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Even in the Lingyun sea, the released Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are much stronger than the ordinary spirit cloud sea.

What does this say! ?

Explain that in this sea of ​​spirit clouds, someone injects the spirit of Injecting Spirit.

This is really rare, even rare.

The Lingyun Sea itself is a gathering of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, which is dedicated to a place that provides Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi.

In places like this, it is rare to be able to gather the Lingyun Sea to a certain extent and reach one side.

But like this place, Chu Yan was the first to see Spirit Yan in the sea of ​​spirit clouds.

Of course, the benefits of this are obvious.

Never will Spirit Yunhai continuously release Spirit Qi, which will cause Spirit Yun’s Spirit Qi to decline.

How much Heaven and Earth spiritual object does this require! ?

Chu Yan was full of marvels and had to admire these God Overlords, really great generosity.

“This Spirit Cloud Sea, see it !? It is composed of 9 11 layers Spirit Cloud Sea!”

“Legends say that this city can not only make people cultivate faster, but also tempering fleshy body, purify Divine Strength, and enhance the formidable power of magic.”

Mowu God was excited, and then said

“Even the genius and the powerhouse will be attracted here, and they will be closed here.”

Chu Yan suddenly became excited when he heard these words.

By now, he finally understands why such a God land can only be occupied by the Overlord.

If there is no force that convinces the Martial Artists of the world to monopolize such a heavenly blessing, they will be besieged every day.

“Tiantianya, right in the depths of this city, is a dedicated place to accept top-level cultivators. We are now in the past!”

Mowu God said, and took Chu Yan down to the city below.

Uh …!

Just stepping into the dedicated Transmission Array, Chu Yan 2’s figure disappeared.

When they reappeared, they only found that Spirit Qi, who seemed to have entered a spiritual place, all around the air, drilled into his body uncontrollably.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his fleshy body became excited in an instant.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the silent forbidden heart also sensed something, emitting a faint black light.

“A lot of powerhouse!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept away, suddenly surprised.

I can see that in this ancient city, countless cultivators of to-and-fro are very lively, just like a bazaar.

Moreover, most of the cultivation base aura of these cultivators are Earth God and God Realm.

Some of them even reached human respect, and even higher realm.

Such a scene suddenly made Chu Yan sigh, completely understand, a formidable power.

“I have just inquired that the place of retreat for foreign cultivators here is Duanmuya, right in the center of the city …”

Mowu God was talking and walking forward with Chu Yan.

Here and 1000 machine holes are completely gone.

Even if Chu Yan and Mo Wu Di Shen walked on the street, they would not have any eyes, betting on it, it seemed extremely ordinary.

It didn’t take long for the 2 people to get to the middle of the city.

This is a huge square with 100 altars standing above the square. Densely packed are all cultivators.

In the middle of the square, all the altars are hundred degrees high, and the golden text flashes on each altar.

In the middle of the altar, there is a black gate, and two white robe powerhouses stand on each side.

“What to do now !? It takes one acacia fruit to enter the Tiantian Muya cultivation for a month, and this condition is too harsh!”

“Has today’s mission come out?”

“Complete the task as soon as possible and you can go in!”


In front of the black door, there were many cultivators watching, all with anxious expressions.

It is not the same among the Heavenly Cliffs. The cultivation site is artificially divided into the first order to the tenth order.

Obviously, the best position is naturally the best for retreat cultivation.

And what kind of cultivation position can a cultivator get into the Heavenly Cliff Muya?

Or, it is much more convenient to directly purchase a qualification token at a huge cost.

And these conditions, only for the cultivation position below level 6, and the position above level 6, there are restrictions.

Not only to complete the task, but also must be the Inner Sect disciple or above status of the Overlord level forces to enter.

For Grade 8 and above, you need to have Gegen genius, Supreme Dao Lineage’s Inner Sect disciple, or Geish Overlord power Elder or above.

“I don’t know, what rank is the token given by Tabu Ling !?”

Chu Yan, I’m a god of magic, after figuring out these conditions, I couldn’t help but think of a problem at the same time.

Throughout the square, there are constantly cultivators, to-and-fro, with no fewer than 10000 people.

Most of them are various tasks that appear to have been released, and only a handful are waiting in line to enter Dutian Muya.

Chu Yan and Mowu God, moved towards the gate, there were more than 30 people in front of them.

“En !?”

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt 2 familiar auras and immediately turned to look.

At a glance, his face suddenly startedled.

Not far away, Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, and Eclipse Young Master, surrounded by a dozen God powerhouses, were moving towards here.

“Chu Yan !?”

Xiao Tian Wang Yue Peng and Eclipse Young Master saw Chu Yan, but also suddenly stunned.

Their time to break the sky is mainly because the Divine Ghost Body, the 1000 soul of the ecstasy Young Master, has been hit hard in the battlefield of 9 machine holes. It needs to be restored by the cultivation of this place.

As a heavenly blessed place, Duantianmuya has the ability to temper fleshy body, and it can naturally help recovery.

As for Xiao Tian Wang Yue Peng, it was for breakthrough God, so they came together.

It’s just that they didn’t expect to meet Chu Yan here.

“You’re lucky, you can’t use force every time you meet you!”

Eclipse Young Master looked at Chu Yan with a pair of eyes, all red blood, and could not help but chew Chu Yan up.

He didn’t have any prestige for Chu Yan, plus in the 1000 machine holes, he heard Chu Yan’s name, and he was deeply impressed by Chu Yan.

“People like you are also eligible to get the token of Duantian Muya, but how many levels can you advance !? Tier 2! Or Rank 3 !?”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng looked at Chu Yan with a cold wave of irony.

Because of this Chu Yan, he has not seen Yu Linger’s face recently.

“Brother Yue, you don’t have to waste time with this rubbish. When he comes out of the Heavenly Cliff, it’s when he is damaged!”

Eclipse Young Master coldly snorted, moved towards the front.

“Next time, you meet me again to see if you have any luck!”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng looked at Chu Yan, and then walked forward.

The two of them are all genius, and they can naturally get the token of Tiantianmuya. They can enter directly without queuing.


Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, watching 2 people, the pupil light flashed slightly.

These two guys, how owed to tidy up, a little bit trivial, and endless, several times said they would kill themselves! ?

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to kill these 2 guys!

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