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Chu Yan talked to Ouyang Nantian, Shen Shengjie, Chang Tianhe, Situ Yang, and Little White Bear, Divine Consciousness sound transmission to discuss things about going to Divine Realm.

The result obtained was that Chu Yan was surprised.

Shen Shengjie has little interest in Martial Dao, but instead plans to inherit his father’s land sect and compete with Ten Directions Star Domain for the title of World’s First Chamber of Commerce.

And Ouyang Nantian, after this deity, devotes himself to pursue the limits of Blade Art, one man one blade, prepares to travel the world, comprehend the sword.

But Stuart hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to stay in Ten Directions Star Domain.

During this time, he was in Ten Directions Star Domain, searching everywhere for treasure troves, and he felt uncomfortable. So, he didn’t want to go to Divine Realm anymore and suffer those hardships.

Needless to say, Little White Bear, when Chu Yan gets there, he will get there.

There are also some people, including 9 Ming, Chu Yan and Empress Xuantian. When modifying the rules of Heaven and Earth, they helped the Divine Dao gangsters, and when they restored the Fleshy body, they released their contract and paid them back. free.

9 The stronger the spiritual wisdom, the more you know that Divine Realm is different from the Star Domain below. With his cultivation base, Chu Yan may be hindered.

Therefore, after paying his respects to Chu Yan for the first time, 9 Ming chose to take all his younger brothers and went directly to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and decided to stay forever.

Everyone’s decision, Chu Yan chose to respect.

Different from person to person, all have their own wishes and pursuits, as long as they are happy and live a wonderful life, it is enough.

One day, separated by Thousand Mountain 10000 waters, it reminds me of each other and smiles.

The only disharmony in the entire Ten Directions Star Domain was the original surviving Zhao genius, Zhao 10,000 li, on the Divine Spark battlefield.

After the battle of the Divine Spark battlefield, Zhao 10,000 li found an opportunity and quietly withdrew from the battlefield. In the Ten Directions Star Domain, the incognito and the unbearable life lived.

In the past, he had a strong cultivation base, and when he went there was a powerhouse.

However, after the battle with Chu Yan, the cultivation base was exhausted, and it was possible to save a life.

However, he is good luck to catch up with the new era of Ten Directions Star Domain, Hongmeng Spirit Qi is sufficient, and each Great Sect has begun to call for a recipe.

So, he found an opportunity, with the previous innate talent, in a powerful Sect, mixed with elite disciple identity.

Slowly cultivation, accumulate strength, ready to use his innate talent to return to Divine Realm.

Chu Yan sits in the cultivation hall, concentrates on cultivation and consolidates the cultivation base.

In the battle of this time heaven defying, there are too many cultivation base breakthroughs. Although it is considered to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, Chu Yan has always been an awesome person for cultivation.

Therefore, consolidating the cultivation base and comprehend the state of mind will never be careless.

“En !?”

Suddenly, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the vast starry sky accelerated, and the stars in the sky became extremely intense.

“this is….”

This is the first time that the “9-domain star map” inherited from Qingjia War God has responded for the first time.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan injected his Divine Strength into it.


In an instant, a vast wave of aura, surging like the sea, exploded countless Starry Sky Crack.

After those cracks, Chu Yan could clearly see that a vast and boundless small world appeared in the interim.

What Chu Yan did not think of was that Yue Linglong wrapped in crystal jade was originally like a bright moon suspended in the starry sky.

But in the moment when this little world appeared, the crystal jade that wrapped Yue Linglong actually moved towards that little world, slowly drifting away, and quickly hiding into it.

No aura of danger was felt, so Chu Yan not at all prevented, but Divine Consciousness followed closely and probed carefully.

The result obtained by Chu Yan turned out to be the endless Power of Starlight in the Little World, which nourished the crystal jade of Yue Linglong, making it a bit stronger.

“This star chart, really out of the ordinary!”

Chu Yan secretly wondered, but he made up his mind. When there is a chance, he will definitely figure out the role of this star chart.

Time is like water, calm and light.

After Ten Directions Star Domain World returned to peace, time seemed to slow down.

Spring goes to autumn, winter snow and summer fruit, year after year …

Martial Soul World of Ten Directions Star Domain, during these passages of time, changes have occurred in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The return of Spirit Qi of Hongmeng and the modification of Heaven and Earth rules have allowed this piece of World to save for countless years, as if a volcano erupted, constantly pushing the Martial Dao frenzy.

One after another, the powerhouse giants are constantly born.

And Chu Yan accompanied the family’s footprint, and also traveled through the bizarre continent and World of each and everyone.

“Little Yan, many thanks!”

The father and the big brother are all grateful for Chu Yan’s journey.

Although they did not experience the life and death tribulations with Chu Yan, they all knew that Chu Yan paid too much for this Martial Dao.

Finally one day, when this piece of World is no longer able to bear, Chu Yan will also move towards a real Peak.

“In the past few years, our family has been together, everything is enough!”

“You have your life and World, we will not stop you, so …”

The father and the big brother looked at Chu Yan without saying a word for a long time, as if they had exhausted all their strength before speaking again.

“Go, go and fight Nine Heavens! Let this god heaven know, we Chu Family there is a person, dare Fight Heaven and Earth powerhouse!”

These words, when I heard Chu Yan’s ears, my eyes suddenly flashed, my whole body was boiling with blood.

With the support of his family, this time fight Nine Heavens, there will be no regrets.

“Also, stay with Yue’er!”

“Yes! Father!”

Looking back at each other, the yellow skirt was still in Chu Yan’s mind as it was then.


Chu Yan lightly purine.

For so many years, Chu Yan has been away, and everything in the family has been taken care of by Yue’er. He has to worry about Chu Yan’s safety.

All, Yue’er’s heart makes Chu Yan pity.

In the following days, Chu Yan abandoned everything and concentrated on Yue’er, traveling through the landscape of Ten Directions Star Domain.

2 people, like a pair of Divine Immortal couples.

Half a year later, Chu Yan returned to the altar of Fengshen again, sat at the top of the altar and began to retreat.

Fight for Nine Heavens, go to sealing the heavens!

War God, one of dignified 9 Great Divine Venerable, is said to be in him.

For this War God Position, this Nine Heavens, Chu Yan will also go.

In this Ten Directions Star Domain, he is a 1000 old number one powerhouse, went to Divine Realm, facing the strongest of this Martial Soul World, he still did it.

Just like Zhao Family, Divine Realm genius, will lose to his feet.

When that day becomes the ruler of Heaven and Earth, it can reverse its destiny and reshape Divine Soul of Yue Linglong.

When the time comes, then go to sweep 9 gods of the heavens to achieve the respect of invincible.

For this purpose, Chu Yan will never give up.

Taking advantage of the youth and blood of the battle, go to the Nine Heavens without regret.

“Divine Realm, my Chu Yan, here!”

Looking up at the Vault of Heaven, Chu Yan raised his head and looked up, the whole body Divine Strength, running violently.

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