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Now, Chu Yan has understood somewhat that Yue Linglong’s death may have a great relationship with himself.

His heaven defying cultivation, altar enshrining God, Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, and even his origins may have created a peep of “will of destiny”, forcibly intervening, wanting to change.

And the result of this change may be the first to affect the people around them.

“Linglong, wait for me!”

Chu Yan roared in his heart, Sea of ​​Consciousness trembles.

“Chu Yan, this thing can save her fleshy body!”

Divine Spark illusory shadow saw Chu Yan’s gaze, and had begun to recover. He immediately waved a big hand and took out a huge chalcedony.

“100,000 years of ice crystal chalcedony can keep her fleshy body untouched!”


Chu Yan nodded, without any kindness, turned his head, looked towards Yue Linglong fleshy body on the altar of the god of worship, raised his hands gently, and the 7-color Pill Fire burst into flames.


Pill Fire poured out, wrapped the huge ice crystal chalcedony, and quickly refining it.

In an instant, the chalcedony melted, twisted and deformed in the flame, and transformed into a huge crystal coffin shape, slowly falling from the sky.


Chu Yan fiercely bites the tip of his tongue, ejects a touch of blood essence, and merges with the crystal coffin, condensing a pattern of Spirit Seal.

With this blood essence, Chu Yan can communicate with the crystal coffin and the soul. As long as the crystal coffin changes or changes, he can immediately notice it.


With a soft call, the breath of God flowed out, turned into a cloud, and flew to the altar of Fengshen, slowly dragging Yue Linglong’s body into the jade coffin.

Waved again, large pieces of flowers flew out and fell into the jade coffin, releasing a touch of Spirit Qi.

These spirit flowers are precious heavenly materials earthly treasures collected by Chu Yan.

With their company, I believe Yue Linglong will not be too silent.

Boom …!

At the moment on the jade coffin cover, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered and instantly became extremely cold.

Even Little White Bear and Situ Yang who stood beside Chu Yan could clearly feel that Chu Yan was no longer the original Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, Her Highness Moon …”

The green wooden sword god and the others came around and watched Chu Yan put the jade coffin into the Rakshasa Space.

“Wait! I will resurrect Linglong!”

When this sentence hits the ground, a thunderbolt explodes above the sky, and above the 9th Layer, rumble rolls around for a long time.

On Chu Yan’s body, a horrible aura rushed out at the same time, rushing in the sky around all around, and the thunderbolt’s prestige in the sky.

At this moment, the green wooden sword god looked at Chu Yan’s flashing fire, all complexion changed.

The cultivation base of Sealing God Boundary 9th Layer has reached the Martial Dao limit of Ten Directions Star Domain.

Even the existence of the green wooden sword god and the forbidden god, standing beside Chu Yan, had a feeling of suffocation.


Next moment, all the breath of Chu Yan on Chu Yan instantly converged, and Heaven and Earth suddenly lightened.

The green wooden sword gods and other big brothers only felt the pressure on their bodies, all relaxed.

“Senior, this time, many thanks!”

Chu Yan turned around and bowed to the big men such as the green wooden sword god.

The altar seals the gods, although successful, but the process is difficult and the price paid is far beyond Chu Yan’s original imagination.

If it is not everyone’s full support, it is impossible for Chu Yan alone to want to conquer the gods.

Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Heavenly Dao, including Divine Realm, all interfere.

However, compared to the seniors of the inverse Divine Dao, the Holy God Emperor and the Heavenly Dao Spiritual Envoy are much smarter.

They all came with Spirit Physique or body possession fleshy body, so after being killed by Chu Yan, there was no loss of true body.

However, the seniors such as Divine Dao are all true bodies who come to risk their souls.

The difference between them is like the sea!

“Chu Yan, don’t be polite with us, mainly you …

Green wooden sword God, they are still a little worried.

After all, they just saw how Chu Yan looked just now, and they can feel Chu Yan’s mood.

“It’s okay, but some things should be over!”

Speaking of which, Chu Yan’s body, that horrible aura, rose again.

This aura has passed, all around in the void, those Grand Dao Rule, Heaven and Earth bound, all collapsed into powder.

Now, these forces have no effect on Chu Yan.

“Please Senior summons the inverse Divine Dao, all strength!”

When this sentence was exported, a red light flashed in Chu Yan’s eyes, and the murderous aura in the whole body was like a tide.

All things are done by Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao.

If it were not for them, how could there be so many troubles, Yue Linglong might not die.

Now, Yue Linglong is dead, and he has succeeded in sealing God. This account should be liquidated.

“it is good!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s pupil light, coupled with the killing intent on Chu Yan, the green wooden sword gods of them, of course know, what Chu Yan is going to do.

Suddenly all of them were refreshed and their faces were murderous aura.

At this time, Ten Directions Star Domain, among the Great Sect and city …

In the past, all cultivators had to cultivate or collect resources if they had not cultivated.

But today, everyone stopped and gathered in the square, restaurant, Chamber of Commerce entrance and the others gathering place, all waiting anxiously.

“Hey, you guys talk about it, what happened?”

“That’s right, there is no news so far, people are in a hurry. I don’t know, did Chu Yan succeed in conquering God!”

“We don’t know the situation of the new continent, even the Chamber of Commerce and their crystal screen can’t be displayed.”

“Haha, want me to say that with Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Heavenly Dao to suppress, Chu Yan is absolutely impossible to succeed!”

The exit of this sentence immediately attracted all around’s eyes and looked all over.

Many powerhouses and bigwigs are slightly nodded and agree.

After all, this Ten Directions Star Domain, Saint Heavenly Pavilion ruled for 1000 years, and no one has ever been able to rebel against Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

If Heaven is added, there will be almost no chance.

Even if it was not long ago, the master of Divine Dao, the number one powerhouse in the world, the green wooden sword god, committed suicide to Saint Heavenly Pavilion, what happened! ?

Not yet defeated by Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and ended up with a fleshy body.


In the restaurant, a young man stood up suddenly, flushed with rage, and shouted loudly

“Chu Yan Senior, sweeping the Divine Spark battlefield, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, they can’t do anything at all, this time, it can definitely be a god!”

This remark exited, and all the people who suddenly attracted all around looked at it.

“Zhou Wangnian! You are not convinced, are you!”

Robust man looked at the young Martial Artist, his face laughed.

“If you don’t agree, let’s take a bet on you, the Rainbow Sword of Heaven Grade Grade 8! How is it?”

Full of self-confidence, it is the expression of winning.

However, without waiting for the smile on his face to bloom, above the sky, the sound of a thunderclap exploded directly.

“I, Chu Yan, sue the world!”

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