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The richness of God World continent, endless scenery, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is much stronger than Ten Directions Star Domain.

The most important thing is that along the way, the Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine that Chu Yan met was innumerable.

However, what makes Chu Yan depressed is that most Immortal Grass spirit medicine is equipped with a spirit array defense. Obviously, some people are in charge of planting and cannot pick at will.

Wild Immortal Grass spirit medicine is also available, but rank is much worse, or simply not mature.

Flying all the way, Chu Yan carefully observed this piece of God World continent and learned a lot along the way.

Two days later, Chu Yan quickly reached the Sea of ​​Bitterness world.

“The Sea of ​​Bitterness realm is much bigger than the God Realm …”

Chu Yan turned over the room, took out the God World map, and looked at the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Bitterness world, which was obviously several times larger than the God of Heaven.

“5 Great Sect, every Sect has a fairy ship, in this case … then go to Chi Xiaozong!”

After glancing at the general direction, Chu Yan fell and moved towards the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Chi Xiaozong is not far away, flying less than one hour, you will see a tall city on the horizon in the distance, rising from the ground.

4 all directions, there is a silhouette on the earth sky, like a meteor flying rainbow, rushed into the giant city, disappeared.

From this point, we can see that this Chixiaozong is a very popular force.

What attracts Chu Yan’s attention most is the sky above the city, a large red sea of ​​spirit clouds, the vastness of the poles, the thickness of the clouds is ten times thicker than that of the ordinary spirit clouds.

From a distance, it looks as if the city is covered with an extremely thick quilt.

“God !?”

The closer Chu Yan was to the giant city, he found several silhouettes of the God realm powerhouse, and the earth god realm powerhouse was even more numerous.

“The Sea of ​​Bitterness realm is really much better than the God Realm! There are already 3 God Realm powerhouses, Earth Realm …”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, scanning all around the sky and the earth, while observing the situation of Chixiaozong city.

“This Fellow Daoist, but to take the fairy ship !? Excuse me, which god island is you going to ?!”

Just arrived at the gate of the city gate, there is a person Chi Xiaozong discipline, wearing a fiery long robe, greeted.

“Go to Xingluo Island!” Chu Yan replied.

This fairy ship is obviously like Ten Directions Star Domain’s Transmission Array. Someone takes care of it and goes to different places.

“Good luck! There is just a fairy ship, ready to go to Xingluo Island, there is a place!”

The disciple looked at Jade Talisman and looked up to Chu Yan.

“Please come with me!”

Take Chu Yan and walk through the city gate.

After walking through the breath breaths, after walking through the streets, a huge square appeared in front of me.

“That’s the fairy ship !?”

Chu Yan looked up, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Above the square, a huge big ship, suspended above the ground, each a is as high as zhang and nearly three zhang in length.

A path of divine light coils around these giant ships, and looks divine light.

On the hull, densely packed divine runes, each with a light radiance, the texture is complicated and picturesque.

“Fellow Daoist, every piece of the hull has tempered a fragment of the Supreme Spirit Tool, so the aura it released can make …”

Seeing the approaching square, the Chixiaozong recipe explained all the way, with a hint of pride in his tone.

Talking, the topic of the small discipline has been involved in the past, and it is not just Xianchuan and Chixiaozong.

I even started to say something about the cultivation base of gods.

“A little discipline knows so much !? The closer it is to Nine Realms, the little discipline knows more than the Great Elder of God’s World !?”

“After arriving at Heavenly Venerate, master the power of Five Elements, you can call God Overlord, if you go upward, Heavenly Dao realm Great Accomplishment, it can be called 9 God respect !?”

Chu Yan murmured secretly while listening to the introduction of the small discipline.

“Fellow Daoist, this is the fairy ship, please pay …”

Walking to a huge fairy ship, the little discipline stopped and said

Chu Yan hearing this, looking up towards the fairy ship in front of him, I saw that almost 30 cultivators had stood on the fairy ship, ten of them were earth god realm, and there was a person earth power peak powerhouse.


At this moment, a strange sound sounded.

In the crowd in the far square, a silhouette of a God Realm Peak cultivation base flashed hurriedly, and soon came to our eyes.

This person has a big bald head, just standing firm, he looked up at Chu Yan and directly opened the mouth and said

“It’s just one spot. I’ll get on first. Wait for the next boat!”

As soon as this remark came out, the small disciples and Chu Yan present were stunned at the same time.

This is to grab the position ah!

You know, the fairy ship is fixed, and it runs every 3 days. If you borrow it, you have to wait for 3 days.

Anyone who arrives in advance and arrives later, since he has arrived first, why give it to others! ?

“Sorry! I’ll come first, wait for the next boat!” Chu Yan refused directly.


The bald young man’s eyes were instantly cold, and when looking towards Chu Yan, Divine Consciousness swept away.

The same is God Realm cultivation base, this guy, dare to refuse himself! ?

“This Fellow Daoist, sorry, our Chixiao Sect has rules, first come first served, so please wait for the next boat!”

The small discipline is extremely fair. After finishing speaking to the bald man, he turned to look towards Chu Yan and then said

“Please pay Fellow Daoist, 5000 Divine Crystal, you can board the ship!”

After this sentence, Chu Yan startedled.

Divine Crystal! ?

What a thing! ?

It seems that I have forgotten to prepare God World’s currency in my own rush. I already knew that it would be good to find the Great Elder of the Orthodox Church to change some.

This time, embarrassing!

“Ha ha ha, I want to take the fairy ship without money, let me go!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s expression, the bald-headed youth suddenly laughed with pride and disdain.

“That’s right, if you don’t have any money, just let it go! Let him go first!”

“Don’t waste our time!”

“This Shenhai is really chaotic, who is there!”

“Hurry up, hurry up, sail the ship, true body still has something to do!”


Those repairers on the ship have been staring at the following situation, seeing this scene, also opened the mouth and said.

After all, the early one has been waiting for 3 days, which is not too short.

“Fellow Daoist, if you don’t have Divine Crystal, then I can only …”

Little disciples were also a little embarrassed, looked at Chu Yan and opened the mouth and said softly.

“Please wait a moment, I will let my friend give it away!”

Chu Yan took out the lotus symbol, entered Divine Consciousness, and started sound transmission.

This lotus symbol was given to him by Emperor Xuantian before, so he could contact him if he had any questions.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to summon, the crowd in the distance suddenly appeared in the shouted voice.

“His 5000 Divine Crystal, I’m out!”

This shouted loudly, like a thunderstorm, mighty turbulence, so that all the cultivators in the audience changed their faces.

This imposing manner, no doubt at all, is at least the strength of the cultivation base of the Peak Realm Peak.


A silhouette of the distant crowd came from the radio and appeared directly on the spot, looking towards Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

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