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There was a touch of shock on all people’s faces.

This spiritual wave Xiaoyuefa, with the powerful power, seems to be above the sky, opening a door, with a God of God, tearing the Heaven and Earth seal, Heaven and Earth re-emphasis.

“Tenth-order cultivator, get shot!”

a A majestic voice resounded through the sky and exploded in everyone’s ears.

The sound fell, everyone could see, the bottom of the huge altar suddenly lit up 20 Profound Light.

Among them, a path of Profound Light is condensed into Gang Yuan’s big hand, and some are directly condensed into the body of god, treasure sword or giant tree and other spirit shadows, which are different and moved towards the sky.

Ka cha !

Each Profound Light pulls a large piece of spiritual breath from the spirit wave, but there are more or less, have nothing common with each other.

A large wave of spirits, after this time, it was 20% less.

“Tier 9 cultivator, please do it!”

The majestic voice sounded again, and the spirit wave also moved down a lot.

In an instant, a path of Profound Light, accompanied by light, this time is more than 50 Profound Light, which is several times more than the top 10 level position.

However, the spiritual rest they grasped is far less than that of the Tier 1 practitioners.

“Tiantian Muya, really Interesting, came up with such a way!”

Chu Yan looked at this scene, couldn’t help with the body blood rolling.

This way, it can really stimulate people’s desire to fight, and it is comparable to the powerhouse of the same level.

Soon, the grabbing of the 9th-level cultivator is over, and the 8th-level is also completed, and it will be the 7th grade’s turn soon.

At this time, only about half of the remaining tidal wave.

“Location seems to be more important!”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupils were running, watching the moment when the majestic voice sounded, a Divine Strength suddenly burst out, and even the stone chamber shuddered.


Chu Yan’s hand seal, fiercely photographed on Amethyst Stones, within the body of Divine Strength, without any reservation, all outbreaks.

a Thick black hand, turned into Gang Yuan giant claw, suddenly appeared.

On the sky in all directions, there are 4 Profound Lights appearing at the same time, in various forms, flashing at the same time.

shua! shua shua shua!

There are 1000 different Profound Light forms, like a group of fierce beasts, moved towards the spirit tide, rushing away as much spirit as possible.

Promoting some Profound Light, extremely overbearing, directly smashing other people’s Profound Light.

There are also some Profound Light, which is unpredictable, the form is constantly changing, and the arrow changes into the net. After the fastest speed, the largest grasping area is released.

There are even some Profound Lights, which are relatively bad luck, and appear in a place with the powerful Profound Light. They do n’t even wait for them to grab, they are directly grabbed by the horizontal knife.

Invisible, this is like a clash, extremely fierce and cruel.


Even Chu Yan, these Profound Light means, also praised.

Of course, he watched it 3 times after all, and somewhat expected to have enough precautions for these methods.

His Gang Yuan claw contains a hint of War God’s prestige, which cannot be shaken by other Profound Light at all.

Under one claw, the claw was full of spiritual rest, and then pulled directly back to his stone chamber.

As soon as the spirit breath returned to the stone chamber, it immediately solidified and became purple crystals. After landing, Spirit Qi was like a tide.

At this time, Chu Yan got about 7% of all 1th grades, a total of 200 30 spirit crystals.

“These crystals, refining them first!”

Chu Yan looked at these spars and took a piece to refining.

A trace of pure spiritual breath, like a stream, flows through the flesh and blood.

Chu Yan only felt that his whole body seemed to be bathed in warm water, which made him feel very refreshing. His whole body Divine Strength fluctuated slightly, constantly churning.

“Sure enough!”

Chu Yan’s face suddenly rejoiced, didn’t expect these spiritual breaths, can have such a good effect with just a trace.

At the moment, without any hesitation, direct these spiritual rests, moved towards the forbidden heart.


The whole taboo heart shuddered suddenly.

a Very clear black hole vortex appears in the position of the taboo heart.

The emergence of this black hole marks the taboo heart, and it is necessary to devour enough Spirit Qi to change the taboo body.

“I don’t know how much this 200 Spirit Crystal can fill up !?”

Chu Yan’s consciousness flickered and began to constantly refining.

Piece by piece of Spirit Crystal keeps disappearing, and within 5 minutes of time, all Spirit Crystals are refining.

However, the black hole in the entire taboo heart has not changed at all, just like the 200 Spirit Crystal just now, just like it was not swallowed.

Of course, Chu Yan has the pupil of Qilin, and runs Divine Strength. After careful observation, you can still see that the black hole of the taboo heart is slightly smaller.

“This … is a bit troublesome!”

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched twice, and didn’t expect the appetite of this forbidden heart to be so great.

There are only ten or two hours in a day, which means that you can only grab a dozen times a day.

Even if he started next time and tried his best, he would grab more than 300 Spirit Crystals at a time.

After half a year, it is not enough to swallow the black hole of this taboo heart.

“This 7th grade stone room is still too bad! If you can reach the 9th grade stone room, it should be much bigger!”

Chu Yan contemplates, and finally understands, why breaking Tianmuya will make such a rank of stone chamber.

But now, he has to go to the 9th-step stone room and needs to complete the task, so it is a waste of time.

“7th grade stone room, if you can grab 2 3000 Spirit Crystals at one time, it should be almost enough!”

Chu Yan calculated.

Once in 2000, after a month, it is estimated to be enough to fill the black hole.

After all, half a year of cultivation can’t be used for taboos, a month’s time is cost-effective.

“Think of a way …”

Chu Yan murmured secretly, Divine Consciousness glanced and fell on the 9-domain star chart.

After all, last time, 1000 machines were fished out of 1000 machines by the lake, and 9 domain star maps surprised him. In this time …

Swept by Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, the 9-domain star map seemed to wake up in an instant, and 10000 stars were constantly flashing.

Soon, under the connection of the soul, the 9-domain star map seems to understood Chu Yan to do something, directly sprinkling a star.


Xinghui flows, along the meridian, directly into Chu Yan’s Qi Sea.

In an instant, all Divine Strength in Chu Yan Qi Sea has quietly changed, which is obviously different from before.

“Haha, many thanks, star chart!”

Chu Yan’s face suddenly showed a surprise, and he thanked.

This feeling is exactly the same as the last time the 1000-machine lakeside. That is to say, the 9-domain star map perceives what Chu Yan wants to do, so he actively helps to shoot.

“Cultivation first, wait for the wave!”

Chu Yan had confidence and expectation in his heart, calmed down and began to concentrate on cultivation.

The 9-field star map, however, has not been extinguished, and has been slowly flashing. It seems to have a special meaning.

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