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During the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, during this time, quiet changes began to take place.

Regarding the disappearance of Great Ancient Era, Divine Race and Demonic God Race, including Antiquity God and Demon Great War, and those who are now in God World.

In the era of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, all the taboo topics, materials, etc., were all turned over and widely disseminated.

With the true history of these Ten Directions Star Domain and Human Race, all Martial Artists have become more and more clear about their origins.

In addition, the mountain gate of Saint Heavenly Pavilion was occupied by Fox Race and a new 7 Battle Clan was established.

The Kun Emperor went to the Kunshan Holy Tomb to find the Old Ancestor, preparing to take advantage of the Heavenly Dao rules and the chance of repression, to retrieve his body.

Situ Yang and Little White Bear, under the banner of Chu Yan, traveled the world, saying that Chu Yan’s prestige and deeds were spread, but when they left the Great Sects and forces, those treasure chests would be greatly reduced.

This kind of thing, the drier the happier.

Emperor Xuantian did not leave directly. It seems that she has a special emotion for this piece of Ten Directions Star Domain. All her energy and time are spent on the Heaven and Earth rules for the reconstruction of Ten Directions Star Domain.

It seems that every Heaven and Earth rule plays a vital role in the future development of Ten Directions Star Domain.

More importantly, Heavenly Dao can no longer be allowed to make such an existence appear.

And the inverse Divine Dao gangsters, after Chu Yan disbanded the inverse Divine Dao, began to build 3 huge altars standing in Heaven and Earth at the original inverse Divine Dao mountain gate.

In the battle of this time heaven defying, the names of all the lost powerhouses are cast on the altar to pass on to future generations.

And those Martial Artists of ordinary, Sect forces of ordinary, also began to follow suit.

As a result, statues of Chu Yan and Emperor Xuantian were built in the major city gates of Ten Directions Star Domain.

Emperor Xuantian spent a lot of effort to build a new continent.

It has been selected as the Holy Land of Ten Directions Star Domain by the Great Sect forces of Ten Directions Star Domain.

However, an unexpected thing happened!

Originally, regarding the loss of the battle of Yue Linglong’s altar of the gods, the gangsters of Divine Dao stipulated that no outside story is strictly prohibited.

However, with continent, Chu Yan’s deeds have become wider and wider.

Yue Linglong’s loss disappeared, but it still spread.

Regarding this matter, any powerhouse heard a silence.

No one thought that the battle of Chu Yan this time heaven defying would have lost such a good acquaintance.

What a huge blow to him! ?

Even Chu Yan has now become Ten Directions Star Domain Number One Person, the strongest person under the stars, but anyone can think that in his heart, the pain is definitely stronger than the others.

Everyone knows such pain, and it will never be easy to get through.

“It’s all for us, for Ten Directions Star Domain!”

“Yes! We all owe Chu Yan a Sir’s love. I’m afraid it’s unclear forever!”

“Despite this, I always feel that we should do something !?”

“Chu Yan, Yue Linglong, I propose to name this new era the Chu Yue era!”

“This … agree!”

“Good! Very good! Just called Chu Yue Times!”


An ancient existence, infused its own will Divine Strength between Heaven and Earth, one side after another, Star Domain, began to spread this decision to the world.

Martial Artist, which lives in Heaven and Earth, will always be military force and force!

Only by winning the hearts of people and representing the will of most people will they survive forever.

Now, between this piece of Heaven and Earth, the Legendary of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong is left.

The battle of heaven defying, although shaking the world, was shocked throughout the world.

However, with the ebbing of time, one day, it will be forgotten, even recorded only in those historical materials.

But now, the naming of the Chu Yue era has just been completely different.

From a child who learns from Yaya to a peerless powerhouse reaching the summit, who will not forget, these 2 names that have shaken the world.

“It’s time to go home!”

Standing over the sky and looking down on the people, Chu Yan looked up, looked towards the distant sky, muttered.

This battle conclusion, I haven’t seen father and big brother for a long time.

Tearing the Void during the wave, Chu Yan stepped on the foot, just about to step into it. Suddenly, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission sounded in my mind, and suddenly let Chu Yan figure stopped.

“En!? Actually …”

Chu Yan was quite surprised by the message in his mind.

It turned out to be the green wooden sword god, breakthrough Heavenly Tribulation, and it was necessary to ascend Divine Realm.

This is Ten Directions Star Domain. After breaking through the shackles of Saint Heavenly Pavilion and Divine Realm, the first place breakthrough soaring powerhouse is of great significance.

It’s just that the green wooden sword god not at all beforehand, not at all notify anyone.

“Chu Yan, I will go one step first, Divine Realm will see you again!”

The electric light of a purple rises from the distant horizon, just like a heaven defying a dragon, rushing into the sky.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared between Heaven and Earth, disappearing without a shadow.

This scene was not only seen by Chu Yan, but within 100000000 million miles, all powerhouses and forces were all seen.

So, the whole continent was sensational.

Everyone had a passion for Ascension, a cultivation craze began to sweep.

Chu Yan looked at the Vault of Heaven, pondered for a long time, and finally stepped into the void crack.

When it reappeared, he had returned to the mountain gate of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect.

As Empress Xuan Tian said, a day in Divine Realm is equivalent to a year in the lower realm.

That is to say, if you leave this time, although it will not become a farewell, but it is not so easy to return.

“Chu Yan, Heaven and Earth rules of Ten Directions Star Domain, all reworked!”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the voice of Empress Xuantian sounded with a trace of lightness.

However, she did not tell Chu Yan that in the battle of this time heaven defying, in the Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, there is still a and there is no fulfillment.

fleshy body, spirit wisdom, Divine Soul, the three are united and divided.

Today, Divine Soul is lost, and together with the green armor War God, merges into Chu Yan’s position.

In other words, spirit wisdom has not yet appeared.

“Someday, you can call me if you have anything!”

This sentence, although cold, contains love and might.

Emperor Xuantian was suppressed in Ten Directions Star Domain, impossible to play all.

However, if she returns to Divine Realm, then she is an Overlord.


Chu Yan nodded, agreed.

In this battle, he and Emperor Xuantian can be said to be in common with life and death, and this sentiment is not too light.

“This World has become wonderful! Let’s go and see …”

Chu Yan smiled, so he brought father, big brother, and Yue’er in this Ten Directions Star Domain, traveling the world.

Even the original Vast Heaven Continent, foreign domain continent, and entire group were tearing the Void, revising an old haunt.

The Medicine Sect and Dragon Gate Town at that time, the memories of the scenes have been refocused, and everyone’s mood has changed a lot.

During the time that Chu Yan was traveling around the world, Ten Directions Star Domain continued to have an ancient giant after the green wooden sword god, soaring God World.

The suppression of million years, coupled with the return of Hongmeng Spirit Qi, seems to have caused a soaring climax.

However, the people who accompanied the Chu Yan altar at that time to suppress the gods all suppressed Heavenly Tribulation, waiting for Chu Yan to return.

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