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This city is larger than any city that Chu Yan has ever seen, or even several times larger than the previous Chiye City.

However, on the huge city gate, it reads “Connect City”!

In other words, this simply is not a main city, just an ordinary connecting city.

Such a huge city was just picking up the city, which made Chu Yan’s face suddenly show a surprise.

Along with the other monks, after getting off the fairy ship, they appeared on a huge Grand Plaza in the city.

Just a few steps away, all the noisy sounds all around came.

“Have you heard !? A few days ago, Xuan Tian Sir suddenly announced that he would take out an Overlord token!”

“Yeah, why haven’t you heard, haven’t you rushed here ?!”

“That is, the past few days, all the powerhouses, all came, all for this Overlord token!”

“Before I came, I heard that it had already started, and I played for 3 days and 3 nights!”

“That is of course, this time is not only Xuan Tian Sir, it seems that Chang Sheng Divine King, Feng Ling Divine King, all took out 20 tokens.”

“It’s not just them. A total of 5 Deity King said they would issue tokens!”

“Unfortunately, Xuan Da Tianren only took out one piece!”


God Overlord, among the cultivators of the ordinary, is respectfully called Divine King, to show respect.

Chu Yan walked on the streets of the city, Divine Consciousness swept away, listening to all the arguments of all around, and finally stopped.

“It’s fighting !? I shouldn’t be late!”

Chu Yan took out the lotus seal and directly entered a Divine Consciousness.

Soon, Lianyin gave a light response and immediately responded.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist? Please come to Profound Heaven City, I’ll wait for you here in Lingzhen!”

This heavy voice sounded, suddenly making Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness sound.

“Profound Heaven City !? It seems right, this name is pretty good …”

Chu Yan smiled softly, then walked with Mo Wu Di Shen, moved towards the front.

Although the introduction city is incomparable gigantic, but its role is also very clear, it is a foreign affairs city on Xingluo Island.

Therefore, in this connecting city, the Transmission Array between the cities around Xingluo Island is densely packed, and there are countless.

After handing over Divine Crystal and stepping into the Transmission Array, Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Shen appeared again, and they had arrived in a brand new big city.

This city is significantly smaller than the pick-up city just now.

However, all around a World of Ice and Snow, the entire city is built on the incomparable gigantic ice field.

And the city in front of me is also gleaming with ice crystals, as if they were all made of ice.

Therefore, when Chu Yan came out of the Transmission Array, he suddenly felt a sudden drop in temperature around all, and that kind of feeling was exactly like the feeling of Xuan Tiannv.

Moreover, in the whole city, a path of powerful aura keeps sweeping the audience.

“In this Profound Heaven City, I’m afraid there are at least 30 Gods!”

Chu Yan didn’t worry, just let go of Divine Consciousness, and also swept the audience, attracting the Divine Consciousness of each and everyone God.

what’s the situation! ?

The newcomer, who is so arrogant, dare to sweep the audience directly Divine Consciousness? !

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, please follow me!”

As soon as Divine Consciousness was released, a silhouette appeared, politely to Chu Yan, and reached out to signal a direction.

“This is … God will!”

Mo Wu Di Shen glanced at the man, his eyes suddenly glared, his face stunned.

didn’t expect, Xuan Tian Sir, even sent a god to come to pick up Chu Yan, this can be considered high level.

After all, the god under Divine King Sir has an extremely distinguished identity.

Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Shen followed the god general and traveled all the way through the city.

Soon it reached a square, and all directions in 4 directions were surrounded by silhouettes of the cultivators.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Above the square, a path of gas explosions continued to explode, 2 powerful silhouettes, fighting like Dragon-Tiger, the battle was extremely fierce.

This is 2 powerhouses, at least the genius that has mastered the power of 2 kinds of Five Elements.

“Overlord token competition is coming to an end, you are here to wait for a while!”

The snow robe god will say a word to Chu Yan, and disappear from the spot directly.

From beginning to end, this snow robe general, all cherish words like gold, temperament is very similar to Emperor Xuantian.

“It’s all over !? Xuan Tian still asked me to come !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, but frowned, his face full of doubt.

All around in this square, at least has more than 30 God powerhouses, the rest are some young genius, cultivation base are all around the earth god realm, the power of Five Elements has mastered more than 2 lines.

Among them, there are several genius youths, and the cultivation base has even reached the 5th Layer.

Moreover, sensing their aura, they can unexpectedly find that an extremely powerful force seems to be hidden within them within the body.

“Chang Sheng Divine King, Inner Sect disciple, should fight!”

“There is also Divine King, Inner Sect disciple… ..”

Mo Wu Di Shen’s eyes swept, suddenly complexion slightly changed, suck in a breath of cold air.

Even he did not expect that these other Diver King Inner Sect disciple, will all run to compete for the Overlord token Xuan Tian Sir.

“Crazy battle!”

At this moment, above the square, a young man’s body thunder exploded, a path of Spirit Seal emerged, and imposing manner heaven shaking earth shattering.

Boom …!

This move blasted out, and the genius in front of him was suddenly unable to resist, and was directly blasted by a path of Spirit Seal, spitting blood repeatedly.

“No. 31 wins, 90 No. 5 loses!”

a The sound rang, echoing over the square.

“Awesome, this No. 31 has won again, plus the previous 40 No. 9 and 55, No. 67, are top genius!”

“It depends on this time, who can get this Overlord token!”

“This is getting more and more lively!”


The onlookers on the square were numerous, and all were full of excitement and excitement.

Fighting at this level is extremely rare in peacetime.

Definitely an unprecedented event, after all, with so many Divine King Inner Sect disciple gathered together, it is naturally rare.

“Now, a decisive battle!”

The majestic voice in the sky sounded again.

“By No. 31, 49, 55, No. 67, 80 No. 9, and No. 3 at the same time!”

“If the former wins, the melee is just started, and the last one standing is the final winner!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence.

There was a look of surprise on everyone’s face, and there was such a system.

I have heard before that if Seeded Contestant participates, you can directly enter the decisive battle without participating in the previous elimination battle.

didn’t expect Now, the Seeded Contestant actually appeared.

You know, every Seeded Contestant, it is the existence of genius with extremely high identity and strength.

It’s just that No. 3 can play 5 against one person, can they really win?

I am afraid that there will be no such battle for several hundred years.

All around the square, the eyes of some God powerhouse and the big brothers all gathered, and it seemed that Qi Qi thought of something.

“Is it …”

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