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Broken Sky Muya, in the 7th grade stone chamber.

“Great, the big black hand just now, the cultivation base is good, grabbed 1% of the spiritual rest, and next time, grab him!”

A man with scaly horns on his forehead groaned with angry look.

He likes to see some powerful cultivators with desperate expressions.

“Among this time 7th grade, there seem to be a lot of powerhouses, but with me in, they are destined to get nothing!”

Another young man with naked upper body, thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of complacency, with the body surging powerful domineering.

As the king of St. God, one of the ten largest disciplines of the strongest Inner Sect, he has proud capital and means.

Throughout the 7th grade, each stone chamber, each with a ghost, was thinking about the plan and means for the next outbreak of the spirit tide.

Time passes slowly …

At the end of the last spiritual tide, some people were happy and others looked sad, but in the end, they all calmed down.

After all, the spirit wave is not only once, as long as it is still in the stone room, every few hours, there will be new opportunities.

Everyone is patiently cultivating the savings, waiting for the next arrival.

Boom … Rumble!

A few hours passed by, and the roar between Heaven and Earth rang again, and a vast spirit wave burst out.

“Tenth-order cultivator, please shoot!”

The majestic voice sounded, like God like, repeated mechanically.

At this time, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly opened, looking towards the sky.

The powerful cultivators of Tier 9, Tier 8, and Tier 1 are constantly striving to compete for the spirit tide in the sky.

Watching these will allow him to accumulate some experience.

“I don’t know, what means will the 9-domain star chart use?”

Chu Yan murmured secretly, while Divine Strength started to work.

“7th grade repairer, please shoot!”

The moment the majestic voice sounded, Chu Yan within the body’s Divine Strength burst out, and at the same time a starlight, along with his Divine Strength, burst out simultaneously.

shua! shua! Shua!

On the 1000th Xuanli, turned into various means, all shot together.

“En !?”

Chu Yan clearly sensed that one of them, Profound Light with a murderous aura, came down to his Gang Yuan hand seal, and there were 7 or 8 tracks, which seemed extremely powerful and wanted to occupy one side.

“This is staring at me !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into flames, and the power of the Five Elements in the whole body burst out together.

“Then play with you for the next game!”

For this kind of provocative provocation, Chu Yan never refused and greeted him directly.

At the next moment, Chu Yan’s face was stagnant. He didn’t expect that the power of his Five Elements hadn’t shown his power. Suddenly, a black earth wall suddenly appeared.

What’s happening here! ?

Could it be that this is the power of Xinghui! ?

“Yi !? Whose profound strength is so weak, is it said that the black paw print just now is not for this kid !?”

“Forget it, no matter, ruin you first, and then say!”

The man with scaly horns, his face full of grief, first stunned, then shot directly, murderous aura tumbling.

The Profound Light he shot, condensed into a yellow sword, with amazing speed, turned into a blazing blade glow, moved towards the black wall and directly cut off.

After being a Tongtian Blade Technique, it can hack three or more times after taking out.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed, but now his Profound Light has been completed, impossible shot again.

After all, this spirit wave broke out, and every powerhouse could only shoot once.

However, the next moment, watching the black wall under the powerful blade glow, did not shake a bit, but instead the blade glow directly broke a path of cracks.

“What !? There is nothing special about this black wall. How can there be such a strong defensive power !?”

Scale angle man, a look of surprise.

But the next breath, what happened, directly shocked him, his face changed color.

I saw that above the black wall, a light of thick soil suddenly burst out, which is the most heavy power of extreme soil among the power of Five Elements.

With the emergence of this extreme earth power, the vast spirit wave dropping from the sky in the distance trembles.

More than 1000 practitioners, using various means, are competing for these spiritual rests, but in the next breath, everyone is watching, a large spiritual rest, with the tremor of the thick soil, all rushed to the black wall.

The spiritual rest of the entire 7th grade stone chamber, which is 90%, falls into the black wall, and is owned by Chu Yan alone.


“How can this be!?”

“Fuck, what happened just now !?”

“Fuck, the breath !? Why haven’t you seen it all at once !?”


Not only scale-horned men, naked youths, more than 1000 cultivators, all of them are stunned, they can’t believe it.

Even the cultivators of other ranks all looked over and had a terrified look.

Most of these people are not the first time to break Tianmuya, but this is definitely the first time they have seen it.

“It’s simply impossible! What the hell happened just now !? How could this happen !?”

The powerhouse under King Saint God and the other 7th grade cultivators all roared with rage.

7th grade cultivators, when competing for the spirit tide, everyone’s cultivation base was all suppressed to the Peak.

Therefore, even if the geius is here, it is impossible to do so.

So, there must have been a problem just now!

Chu Yan didn’t care so much about their thoughts. His eyes all fell on his eyes, above 3000 100 amethysts.

“It is worthy of the 9-domain star map, this shot is out of the ordinary ah, according to this, without a month, the taboo heart is enough!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are full of joy, and he is ready to start refining.

Uh …!

However, at this time, the star map of 9 domains in Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly flickered, condensed into a big hand, and dragged in a pile of amethysts. Pull it back into the 30-domain star chart.

All of this, the speed is extremely fast, Chu Yan even has no time to respond.

“What !? Min … min away !?”

Chu Yan was there for a while, his face stunned. When he reacted, his eyes twitched and his face was depressed.

He now understands why the 9-domain star chart is so cooperative and so talkative.

It turned out that it was waiting for the split!

“Forget it, there are 2000 more!”

Chu Yan shook the head, no longer with 9 domain star chart.

After all, if there is no 9-domain star map, he only needs to grab three-four hundred pieces at a time, which is now several times more.

Soon, Chu Yan began cultivation, and each piece of amethyst was constantly refining.

In the other 7th grade stone chambers, more than half of the 7th grade cultivators are all waiting with their faces depressed.

They believe that this is a problem with the spirit tide. In the next wave, must also retrieved the previous wave of books together.

Anyway, the spirit wave is always impossible, and there are problems twice in a row! ?

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