerful self-healing and recovery capabilities.

However, Heaven and Earth is fair, and strong and weak!

The Fiendgod clan bloodline with such a powerful Fleshy body cannot … resurrect!

Therefore, in the Antiquity God and Demon Great War campaign, many Divine Race and Human Race gangsters have left inheritance ruins or Remnant Soul spirit wisdom.

But the only Divine Race demon left nothing. If it weren’t for some descendants who survived, it even made people wonder whether the Fiendgod clan had appeared.

Chu Yan hearing this, the shining eyes of originally looked towards Divine Spark illusory shadow, dim like the lights go out, quickly dimmed.

Since it cannot be saved, everything in Heaven and Earth has nothing to do with yourself.

“No! Chu Yan, you shouldn’t beg someone! If someone else in this World can save her, then it must be … you!”

This sentence fell to the ground, everyone’s eyes, looked towards Divine Spark illusory shadow.

Can save … ?

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