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Such fairy soldiers, not to mention breaking the Spirit Array in front of them, even if it is chopping up the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, everything is difficult.

In the hands of Chu Yan, Xuanyuan Sword’s outburst of formidable power definitely reached the level of fairy soldiers.

Fairy soldiers, that is the powerhouses of Divine Realm, the weapons that can be driven.

Uh …!

Chu Yan body flashed, jumped directly over Heaven and Earth, and came before the first holy peak.

Looking away, looked towards the great big shots such as Jin Sheng Peak Master and 7 Star Peak Master in front of him.

“Chu Yan, even if you are a god, but I wait for my Heavenly Dao enforcement, you can’t kill us!”

With a scream, Jin Sheng Peak Master and other 7 Star Peak Master’s faces were grim, the whole body murderous aura soared into the sky, stepped on the Array, evolved the strongest killing move, all shot together, and attacked Chu Yan.

“is it?!”

Chu Yan looked at a few people with cold eyes, the right hand lifted slightly, and a punch came out.

Boom … rumbling!

Fist and fist, the vast boxing power instantly smashed all the killing moves and smashed it on 7 Star Peak Master.

Ah … ahh ah!

The screaming sounded, standing at the front of the Golden Master Peak Master, the whole body of Fleshy body, as if the egg was slammed, burst out and explode the flesh and blood.

Dignified Saint Heavenly Pavilion The first Peak Master, Ten Directions Star Domain giant, was directly killed by a punch.

The other six Peak Masters behind him were shocked by the power of fist, and they were all injured, covered with blood and blood.

Sealing God Boundary 9th Layer, dealing with several god powerhouses, easy to turn.


The 6 Peak Masters and other giants were shocked by this fist, soul flies away and scatters. The battle intent, which was not much in their hearts, disappeared in an instant, and they turned and fled.

“In front of me, you have no chance!”

Chu Yan landed and stepped out in one step. Divine might rush into Heaven and Earth, sealing the whole sky directly.

6 The body of the Peak Master instantly solidified, as if petrified. Except for a pair of pairs of eyeballs, the panic turned around in horror, and all eyes were dead.


At the next breath, the fist gang attacked and blasted into the sky.

6 The shape of the Peak Master was swallowed by this fist and turned into a fluffy blood mist, like a blooming flesh firework.

Other giants, although not at the center of the boxing fist, picked up a life, but were also hit by Divine Physique, and the battle strength was completely lost.

“Feng … Sealing God Boundary powerhouse, really strong!”

In all directions, the big brothers of Saint Heavenly Pavilion powerhouse who gathered together saw this scene, all of them were terrified and couldn’t believe it.

It was only a short time before the 7 Peak Masters were lost! ?

This is under Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the battle strength of the cream of the crop. If this is the case, then Chu Yan this time shot against Saint Heavenly Pavilion, there is no difficulty at all.

“Follow the Lord and break the Holy Sky!”

Compared with the frightened powerhouses of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the powerhouses of the reverse Divine Dao are extremely excited and screamed together.

The crowd like a tide, 7 points, moved towards 7 Great Saint peak, directly rushed to kill.

This heaven defying battle that shocked the history of Ten Directions Star Domain finally broke out completely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the confrontation, the powerhouses of the two sides confronted each other, and the explosive gas burst into the sky and resounded through the sky.

Without the leadership of the 7 Peak Masters and other holy days powerhouse, Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple of ordinary is not an opponent at all, and the soldiers killed in an instant are defeated.

“Chu … Chu Yan, ah, Master Chu Yan, our sea clan, willing to join the inverse Divine Dao of the whole clan without any conditions! Let’s deal with Saint Heavenly Pavilion together!”

It turned out that Chu Yan was regarded as an enemy of life and death, and even in the Divine Spark battlefield, one of the main forces of Chu Yan’s siege.

“Chu Yan, this …”

Against the Divine Dao, the crowds turned their heads together, looked towards Chu Yan, waiting for his decision.

Because, in this case, it is not a family of two. With the rush of the army, the forces of the Holy Heaven and the surrender are numerous.


4 word exit, no expression change on Chu Yan’s face, sound like Heavenly Thunder, ordered loudly.

“Below respectable realm, can be reduced! Above respected realm, kill without mercy!”

By this time, he was still standing on the side of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and it was basically the loyalty of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Chu Yan is not a Saint. For these people, naturally, they will not be kind.

The new era of Ten Directions Star Domain requires blood to start!

All the grudges and grudges will start from this boundless slaver to the end.


Chu Yan body flashed, when it reappeared, he had reached the Hai tribe patriarch, and raising his hand was a blast.

In an instant, the endless divine might, with the meaning of a slaughter, strikes down, half of the void collapsed for it.

Boom … rumbling!

At the same time that the void was exploding, the eyes of the Hai tribe patriarch, with endless horror, turned into fragments together with the void.

“According to the decree of the Tao, below the realm of honor, the descendants live, above the realm of death, die!”

Under the command of Chu Yan, against the powerhouse of Divine Dao, the fighting broke out, completely enclosing the seven holy peaks, making it tremble.

“Below, it’s your turn!”

Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked towards the Saint Heavenly Pavilion Elder.

These people are the elders of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and have a lofty status, almost representing the authority of half of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

As long as they kill them, Saint Heavenly Pavilion is destroyed by half!

“Chu Yan, be bold!”

At this moment, above the sky, shout out loudly exploded, endless in the sky, thunderclouds rolled, Myriad Dao Laws boiled.

Holy God, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dao spirit made the Three Great Giants appear together.

At this time, if they don’t shoot again, Saint Heavenly Pavilion will be demolished into bricks and tiles.

The situation is completely different from the last time the green wooden sword god, even the Holy Array Great Array could not be broken.

At this time, Chu Yan held Xuanyuan Sword, and with just a sword, he cut all the holy defenses into powder.

The battlefield was launched directly inside Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

This is less than hundred breaths. There are no fewer than 100 destroyed Saint Heavenly Pavilion buildings.

Even the 7 Peak Masters were directly damaged. This simply is a one-sided battle.

However, because the three giants of Saint God Emperor have not appeared, so the Saint Heavenly Pavilion side cannot be considered a loser.

Now that the three giants have appeared, the battle to decide the victory or defeat has officially begun.

“Wasting time! It won’t be over if you come out early, you have to kill me!”

Chu Yan ’s eyes looked towards the three Ten Directions Star Domain, with flames rising in his eyes, and Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, the sword glow skyrocketing.


In a word, Chu Yan rushed out of the body, shooting with a sword as the tip.

What the sword glow has passed, such as the huge waves pushing, no matter whether it is the Grand Dao Rule or the Heaven and Earth 10000 method, all of it has been turned into powder.

In an instant, above the sky, a straight void road appeared, leading straight to the Three Great Giants.

“Chu Yan, we are here to help you!”

Against the Divine Dao, several god powerhouses, seeing the appearance of the Three Great Giants, Chu Yan shot, and immediately displayed the movement art, they would rush over to help Chu Yan.

This battle is the key battle to determine victory or defeat.

Chu Yan played against the Three Great Giants alone, there must be no failure.

“No! I’m alone!”

Chu Yan is holding Xuanyuan, wearing a tiger roar cloak, a divine might, seven colors light, sky, thunderbolt cloud, thrust upwards.

At this moment, Chu Yan is like Heaven and Earth War God.

One person, fight against Ten Directions Star Domain, 3 masters!

Everyone’s eyes, all looked towards the sky, all looked shocked.

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