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As the saying goes, all bully the good person, Chu Yan doesn’t think that he is a good talker and a bully.

After this time small incident, it was Chu Yan’s turn soon.


The white robe guarding the door, with a cold expression on his face, expressionless.

Chu Yan and Mowu God took out the tokens at the same time and handed them over.

The white robe guarding the door glanced at the token, and suddenly the complexion changed, his face stunned.

“You two, you can enter the 7th grade, half a year of cultivation time!”

The little thing just now, they naturally saw it in their white robe. They thought it was really just 2 trashes, as Eclipse Young Master said.

“I would like to ask Senior how to improve the rank of this place. I think there are some restrictions. Is it possible to improve it with the genius?”

Chu Yan naturally wanted to go to a higher rank cultivation, so he asked.


Baipao shook his head and refused, then said

“According to the rules, only God Overlord can order!”

Baipao’s face returned to normal, his expressionless replied.

“This … is a little troublesome! Forget it!”

Chu Yan wanted to summon Emperor Xuantian, but after thinking of the last summoning, Empress Xuantian did not reply to him, so she dismissed her thoughts.

The Elder of Taboo Ridge, who took out these 2 tokens to Chu Yan, also thought that the place of 7th grade cultivation should be enough for Chu Yan.

Uh …!

Chu Yan and Mowu God stepped into the black gate, and the silhouette immediately disappeared.

“Forget it !? hmph! It sounds like I really know God Overlord !?”

The white robe guarding the door, with a sneer on his face, has been here for a long time, who hasn’t seen it, even if some genius, want God Overlord to summon it, it is simply impossible.

After all, how can such a small matter let a God Overlord personally summon it! ?

Chu Yan certainly didn’t know about Baipao’s thoughts. At this time, he had entered an independent space and was attracted by the scene between his eyes.

I saw that he and Demon God stood in an altar palace.

This palace can be easily seen from above, and under the thick sea of ​​spirits, stands a towering 7-color altar.

The whole altar is all around. I do n’t know how many Great Arrays of Spirit Array Profound Art. Each Spirit Mark floats in the sky, shining bright rays of light, releasing a powerful breath of majesty.

“Two Fellow Daoist, but this is the first time to break the sky Muya !?”

a Sweet voice sounded, but it was a female cultivator who walked towards 2 people and opened the mouth and said softly.

“I am the disciple here. Let me give a brief introduction to the situation in Dutianmuya.”

The female cultivator looks sweet, pointing to the huge 7-color altar and saying

“The first order to the tenth order are all cultivation on this altar, except that different ranks have different positions.”

“And each location attracts Spirit Qi differently.”

His fingers moved lightly to draw a light curtain with a figure on it, which divided the altar into ten.

female cultivator smiled lightly, then introduced

“The first-level location has the largest area and can accommodate 10000 people. You seem to be in the 7th grade, and the 7th grade can accommodate more than 2000 people!

“In addition, no matter how many tiers of land, everyone’s identity is protected, no matter what other people’s strength or identity, they can not detect the identity of others.

“So, in cultivation, you can go all out without any worries!”

Chu Yan heard these last words and immediately started.

“Full shot !?”

female cultivator by nodded, explained

“Yes, in this space, every 3 hours, there will be a surge of spiritual breath, and how much spiritual breath everyone competes for depends on their own ability!”

“Simply put, the first-order position has 100,000 Heavenly Muya power, and among them there are 50,000 cultivators, how many can you grab, the number is naturally different!

“As for how to compete, when the time comes you will know when you see it!”

Chu Yan heard this, eyes shined suddenly.

If it is just a closed retreat, it should not attract so many people, and there are some ways.

However, as a result, it seems to become interesting.

“OK, we understood, please take us there!”

Chu Yan didn’t want to waste time. After all, he started counting time.

Chu Yan also wanted to feel this magic as soon as possible.

The female cultivator is hearing this, waving the room, placing an array under the cloth, and taking them into two different stone rooms.

The stone room is small and several feet in size.

The layout inside is also very simple, a wooden table, lit meditation incense, futon on the ground for people to sit.

“En !?”

Among the stone chambers, a piece of Amethyst Stones caught Chu Yan’s attention.

This is a crystal with a height of one foot. From the appearance, not at all is special, but on the surface of the crystal, there is a path of cracks, which are regularly opened and closed.

In that way, it seems that this Amethyst Stones is breathing for himself.

Chu Yan running the pupil of Qilin, it can be clearly seen that with the opening and closing of Amethyst Stones, there is a touch of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi all around, slowly fluttering.

“There is a Jade Talisman here!”

Chu Yan walked to the corner and found another piece of Jade Talisman, which was immediately cleared by Divine Consciousness.

This stone is called Tongtian Stone. When the spirit tide breaks out, the cultivator can infuse Divine Consciousness into it, inducing magical powers everywhere to grab it.

apart from this, every time a spiritual tide bursts out, each cultivator has only one chance.

Moreover, in this 7th grade cultivation place, Divine Strength is limited to Peak, which is a fair move to some extent.

“Spiritual outbreak !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed a fine awn, and he immediately returned to the middle of the stone chamber and began cultivation.

As time went by, this part of Tianmuya was constantly being in and out.

After a long time, the 9th-order Heavenly Cliff Land is in a stone room.

“Eder Long, as long as you help me once, when the time comes, 9 Ling Xuan Dan thanks!”

Divine Consciousness sound transmission, Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, communicated with who.

In another stone chamber, Young Master Eclipse is also doing the same thing.

In this part of Tianmuya, although they cannot shoot Chu Yan, they can understand Chu Yan’s behavior.

As long as Chu Yan leaves this place, they can immediately know and kill him.

“Yi!? The spirit tide is about to explode!”

Xiaopeng Wang Yuepeng and Eclipse Young Master, at the same time, sensed that the crystals in the room fluctuated and operated Divine Strength together, and began to prepare.

In their eyes, killing a Chu Yan is no different than killing a ant.

So, for them, the important thing now is breakthrough cultivation base and body repair.

At the same time, in the 7th grade stone chamber, Chu Yan also sensed the change of Amethyst Stones, and suddenly the eyes opened and the pupil of Qilin opened.

Boom … Rumble!

a A loud noise exploded, resounding through the entire altar, like the vast Heaven and Earth, an extremely powerful giant suddenly woke up.

At this moment, in the altar, from the first to the tenth order, all the cultivators in the cultivation place looked up together and looked towards the sky.

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