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Saint Heavenly Mountain vein, Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

This is a towering presence in Ten Directions Star Domain that has stood for 1000 years.

From the moment it appeared, it represented the status of Supreme in this Star Domain.

Relatively speaking, it exists as if the Imperial Palace of the Human World is above all living beings.

However, for 3 days, Saint Heavenly Pavilion is still a bit cumbersome.

Even though the resources of the whole cabinet were mobilized and all efforts were made to prepare, all Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple felt extremely depressed and heavy.

Because, 3 days ago, the sound of cloud drums resounding through Heaven and Earth represented …

World’s First God, Chu Yan!

For the current Ten Directions Star Domain, this name alone can make everyone feel like they are carrying a mountain, completely breathless.

Holy Peak 7 Peak, in these 3 days, fully prepare for battle!

Each Spirit Peak’s Great Array is countlessly banned, started up, and connected to each other at the same time, forming a huge monster-like Holy Array Great Array.

Various Spirit Treasure Immortal Grades are taken out of the dust-treasure vault, secretly displayed, and burst at any time.

For this time, Saint Heavenly Pavilion has accumulated almost 1000 years of accumulation.

The amount of defensive power of the entire Saint Heavenly Pavilion has reached an unprecedented level.

An ancient giant who was closed down, was awakened in a hurry by the messenger of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and waited.

The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Heavenly Dao spent a lot of resources to modify the Heavenly Dao rules of Ten Directions Star Domain to enforce the entire Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Three Great Giants, connecting their Source Power with Shengtian World, let them get further strength improvement.

However, after doing this, there was no light expression on the faces of Three Great Giants.

In any case, Chu Yan’s scene in the new continent and the spirit of Heavenly Dao still makes them unforgettable.

Now, he has stepped on the altar to become God, becoming the strongest Sealing God Boundary powerhouse in this side of the world.

So, can these forces stop him? !

Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a partly house.

“Big brother, time is coming, what shall we …!”

A young Martial Artist, who was full of anxiety and panic in his eyes, asked.

“I heard that Divine Dao and Chu Yan are not killers. When the time comes, as long as the situation is wrong, we will immediately retreat and surrender!”

The middle-aged man standing in front of the youth looked up at the sky outside Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“But they all slipped away quietly, why don’t we leave !?” the youth asked.

The youth’s words are extremely puzzled.

“We are different from them. The Master was coerced by Saint Heavenly Pavilion and made the oath of Heaven and Earth. If he leaves, he will create Heavenly Punishment!”

middle-aged man turned his head, looked at the young man, his eyes blinked, and then said

“Master is not so kind to me, we should advance and retreat with Master!”

Turning his head, looking towards the Holy Mountain in the direction of Holy Mountain, middle-aged man’s eyes were full of anger.

However, before he could take his gaze back, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

I saw that, above the sky in the distance, a visible crack of a path of naked eye suddenly appeared, spreading like a cobweb.

Ka cha !

After a loud explosion, the powerhouses in all directions from all directions looked up towards the sky.

At this time, Heaven and Earth, the void, just collapsed.

An azure giant dragon shattered the sky, rushed out of the void crack, grabbed 10,000 zhang cloud waves, and 7 color clouds surged to Heaven and Earth.

Behind the azure giant dragon, the black pressure crushed a crowd of people, all of which were imposing manner like a rainbow, like a vast sea, rushing in.

“Chu … Chu Yan is here!”

cry out in surprise, resounding through the vein of Holy Heavenly Mountain!

“Sure enough! Everyone notice …”

Emperor Saint God appeared immediately, his face covered with haze, and he ordered loudly.

However, without waiting for the order of Saint God, the sky of Saint Heavenly Mountain all around blasted a path of huge cracks.

A powerful aura rushed out of the void crack and appeared over the vein of Saint Heavenly Mountain.

“Haha, Chu Yan, I waited for you for 2 days and finally came!”

“Chu Yan, Master, this time, the old man is here to help you!”

“Tianxing my domain, I will wait to follow Xuantian Sir!”


The hidden powerhouse of Ten Directions Star Domain appeared on the sky, all of them are famous, and the presence of Overlord.

Now, with the strength of their subordinates, all gathered here.

“Chu Yan, you today, can’t bear the death of the green wooden sword!”

Some of the hidden world Sect, Loose Cultivator giants who have been with the inverse Divine Dao for a long time, also appeared together, took their men and women, and rushed to the Heavenly Mountain.

The new continent, Chu Yan, the imperial decree, as soon as the news of the world came out, they began to gather, moved towards here.

Moreover, some Ten Directions Star Domain forces, all led by the big brothers, joined this crowd.

Seen from a distance, this black crowd is like an ocean, with no edge at all.

“Actually … so many people !?”

In the vein of Saint Heavenly Mountain, those Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple standing on the 7 Star peak, all face is horrified, scalp exploded.

They didn’t think that Chu Yan this time imperial decree has such a big effect.

At the same time, they also underestimated, the world Martial Artist dissatisfaction with Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

“no need to worry!”

Emperor St. God suspended above Holy Mountain, his face gloomy, and he shouted.

“Just kill that Chu Yan, these mobs, not worth mentioning at all!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

7 On the Star Peak, a monster Beast, a respectable town peak, burst out of the void and roared Heaven and Earth.

Powerful demon power, like a raging tide of raging seas, rushing Heaven and Earth, shaking all directions.

Piece by piece Divine Item Spirit Treasure, all burst into the sky, the divine might saved, also surged out.

Those killing moves prohibition system, Spirit Peak Great Array also all urged, issued a terrifying killing intent.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Mountain vein seems to become an iron barrel.

“Not coming out !?”

Chu Yan stood in the sky, looking at Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s various means, and immediately frowned.

“Since that’s the case, I’ll kill it!”


Pulling the sword to the sky, Xuanyuan Sword unsheathed, sword glow at night, fierce Sword Intent, grabbed a monstrous storm, swept all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This piece of Sword Intent was passed by the wind, a path of killing ban, Spirit Peak Great Array, and they all exploded.

And those Divine Item Spirit Treasure, after feeling the divine might of Xuanyuan Sword, also seemed to be frightened, with a screaming scream, a sharp drop of aura, and the formidable power was completely lost.

7 Star Holy Peak, the guarding spirit array of each peak, all burst densely packed cracks, as if they would collapse in an instant.

With just a sword, the formidable power burst out is enough to sweep everything!


Everyone saw this scene, suddenly stunned, standing still on the spot.

Including Divine Dao’s blue wooden sword, the Lord of Forbidden God and other giants are all astonished expressions.

Of course, they have seen the Divine Weapon in Chu Yan’s hand, but they never imagined that Xuanyuan Sword’s formidable power has such a strong level! ?

This is still what Divine Weapon, simply is … fairy soldier!

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