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“In this Divine Jade, there are records of Divine Realm, there are forces guarded by God Overlord, and some others!”

There are not many God Overlords in Divine Realm, so each Great Influence will record it and let the world powerhouse know.

“Is this a Heaven Ranking or something !?” Chu Yan asked curiously.

In Ten Directions Star Domain, Heaven Ranking and Stars Ranking exist. Anyone can get the list, take a glance, and know everything about the powerhouse in the world.


Mo Wu Earth God shook his head directly

“Among the Divine Realm, the strongest strength is the power of Five Elements. Mastering the power of several Five Elements is the basic criterion for distinguishing strong and weak!”

“This one, you should also be clear that on God Realm, the cultivation technique and cultivation base True Qi are basically the same. The strength is strong and the weakness is entirely in the improvement and application of the power of Five Elements!”

“As for the list you mentioned, like the title of World’s First Overlord of Sir Xuan Tian’s emperor Sir, it was not ranked but came out of the real battle!”

The words of Mo Wu Di Shen let Chu Yan eyes shined.

“With your current aptitude, I suggest you to join Dao Lineage.”

After thinking for a while, Mo Wu Di Shen looked at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Oh! Why?” Chu Yan asked.

“In Divine Realm, Shenhai is a special existence and a dividing line. In this area, God of Man, God of Earth, God, Venerable, Venerable Powerhouse, innumerable, and even some Heavenly Venerate powerhouse! “

“If you want to open a piece of Heaven and Earth, it is best to be a suitable identity, such as Dao Lineage’s Inner Sect disciple, such an identity, it is convenient to act!”

“Like Zhao 10,000 li in Chixiao City before, you have seen it, you should understand!”

“Although Divine Realm is the same as continent in the lower realm, strength is respected, but Divine Realm also ranks and ranks the same! But this is not comparable to the lower realm!”

“For example, in the lower realm, strength is respected, but if you are weak, your identity will follow, but this is completely different in Divine Realm. Will always be respected! “

Mo Wu Di Shen said for a long time just to make it clear to Chu Yan that Ten Directions Star Domain is different from the lower realm.

After all, now Chu Yan has just come to Divine Realm, it is best to figure out these as soon as possible.

“You mean, this is similar to Noble !?” Chu Yan understood something.

“Yes! That’s what it means. The strength is only an individual and a few, but rank and status can actually benefit a group of people! And Dao Lineage is just the highest manifestation of this identity!” Said Moddi God nodded.

“No wonder …” Chu Yan’s eyes lit up. “These Zhao genius used to be the imperial genius, but it was because of this …

“Of course, it would be better if you could become the true disciplinary of the Xuantian Sir forces!”

Mo Wu Di Shen certainly knows that Chu Yan has some cards, so the power of Five Elements may be difficult for others, but for Chu Yan, it has long laid a solid foundation.

As long as he has a spirit vein, he can become Dao Lineage’s Inner Sect disciple with the battle strength of his godland.

Even becoming a true disciplinary is not impossible.

A Supreme Dao Lineage ’s true disciple, or 9 Great Divine Venerable ’s direct disciple identity, that ’s scary.

“Well, don’t worry for the time being, wait for me to get the Overlord token first!”

Chu Yan nodded, naturally understand what Mo Wu Di Shen said, extremely useful to him.

Immediately, Mo Wu Di Shen continued to introduce Chu Yan about the variety of Divine Realm.

Mo Wu Di Shen, is not comparable to the lowest Divine Realm forces such as the Great Elder of the Eastern Zhen Church. He knows this Divine Realm very well.

Time passed by, and four days passed by.

The fairy ship trembled, and after passing through a hazy spiritual fog, it rushed into the continent of Xingluo Island.

This star Luo Island, speaking of which is an island …

It is relative to the vast area of ​​Divine Realm. If placed within the realm, it is definitely larger than the area of ​​one Star Domain.

“this is….”

Just rushed into the range of Xingluo Island, Chu Yan suddenly started face.

4 all directions, the vast sea and Earth Spirit Qi, like a tide, made him within the body of Divine Strength, all began to echo.

Never seen it before, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is such a rich place.

As if in the air, with a few drops of Spirit Qi water droplets, as if the fog is flying.

Boom … Rumble!

In less than ten breaths, a violent aura burst into the sky on Chu Yan, and cultivation base directly broke through.

“Earth God Realm … so that’s how it is!”

From God Realm 9th Layer, one-step breakthrough to earth realm, no hindrance.

Stepping into the earth god realm, Chu Yan felt that the Heaven and Earth void all around was completely different.

That feeling … very mysterious!

It seems that my integration and closeness with Divine Realm Heaven and Earth is a little more.

“I … I am grass, he … he broke !?”

Full of ship repairers, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, shaking together.

Dozens of lines of sight, looked towards standing on the side of the ship, looking up at the black robe silhouette of Heaven and Earth, everyone’s faces were twitching.

Standing there, without doing anything, broke! ?

What’s so special …

People are more mad than people!

The general cultivator, God Realm breakthrough to the earth god realm, without great opportunities and precious resources, is simply impossible.

But now, the ascendant in front of me just enters the range of Xingluo Island. With these rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, he directly breaks through! ?

Although the ascendant has just arrived at Divine Realm, there will be an accumulation outbreak after baptism.

But, this guy, too terrifying outbreaks! ?

Even the half-step earth god does not exist, and the breakthrough is directly to the earth god realm! ?

Therefore, this ascendant must have a Great Influence background, and cannot afford to offend cannot afford to offend!

“Good! Divine Realm is worthy, much better than the lower realm!”

Chu Yan within the body, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, spirit vein, St. Rakshasa, etc., are all madly absorbing all around the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, True Qi runs several times faster than ever before.

Therefore, Chu Yan can feel that it is definitely easier to break through to the God environment here than in the lower bound.

Because it is not only the abundance of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, the key is that among these Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, there is also Hongmeng Spirit Qi.

This is the continent of the lower bound, which is simply not comparable to it.

“Are so many people desperately want to fly to Divine Realm!”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.


However, at this moment, the “9-area star map” in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness tremored suddenly, releasing 10000 divine lights.

This feeling, as if there is something nearby, echoes it.

“It seems that these 9-domain star maps are indeed Divine Realm’s things!”

In Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, Spiritual Consciousness flashes.

“Everyone, Xingluo Island has arrived!”

Above the fairy ship, the disciplinary in charge of the ship walked to the deck and spoke to the repairer of the ship.

At the same time, everyone can see that on the ground below, a very large white city stands on the ground.

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