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This is a large number of Heaven and Earth spiritual objects, Chu Yan and Mo Wu Earth God, swallowed while receiving, extremely fast.

This Heaven and Earth spiritual object, although Spirit Power is rich, but there are still some impurities, need to consolidate refining.

But in front of you, you don’t need to think so much. It is the key to improve your cultivation base.

Along this mountain range, 2 people went all the way forward, it seems that this Heaven and Earth spiritual object is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Moreover, along the way, no danger was encountered at all.

Even some occasional encounters with a few cultivators are far away from each other and they begin to avoid each other.

Because, these Heaven and Earth spiritual objects are all over the ground, and they ca n’t be picked up. Who has time to find each other, and it ’s not necessary at all.

Over time, even like Chu Yan, the cultivation base has just come from God Realm breakthrough, and now the cultivation base within the body is close to the bottleneck again, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

The cultivation base of Mo Wu Di Shen is also advanced by leaps and bounds, only half a step away from the breakthrough God realm.

“Yi!? A respectable Heaven and Earth spiritual object!”

Chu Yan’s eyes looked like a torch. He glanced at it and found a small purple flower, and immediately picked it into his hand.

After swallowing it, Star Domain of 9 domains did not react, turned into pure Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, and merged into Chu Yan within the body.

At this moment, Chu Yan is only one line away from breakthrough.

“It seems that the requirements for Heaven and Earth spiritual object have been raised since the last promotion of these 9 domain star charts!”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly in the heart and shook the head.

This small purple flower has definitely reached the level of honor, and it is one step higher than the first scarlet mushroom.

However, the 9-domain star chart turned out to be unresponsive, so it can only be explained that the 9-domain star chart cannot be seen.

However, this is also a good thing.

If the good things are all swallowed by the 9-domain star map, then if you want to improve the cultivation base, it will be more difficult.

“Chu Yan, there is 10000 potential seas ahead, you pay attention to the operation of the pupil technique, maybe you will gain something!”

Mo Wu Earth God seems to have some understanding of the terrain here, and said.

“10000 is the ancient sea !?” Chu Yan’s eyes flashed differently.

“The 10000 potential seas are a boundary among the 1000 seas. After passing, they will be regarded as the true core of the 1000 seas.”

“This piece of 10000 potential sea pole is not simple. Although it can’t be called the vastness, but the depth of the seabed, even God, has never been to the seabed.”

“There have been rumors before that in the past 100 years, many people have gained great benefits in this 10000 sea.”

Hearing this commentary, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly shone, nodded, and flew forward.

After an hour, the two reached 2 Shigu seaside, swept across, and were suddenly surprised by their eyes.

I saw that above this deep blue sea, the islands were staggered and there were countless tidal currents.

And on those islands, there are mountains and forests, and various divine lights rise from the sky, shining the sky and aura shaking the sky.

In all directions, there is a cultivator who takes the boat Spirit Treasure and competes in it.

Among these cultivators, there is also the existence of the disciples of the Overlord forces.

And with the glance of Qi Yan’s pupil of Chu Yan, you can also see that in the depths of the sea, there is a little amazingly powerful aura that faintly fluctuates.

Indistinctly, some God brilliance can be seen, colliding with each other.

Obviously, the entire surface of the sea, including the depths of the seabed, has God powerhouses that are fighting each other.

“This … this is all Heavenly Paradise !? How could it be so much !?”

Mo Wu Earth God was stunned.

1000 Jihai, originally for the purpose, is for Heavenly Paradise.

Heavenly Paradise, not only refers to a rich place of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, there are even equal-level divisions.

The true Heavenly Paradise, bred by Heaven and Earth, has a treasure of some special power.

The cultivator can appreciate Heaven and Earth, twice the results for half the effort.

Like the Heavenly Paradise of Overlord level, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and the special power among them can be recovered as much as they are absorbed.

Therefore, in this class of Heavenly Paradise cultivation, there is no need to suppress it at all, and the speed is extremely fast.

Of course, this kind of blessed battle and murderous intention are also incessant at all times. It is extremely dangerous for people without strength to occupy it.

But now, among these 10000 potential seas, more than 20 Heavenly Paradise have appeared.

This is really a bit … many.

“Mowu Senior, don’t think so much. I think the strength of the island is the strongest of these Heavenly Paradise. Let’s grab it.”

As Chu Yan spoke, the battle intent was surging all over his body, and aura kept rising.

Nowadays, most of the cultivators around here are between the Earth God 3rd Layer and the 9th Layer, and the Earth God Peak is only more than ten.

With the cultivation base of 2 of them, occupying one of them is fully qualified.

“it is good!”

Mo Wu Earth God was also excited. He flipped his hand and took out a spirit ship. Two people stepped into the base. Under a sudden urge, the spirit ship was like an arrow and flew away by the wind and waves.

The seawater of 10000 Shigu Sea is very special, and with the existence of these Heavenly Paradise, the whole Sea Territory is full of special forces everywhere.

Therefore, flying is extremely dangerous, and the best way is to ride a spirit boat.

“Half step God !?”

All around the cultivator, feel something, and complexion changed at the same time.

Because the island that Chu Yan went to was one of the strongest among the many Heavenly Paradise, so there are obviously more people fighting for it.

“What !? That is … Chu Yan!”

On the other side, on top of several spirit ships, several Inner Sect disciples from the overlord forces of the world fell on Chu Yan all at once.

“Fellow Daoist, join forces, otherwise we will all lose!”

An Inner Sect disciple, with an instant decision, shouted.

“Yes, join forces!”

Except for a spirit boat, he turned his target to other Heavenly Paradise. The rest of the cultivators all had battle intent in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, these cultivators who were determined to join hands, all shot together, moved towards Chu Yan 2 people, and played magic.

In order to compete for this Heavenly Paradise, they have been fighting here for a short time, and if they leave now, it will be a loss.

“Wait a minute, we will join forces to take down the Chu Yan, and then leave here directly.”

In an attack, several Inner Sect disciples were discussed at Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

Others don’t know, but they know that this Chu Yan has a secret of 1000 jade.

This secret is much more precious than the temporary Heavenly Paradise in a Secret Realm.

“Heavenly Devil!”

The aura surging in the whole body of the demon warrior, a black shadow, shrouded in him, instantly let his battle strength skyrocket, and raised a large piece of magic power, and blocked those magical skills.

At the same time, he was body flashed, but he had already rushed onto other people’s spirit ships, and directly hit him.

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