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Seeing the doubt on Chu Yan’s face, Great Elder explained quickly.

“This venerable token, speaking of which, is actually not Spirit Treasure at all, and has no effect. It is from the beginning of Great Ancient Era, when God World is in charge …”

Speaking of which, Great Elder looked around, and Divine Consciousness swept all around and appeared cautiously before continuing.

“When Swire God World took charge, the rules were set, because over time, a rule was gradually formed!”

“The ordinary token, which contains a trace of God’s aura, has a word” Venerable “engraved on it, and becomes a venerable token.”

“However, with such a brand, the rules are extremely strict. Without it, you ca n’t be recognized by other God venerables. Even if you reach the realm of breakthrough, when the time comes, no one will care about you. Ha ha”

Great Elder laughed at this.

However, Chu Yan also understood that this venerable token is quite an endorsement, an identity.

With it, after breakthrough reaches human respect, you can get everyone’s respect, but if not, it is equivalent to black account, everyone is targeted, disdain.

It is a kind of similar thing in the circle, the difference between orthodox and wild fox cicada.

Moreover, Chu Yan can think that the key point is that God Overlord, who holds the “Sovereign Token”, can justify it. In the Divine Realm, it recruits some powerhouses for use.

But without this brand, I am afraid that no one can recruit.

In short, fame, fortune, and interests dictate.

“Obtained the” Sovereign Token “, you are eligible to participate in the battle of respect!” Great Elder said

“Battle of honor !?” Chu Yan startled. “Does this breakthrough realm need to be contested?”

“Of course not necessary, this battle of respect is only held regularly, and it is equivalent to a kind of ceremony that summons the world. After all, the appearance of a respecter is by no means a trivial matter!” Great Elder said quickly.

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, it makes a lot of sense.

Just like in the lower realm, those who broke an important bottleneck will hold a grand event to invite the world to be powerful, but the meaning is similar.

“God within the realm, every 20 years or so, will open an ancient land of immortal as a battlefield of the battle of respect! That scene … tsk tsk tsk 啧 ….”

Speaking of which, Great Elder couldn’t help but sigh, eyes full of envy.

He also went to the battlefield of Ancient Immortal. At that time, he glanced at the entrance, and the powerful Spirit Power that spilled out made him tremble, and he could not forget his dream.

Even if you ca n’t be respected, if you can enter this Ancient Immortal battlefield and get a hint of chance, you must also help him break through the realm of earth.

“Ancient Immortal battlefield !?” Chu Yan showed a trace of interest in his eyes.

“Yeah, this Ancient Immortal battlefield was bred by Swire Heaven and Earth, which has great good fortune, and after these countless years of accumulation, the inheritance in it …. The extreme fear ah!”

“And, almost all the same is that only the God Powerhouse can enter it!”

Speaking of which, Great Elder got up, poured a glass of wine to Chu Yan, and there was a trace of triumph on his face, then said

“Exactly, I heard a mystery and told the daoist brother together. It is said that in the Ancient Immortal battlefield, any damage, even its own cultivation base, will be detained in the Ancient Immortal battlefield.

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly froze.


In this world, there is such a wonderful Secret Realm, and it is too kind to deduct the cultivation base of the trialist.

“so that’s how it is …”

Chu Yan nodded, take a deep breath.

This time, it is really right. Didn’t expect this god within the realm to achieve God Overlord Position, it is so troublesome.

However, it may be for these reasons that God Overlord’s status is so important.

Moreover, from these cumbersome doorways, Chu Yan seemed to vaguely see a prosperous shadow of Great Ancient Era, Martial Dao.

After all, in the Great Ancient Era, it was Martial Dao’s heyday.

And now, this god within the realm seems to have many rules and still retains the Martial Dao style of Great Ancient Era.

Those in the lower realm seem to have completely become Martial Dao World under the control of some people.

“The battle of respect, I don’t know how many genius will participate in this God World !?”

Chu Yan subconsciously’s whole body is tight, with both eyes lightning 4 overflowing, blood rolling.

“Daoist brother, there must be some secrets, you will also be interested, I will tell you …”

Great Elder is worthy of being a native Divine Realm powerhouse, and is very clear about the basic situation in this God World.

Especially those broken continent, have been occupied by various forces.

Many God powerhouses will choose a piece of this broken continent as their place of residence.

It seems that the competition is still very fierce. Chu Yan can guess that there are definitely some good things in these broken continent.

After chatting for nearly 2 hours, Chu Yan also had a simple understanding of this God World.

“Okay, many thanks!”

Chu Yan slowly got up and said to Great Elder

“Please help me prepare a map of Divine Realm. I am going to Shenhai and going to Nine Heavens!”

Shenhai is the largest area between Nine Heavens and other circles. The islands are densely covered. It should be one of the broken continent that Great Elder said before.

This is what Empress Xuantian said to herself before, and she went to an important place in the Nine Heavens world.

Above the Divine Sea, there is a fairy ship leading to the Nine Heavens realm.

The entire Divine Sea is blocked. Anyone who wants to cross the Divine Sea will be damaged in the sea and can only rely on the fairy ship.

I am afraid that this is also an important means for the Nine Heavens community to isolate other God World continent.

“This is no problem, I will order someone to prepare it for you immediately.”

Great Elder heard, eyes shined suddenly, and quickly agreed.

“In addition, if the daoist brother goes to the Sea of ​​Bitterness world, please bring this symbol, if you are in trouble, you can urge this symbol.”

After communicating at this time, Great Elder has determined that this Chu Yan is definitely belonged to Great Influence.

Otherwise, as soon as the ascendant comes up, he will rush to the Nine Heavens world.

Therefore, Great Elder definitely has intentions to make friends. Although the Shentian Yijie and the Nine Heavens Realm are separated by 108,000 li, the chance of forming such an opportunity may be beneficial.


Chu Yan did not quit, and took over Jade Talisman to take it away.

Soon, there is a person Elder entered the parlor and handed a God World map to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced roughly. This god is one world away from Shenhai, only 2 continent apart, not too far away.

“Great Elder, leave first!”

As soon as Chu Yan arched his hand, he emerged from the Eastern Church, waved Tearing the Void, and began to shuttling through the void.

“It seems that there is time to make a” Sovereign Token “first!”

When crossing the Endless Space-Time, Chu Yan thought secretly, while Divine Consciousness was restrained and tried to communicate with azure Tianlian.

“This lotus seal, take it to Xingluo Island!”

Emperor Xuantian a aura, Jade Talisman condensing a lotus shape, said to Chu Yan.

“Xing Luo Island !?”

It seems to be exactly the place marked on the map, close to Shenhai.

“Go and see first!”

Anyway, Chu Yan also wanted to see what Empress Xuantian prepared for herself.

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