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This sword, rolling over, with the power of world destroying, sweeping all directions.


The whole mysterious door was broken and no longer existed.

“This is impossible, absolutely impossible !?”

The 7 cultivators, as well as the Senior Brother who had just stood up, all looked dull, like a ghost.

“You … you have Five Elements!”

The Senior Brother suddenly remembered something, and his face was horrified.

The ground-level cultivation base has such a terrible battle strength, then there is only one possibility. This Chu Yan is in charge of Five Elements and is a genius.

“No.” Chu Yan shook the head, his face indifferent.

“I own the Spirit Elements of Five Elements!”

8 practitioners, all started together.

“5… Five Elements Spirit Source !?”

I did n’t even wait for them to react and figure out what the Five Elements Spiritual Source was. In front of it was a horrible Sword Qi, dropping from the sky. They enveloped the eight of them and instantly twisted into a fan.

“Holy Fairy Heaven Sect Great Array !? It seems that this King God is really related to Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

Chu Yan pondered in his heart, and at the same time in his eyes, blood light appeared.

If one day, let him be sure that this Saint God King is really the existence behind Saint Heavenly Pavilion, then he will definitely kill this Saint God King.

Although he has never seen King God, but there is already a fire between the two.

Of course, this is only a guess at the moment, and it cannot be finalized. I can only continue to investigate the matter in the future and understand it.

oh la la…!

At this moment, in the river behind him, a silhouette rose into the sky and fell in front of Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, these are Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, all got it!”

There is no excitement on the face of Mo Wu Di God, but a speechless saying

“It turned out to be a psychedelic array, 90% of which were fake, and only these 9 plants …”

“Anyway, it’s a lot! Let’s leave here first!”

Chu Yan and Mo Wu Earth God immediately rose up and moved towards a mountain peak in the distance.

After finding a cave, arranging various barriers and defensive restrictions, 2 people were invisible in the cave.

Originally, Mo Wu Di Shen planned to give Chu Yan all Heaven and Earth spiritual objects.

However, Chu Yan insisted on 2 people, each person gets half and only took 10 of them.

“Look at the 9-domain star map, are you interested?”

Chu Yan sat cross-legged, preparing to begin refining these Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, followed by a powerful Devouring Power pouring in, and all those Heaven and Earth spiritual objects were involved.


The next moment, the entire 9-domain star map, began to tremble slightly, and the light spot shining above it began to become extremely dazzling, as if it were being promoted.

After a sufficient breaths time, the promotion was finally completed. The whole light spot evolved into a lotus flower.

This lotus is turquoise in color, like crystals like jade, and looks like jasper.

It is self-contained and unaffected by any influence. Even the pupil of Qilin cannot peep into its laws and discovered mystery.

“What’s the use of this lotus flower ?!”

Chu Yan startled, and then Divine Consciousness surged towards this lotus.

Uh …!

In the next moment, the whole green lotus flower, under a slight rotation, releases a trace of pure life aura and merges into Chu Yan’s body.

Chu Yan immediately felt that the body became extremely warm, as if immersed in a hot spring.


Chu Yan’s eyes flashed, thinking of a kind of probability, eyes immediately bright.

At the moment, Chu Yan did not hesitate, two fingers and sword, facing the left arm, fiercely pulled …

Suddenly, a blood mark appeared, and blood 4 overflowed.

However, in the next breath, those Life Power surges appeared, almost at the speed visible by fleshy body, healing that blood stain, and instantly returning to the original.

“This green lotus, even with such a rich Life Power, recovers from injury faster than Golden Pill!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were shining, and his face was full of joy.

This role seems simple, but in fact it is extremely important and has a great impact on personal battle strength.

For example, in the battle, when both sides are seriously injured and dying, if one side’s injury begins to recover, then the result is … the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“And this green lotus seems to be promoted for the first time. If there are enough Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, it should be able to improve.”

“If the promotion continues, when the time comes will be …”

When Chu Yan thought of this, his blood suddenly boiled all over his body.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place.

I saw that after the birth of the green lotus, it seemed to sense something. It even started to slowly flow from the Star Sea in the 9-domain star map, and moved towards the crystal jade coffin.

“En !?”

This change suddenly made Chu Yan look tight.

What does this green lotus want to do! ?

In the crystal jade coffin, it was Yue Linglong ’s body. In order to protect the crystal jade coffin, Chu Yan placed it in the 9-domain star map, which was the safest.

After all, this is War God Sir’s Supreme Treasure.

Uh …!

The green lotus suddenly accelerated, and even passed through the crystal jade coffin and drilled directly into it, blending with Yue Linglong’s Fleshy body. .

The whole crystal jade coffin is trembling …

Numerous rays of light shine from it.

In the midst, there seems to be a Supreme Sanskrit, singing Heaven and Earth throughout, telling numerical living living beings, Heaven and Earth’s taboo heaven defying is happening.

“Sky ring poor … 10000 1000 souls … Divine Dao Promise … Magic pole …. 9 change 9 lives …. sky wrath …”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to react at all, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness sounded a choppy voice.

Picture after picture, constantly flashed in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Eventually, when all these natural phenomena disappeared, the natural phenomena in the crystal jade coffin also disappeared and returned to peace.

Looking back at this time, it is found that the green lotus hovered over the crystal jade coffin, blooming a path of mysterious dark light.

“What’s the matter !? How could it be like this !?”

Chu Yan looked at this scene, his face stunned, Divine Consciousness quickly swept away.

In Jingyu’s coffin, Yue Linglong’s fleshy body, without any slight damage, finally let go.

“It seems to have great benefits for Linglong Fleshy Body!”

Chu Yan’s long relaxed, his mind slightly moved.

At this moment, he finally remembered the meaning of those unclear words in the lingering voice just now.

“Chu Yan, are you okay !?”

The magical earth god eyes opened in the cultivation, looked towards Chu Yan, asked.

He was also refining 10 Heaven and Earth spiritual object, cultivation base has improved a lot.

“It’s alright, let’s go!”

Chu Yan calmed his mind and walked out of the cave, rising into the sky, and continued to fly forward.

2 people flew over their shoulders, probing along the mountain range, but before they flew far, they all started together.

I saw that there was a lot of Heaven and Earth spiritual objects in the mountain peak below.

“Rank is too low, but the number of wins is large, pick quickly!”

Chu Yan and Mowu Earth God were amazed and fell together, constantly refining those Heaven and Earth spiritual objects.

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