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It is easy to reshape the fleshy body.

Everyone can do it.

The hard part is, reversing Divine Soul….

This method, even the 9 Great Divine Venerable on God, is impossible to do.

Even some secret skill methods, even if they are used to display the heavenly means, forcibly gather Divine Soul, there is no original spirit wisdom, and it becomes walking corpse, or Yinyong and the like.

Just like the 9 meditations that Chu Yan had conquered, he lost his spirit wisdom, and was not like the same person as his original self.

These things, big bosses know, Chu Yan naturally knows.

“What do you mean by these words!” Chu Yan’s voice was like ice.

The deceased has passed away. In order to comfort himself and say some deceitful words, this method cannot be accepted by Chu Yan.

“I never lie! There is no need to lie!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow’s words, with awe-inspiring spirit, shocked the soul.

“Just now, did you know your cultivation deviation !?”

Oh la la !

With a big wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared, and the above picture showed the scene of cultivation deviation and slaughter all sides before Chu Yan.

“En !?”

Chu Yan looked at the picture on the light curtain. The man like Heaven and Earth Demon God turned out to be himself! ?

He was completely unfamiliar with this kind of power, how could it be that he broke out with the body! ?

“Do you understand it!?”

Divine Spark illusory shadow waved his hand, the light curtain disappeared, Chu Yan’s gaze fixed there, his gaze dull.

“Your realm is not enough, although you have just broken through to Sealing God Boundary! But that is only in this Martial Soul World. If it is in Divine Realm, this power is nothing!”

“So, one day, you can completely control this force, I believe that that day will not be too long!”

Speaking of which, Divine Spark illusory shadow stopped and looked up towards Vault of Heaven, his eyes flashing.

“Yue Linglong’s death is not that simple!”

The opening of this sentence suddenly made Chu Yan startled.

“What do you mean?” Chu Yan brows tightly knit asked.

“9 Sovereign Body!” Divine Spark illusory shadow said.

With a five-character exit, Divine Spark illusory shadow no longer spoke, as if waiting for Chu Yan.

“what do you mean….”

Like a piece of vast forest, suddenly opened a gap, let Chu Yan enter it, and see the whole forest completely.

“Yes! You finally start to really understand, seal the realm!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow nodded.

“Heaven and Earth are not allowed, and this realm, in Ancient Era, Sealing God Boundary Number One Person, is the Demon Sovereign of Demonic God Race!”

“At that time, Martial Dao, just born, was the fastest period of Martial Dao development!”

“Ancient Era’s Divine Realm is still a ravioli, filled with Spirit Hong Qi, but no one can set foot in it!”

“To the time, when a generation of Demon Sovereign breaks through God, and Divine Realm soars, Divine Race comes!”

“After that battle, Demonic God Race took up 30% of Divine Realm, and Divine Race took up 30% of 2.”

“Such stability, after being maintained for countless years, is finally broken!”

Speaking of which, Divine Spark illusory shadow slowly turned around, walking in the sky, seeming to ponder something.

“It can be said that Sealing God Boundary is the beginning of this Divine Realm! And Demon Sovereign of Fiendgod family is Number One Person of Sealing God Boundary!”

“After Antiquity God and Demon Great War, there is no Fiendgod in the world, but when you want to seal the god, after Antiquity Fiendgod appears, the first place Fiendgod Demon Sovereign bloodline!”

“This Yue Linglong, one day early and one day late, achieved 9 Sovereign Body, and will not lose it!”

As soon as this sentence came out, Chu Yan was stunned, his eyes flashing constantly.

“Are you saying that someone is manipulating all this behind his back !?”

Chu Yan’s body, a murderous aura, stormed out again.


Hearing this, Divine Spark illusory shadow shook the head, denied Chu Yan’s guess.

“No one can manipulate these. At least, none of the powerhouses I know can do!”

“But I dare not say that all this is a coincidence. Perhaps, we can only explain it by fate …”

“But the thing of fate should not exist for you who are heaven defying.”

The export of these words made Chu Yan stunned again.

“What the hell are you talking about !?” Chu Yan’s heart angered.

The murderous aura kept rising, turned around, glanced at Empress Xuantian, and then looked up at Vault of Heaven, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness spirit wisdom, and it seemed to catch a trace of clear comprehension.

“Martial Dao, Heavenly Dao, destiny, will, dominate!”

The five-word exit, Divine Spark illusory shadow’s face, became very serious, and a path of dull thunder exploded between Heaven and Earth, as if touching a taboo.

“Now you, breakthrough Martial Dao, have stepped into Heavenly Dao, maybe one day, you can control your destiny, evolve Supreme will, and become the real master!”

“On that day, there is nothing that you cannot do!”

“Like this new continent!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow raised his hand, the new continent in front, then said

“Destroy it, or create it, but it’s just a collection of Heavenly Dao, the power of fate and will!”

“For Martial Artists, this is Gods Vestige, which is simply the only thing you can get!”

“But for a god like her, what is it worth ?!”

“If, one day, you become the master, then what you do may make the gods think that it is Gods Vestige!”

Hearing this remark, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed emanatingly.

“You mean, nothing is impossible! Including Divine Soul, Fleshy Body, Spirit Wisdom to reinvent anyone !?”

On the face of Divine Spark illusory shadow, a smile appeared, gently nodded, replied

“I didn’t reach that realm, I can’t answer you, but, I think, there is such a possibility!”

“God environment powerhouse, you can change the rules of Heaven and Earth! You have seen it!”

“While Six Roads of Samsara, the three circles of Five Elements, although it is above the Heavenly Dao rules, someone always creates …”

Speaking of which, Divine Spark illusory shadow stopped and didn’t go on.

Opposite him, in Chu Yan’s eyes, the pupil light is like electricity.

Not bad!

That’s it!

Above Martial Dao is Heavenly Dao, above Heavenly Dao is destiny, above destiny, is will …

And above the will, it is … Dominating!

On that day, he can reshape Yue Linglong’s Divine Soul and revive her completely!


Suddenly turning his head, Chu Yan looked towards the altar of Fengshen, the face that gently closed his eyes, and suddenly a feeling of pain in his body tremors, covering him again.

“I will not let you down!”

Boom …!

Raising his hands, Jin Gang rushed, fiercely punched him in the chest.


A big mouth, blood mist spilled into the sky, like a red flower, blooming in the air, extremely sexy.

This spit back against the blood, Chu Yan took a long breath, the body’s strength is recovering quickly.

With both fists clenched, Chu Yan looked up, looking towards the sky Vault of Heaven, his face full of determination.

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